Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/99

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98 BUTTERWICK — BYRON. BUTTEKWICK. Sec " SHEFFIELD OF BUTTERWICK, co. Lincoln " (SlieffidO), Barony, er. 1B47 ; ex. 1135. BUTTEVANT, BARRY OR BARRYMORE. i.e. " Viscount Barry, Barrymoue or Buttevant " [I.] (Barry), cr. 1461 ? See under " Barry," vol. i, p. 250. BYNG OF SOUTLTWELL. i.e. " Baron Byng of Southwell, co. Bedford " (Bynrj), cr. 1721, with the Viscodntcy of Tobrxsqton, which see. BYRES. See " Lindsay of the Byres" (Lindsay), Barony [S.]. er. about 141"). See " Binnins and Byres" (Hamilton), Barony [S.], cr. 1G13. BYRON OF ROCHDALE. Barony. l. John Byron, s. and h. of Sir John Byron( a ) of I 1643 Newstead Abbey, Notts, Clayton, co. Lane. &c.,K.B., by Ann, da. of Sir Richard Molyneux, Bart., of Seftou, was aged 15 in 16M ; was M.P. for Nottingham, 1623-25 ; me. his Father 2S Sep. 1625 ; was K 1* at the coronation of Charles I, Feb. 1625/6 ; M.P. for Notts, 1627 ; High Sheriff of Notts, 1684 ; Gent, of the Bedchamber; Lieut, of the Tower of London, Dee. 1641, which appoint- ment giving offence to the Pari, party he surrendered it in Feb. 1611/2. He was of the greatest service to the Royal cause during the rebellion, commanding the reserve at the battle of Edgehill, &c. On 1 Nov. 1612 was made D.C.L. of Oxford, and on 24 Oct. 1613, was er. BARON BYRON OF ROCHDALE, co. Lancaster, with rem., failing heirs male of his body, to Sir Richard Byron, William Byron, Thomas Byron,^) Robert Byron, Gilbert Byron, and Philip Byron, his six surv. brothers, in like manner, ali of whom had distinguished themselves as Loyalists.^) Field Marshal Gen. of the King's forces in the counties of Worcester, Salop, Chester, and North Wales. Gov. of Chester, where he endured a long siege till Feb. 1645/6. He surrendered Carnarvon Castle on honourable terms in June 1616. Was Governor to James, Duke of York, 1646-52. He m. firstly Dame Cecilia Bindlosse, widow, da. of Thomas (West), Lord Delawarr, by Cicely, da. of Sir Thomas Shirley, of Wiston, Sussex. She (/. Feb. 1638. Hew. secondly in 1644, Eleanor, widow of Peter Warburton, of Alley, co. Chester, da. of Robert (Needham), VISCOUNT Kiuiorey [L] by his 2d wife Eleanor, da. of Thomas Dutton. He d. s.p. Aug. 1652 in Paris. His widow, who was aged 11 in 1638 (the date of her first marriage), (/. at Chester 26 Jany. 1663, and was bur. at Trinity Church there.( d ) This Sir John was s. of another Sir John, and grandson of John Byron of Newstead, Notts, one of the children, born before marriage, of Sir John Byron, of Clayton, co. Lancaster. ( b ) Sir Thomas Byron, severely wounded at the battle of Hopton Heath, was bur. 9 Feb. 1643/4 at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. His issue, as also that of all his brothers (excepting Richard) expired in the first generation. (°) " Being seven brothers [they] faithfully served King Charles the First in the Civil War." See M.l. to the second Lord in 1679. ( d ) She, according to Pepys (Diary 26 April 1676), was " the King's 17th mistress abroad."