Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 4.djvu/3

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G. GAGE OF CASTLE ISLAND, 01 CASTLEBAK, OF FIRLE, AND OF HIGH MEADOW. Viscountcy 1. Thomas Gage, of High Meadow, co. Gloucester, and " Esquire," s. and h. of Joseph G.,( a ) of Sherborne Castle, co. Barony [I.] Oxford, by Elizabeth, da. and eventually h. of Sir George Pen- T 17^0 RUDDock, of Hale, Hants, was M.P. for Minehead, 1717; tor Tewkesbury, 1721-54 ;(>>) and was cr. 14 Sep. 1720, BARON GAGE OF CASTLEBAK, co. Mayo and VISCOUNT GAGE OF CASTLE ISLAND, co. Kerry [I.], " with the creation fee of 20 marks." Verderer of the forest of Dean ; Steward of the Household to the Prince of Wales, 1747 ; F.R.S. (1731), &c. By the death of his' cousin, Sir William Gage, 7th Bart., 23 April 174 i, he sue', to the family I'aronetcy (cr. 26 March 1C22), and to the estate of Firle, Sussex. He m. firstly a! t 1717. Benedicta Maria Theresa, only da. ami li. ■.( Benedict Hall, of High Meadow afsd. She d. at Bristol, 25 July 1749, and was bur. the 30th, at Newland, co Gloucester. He m. secondly, 2G Dec. 1750, Jane, widow of Henry Jermyn BONDi of Bury St. Edmunds, da. of (— ), Godfrey. Hetf. at Firle, afsd., 21 Dec. 1704, and was bur. there. His widow d. 8 Oct. 1757. Will pr. 1787. II. 1754. 2. and 1. William Hall (Gage), Viscount Gage ti , rp1 ok Castle Island, &c. [I.], s. and h., by first wife, b. 1 Jan. 1718, .Barony Equm . y to t , le j. r i„ ce „ f Wales, 1742 ; M.P. for Sleaford, 1744-80 ; I. 1 780, s< lc - t° the Peerage [I.], 21 Dec. 1754 ; Paymaster of the Pensions, t 0 1766 ; F.R.S., &e. He was made a Peer of Great Britain, 17 Oct. j "91 1780, being cr. BARON GAGE OF FIRLE, co. Sussex. Having no issue to succeed him in that dignity, he was subsequently, Barony [G.B.] 1 Nov. 1790, cr. BARON GAGE OF HIGH MEADOW, co. T , Gloucester, with a spce. rem., failing the heirs male of his body, to 1. l/»U. ],j s n) .pli ew and heir presumptive, Henry Gage. He m. 3 Feb. 1757, at Erith, co. Kent, Elizabeth, sister of Sampson, Baron Eardley of Spalding, yst. da. of Sampson Gideon, of Stepney, Midx., by Jane, da. of Charles Ermell. She rf. 1 July 1783, aged 41, and was bur. the 18, at Firle. Will pr. 1783. He d. s.p., 11 Oct. 1791, aged 72, and was bur. 18, at Firle, when the Barony of Gage of Firle [1780], became extinct. Will pr. Dec. 1791. Viscountcy, &c. [I.] ") 3 and 2 Henry (Gage), Viscount jjj Gage of Castlk Island, &c. [I.], also (under the 1 ,,-q, tpec. rem. in the creation of that dignity) Baron Barony [G.B.] 1 l'"L Gage of High Meadow, nephew and h., being s. and h. of Gen. the Hon. Thomas Gage, sometime Commander in Chief in North America, by Margaret, da. of Peter Kbmble, President of the Council of New Jersey, which Thomas was next br. to the last Viscount and d. 2 April 1787. He was b. at Montreal, in Canada, 4 March 1761, and served in the army, being Capt, 26lh Foot, Major 93d Foot, and finally Major-General. He sue. to the peerage, 14 Oct. 1791. Hem., 12 Jan. 17S9, B. J ( a ) This Joseph, waa 4th 8. of Sir Thomas Gage, 2d Bart, of Firle, co. Sussex, by Mary, 1st da. and coheir of John Chamberlain, of Sherborne Castle afsd., which estate he inherited but sold in 1716 to the Earl of Macclesfield. ( b ) He received the thanks of the House of Commons, 31 March 1732, for hia expose 5 of the fraudulent sale of the Derweutwater estate. B