Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/104

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102 LINDSAY [Earldom [S.] VII. Barony [S.] XYT.] [1808.] 7 and 16. David Lindsay, tie jt/re(*) Eakl ok Lindsay, &c. [SJ, cousin unci h. male, being only s. and h. of John Lindsay (living 1760 and saidf') to have been "a eounnun soldier" ), 3d s. of John Lind- say, of Kirkforthar, who was s. an<l h. of David L. (m. 1669), s. and h. of David L. (in. 1631), s. and h. of David L. (in. 1609 hut d. v.p.), s- and h. ap. of Patrick L. (in. 1584), s. and h. of John L., s. and h. of David L. (rf. 1582 at a great age) all of Kirkforthar afsd., the said David being yr. br. of John, 5th Loud Lindsay OK the Byres [S.], great grandfather of John, er. in 1(333 Eahl ok Linesay [S.] He, who was a Sergeant in the army, was 23 Aug. 1S08, served heir male( b ) of the family of Lindsay of Kirkforther, but d. s p. and was bur. 5 May 1S09, in the Canongate churchyard at Edinburgh. [Earldom [S.] YII1. Barony [S.] XVII.] [1809.] S and 17. Sib PATRICK Lindsay, K.C.B., &c, dejurc(*) Eahl ok Lindsay, Sc. [8.J cousin and h. male, being only s. and h. of John Lindsay, Lieut. Col. 33d Eoot, by -Margaret Maria, 2d da. of Charles Halket Chaioie, of Hallhill and Dunbarnie, which John 1 7 7(3) was yr. br. of Patrick Lindsay, of Eaglescairuie, in East Lothian (who d. s.p.m 18 Oct.. 1S01, in his S3d year), both being sons of Patrick L., sometime Jf.P. and Provost of Edinburgh ((/. 1753), who was only surv. s. of the Rev. Patrick L., Hector of the Grammar School at St. Andrews, who was s. of Patrick L., of that city (living 1646), who was s. of James L., yr. br. of David, and 2d s. of Patrick Lindsay, of Kirkforthar abovenamed, which Patrick was s. and h. of John L., s. and b, of David L. (</. 1592 at a great age) the yr. br. of John, 5th Loud Lindsay ok THE LYHKS [S.], as afore- stated. He was b. 24 Feb. 1773, aud served' in the army no less than 41 years; distinguished himself at the reduction of Coorg in India, becoming finally, 10 Jan. 1837, Major-Geueral. K.C.H., 1831; K.C.B., 19 July 1838. He d. s.p. 14 July 9, and was bur. at Inveresk. Will dat. 28 March 1837, pr. April 1839. [Earldom [S.J IX. Barony [S.] XVIII.] 9 and IS. Sir IIenky Bkthune, Bart., de jurc{*) Eahl ok Lindsay, &c. [S.], cousin aud h. male, r 1 830 I ,Je ' n S s - and h. of Martin Eccles Lindsay Bethunk, ' "J Major in the army, by Margaret Augusta, da, of ( — ) Tovf.y, Gen. in the army, which Martin (who d. v.p. 1813) w.ib s. and h. ap. of Henry Bktiilne, formerly Lindsay, of Kilconqnhar, co. Fife (who d. 1819, aged 83, having assumed the name of Bcthunc on inheriting the estate of Kilconquliar under an entail of his maternal uncle, David Bethuue), the said Henry being s. of George Lindsay, of Worinistoun, co. Fife (by Margaret Betiidne, his wife), which George (who d. 1764) was s. and h. of John Lindsay (d. 1715) who was s. and h. of Patrick Lindsay (a prisoner, cx parte Regit, at the battle of Worcester 1651), s. and h. of John Lindsay (living 1647), s. and h. of Patrick Lindsay, all being of Wormistoun afsd., which Patrick (who d. about 1625 at a great age) was s. and h. of John L., of Cupar, co. Fife, who was 2d s. of William Lindsay, of Piotstouu (living 1539), who was 2d s. of Patrick, 4th Loud Lindsay ok the Byuks [S.] He was b. 12 April 1787 ; entered the service of the East India Company ; was sent from Madras to Persia (when a Major) to assist the Crown Prince (Abbas Mirza) in organizing his artillery and was subsequently accredited as Agent to the Court of Persia, where he was greatly distinguished. He was cr. a Baronet (as "of Kilconquhar, co. Fife " ), 7 March 1836. He m~, 9 July 1822, at St. James' Westm., Coutts, da. of Johu Trotter, of Dyiham Park, Herts (br. of Sir Coutts Trotter, 1st Bart.), by Felieite, da. of Samuel (") According to the decision of the House of Lords, in consequence whereof the Earldom of Lindsay, Sc., was, 5 April 1878, confirmed to Sir Johu Trotter Bethuue. ( ll ) "Hiddell," p. 618, note 2, where his death from brain fever in 1809 and other curious particulars about him are related ; it being added that " what is singular, John Lindsay, the soldier, his father, was actually younger brother of Capt. George Lindsay, of Kirkforther (sou of John Lindsay, of Kirkforther), and in 1760 had been served tutor of law to his daughters. So ended the line of Kirkforther."