Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/105

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LINDSAY — LINDSEY. 103 SwiKIOK, Capt. R.N. Vied. 19 Feb. 1351, in his 6-Jth year, at Teheran in Persia, and was bur. iu the churchyard of the Armenians there. Admon. Aug. 1851. His widow (who was a minor iu 1S22) d. 31 Dec. IS77, at 13 Prince's Gardens, Kensington. Earldom [S.] 16 ami 10. Sin John Trotter Betiiune,

I [18ol, Hart., s. and h., who on his father's death, 19 Feb. 

I and] 1851| sue. (" the Baronetcy, becoming also dc ?ui-c(") .Barony [S ] 1S7S Baklqf Lindsay, tio, [$.] He became subsequently, vr „ ' by the decision in his favour of the House of Lords, J 5 April 1878, dc facta, Earl or Lindsay [1633], Viscount Gahnock [1703], Lord Lindsay or the Byrkb [1445J, Lonn r.utuROATn [1633], and Lord Kiluirny and Dru.mry [1703], in the peerage of Scotland. He was b. 3 Jan. 1S27, at Kilconquliar ; sometime Lieut. 91st Highlanders; Hep. Peeii [S.] since 10 June 1SS5. He jr., 18 July 1858, Jeanne Euduxio .Marie, da. of Jacques Victor Dcval, of Bordeaux, in France. Family Estates. — These, in 18S3, consisted of 2,205 acres in Fifeshire, worth £5,518 a year. Principal Residence. Kilcomjuhar House, co. Fife. LINDSAY AND BALNKIL, i.e., Lindsay and BALNKIL," Barony the Earldom of Balcarres [S.], which see. er. IG51 with LINDSAY OF BALCARRES. i.e., " Lindsay of Balcarres," Barony [S.] (Lindsay), a: 1033 ; see under " Balcarres." LINDSEY. Earldom. J. Robert (IJertie), Lonn WiLtODSttBY op Eresisy, s, I 1 C26 ""^ Feregrine, Lord Willoioiiisy OF Erfsry, by Mary, aunt of the w/iofc blood of Henry, IStb Earl OF Oxford (who d. s.p. in May 1625 leaving as his coheirs three sisters of the half blood), only da. (If John (de Verk), Kith Earl of Oxford, was b. 17 Dee. 1582 ;( b ) ed. at Cambridge j accompanied (his godfather), RoViert, Earl of Essex, in the expedition to Cadiz iu 1596, serving also in Denmark aud Norway as well as in the United Provinces where in 1624 he was Col. of an English Regiment of Foot. K.B., 5 Jan. 1604/5. Having, in 1625, on the death of his cousin, Henry, Earl of Oxford, abovenamed, laid claim to that Earldom and to the other dignities vested in his maternal ancestors, he obtained judgment in his favour so far as concerned their hereditary office of Great Chamber- /ain.C) and took his seat, 13 April 1627, above all other Barons in virtue of being possessed of that dignity. On 22 Nov. 1626, he was cr. EAUL OF LINDSEY, co. Lincoln, it being recited in the patent that the office of Great Chamberlain was in the earliest times enjoyed by none under the dignity of an Karl ; Lord Lieut, of Lincoln- shire, 1629 ; elected K G., 18 April, and inst. 5 Oct. 1630 ; Lord High Constable for two special occasions, 1631 and 1631, Admiral {Custos Maris) and Capt Gen. at Sea, 1635 ; Governor of Berwick, 1639 ; a Commissioner of Regency, Aug. to Nov. 1641 ; Col. of (a) See p. 102, note " a." ( b ) Born in 1572, according to Lloyd's " Memoirs," but the inscription on his monument gives his death as "Anno a'tatis 60, Christi 1612," aud his father, who was born at Wescl in Oct. 1555, was probably unmarried as late as 1574. See Lady Georgiaua Bertie's " Five generations of a loyal lunisc." (°) See vol. i, p. 207, note " d," sub " Avelaud," for an account of the office of Groat Chamberlain.