Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/258

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MARLBOROUGH. IIT. 1733. Charles (Spenckk), Dukk op MarlborouohQ 702], Mahqfess of Blandfohd [17021 Eabl of SuxdbblaHD [1043], Eahi. of MARLBORornn [16891. Baron SPKKCEB of Wormi.eichton [l(i03], ami Bahon ChubchiLI oF Sandhidob fl685]. nephew of the tttojurc Duchess, being 3d but 1st surv. s. and h. of Charles (Spbnckb), 3d K.uu. of Si'.t>j;iii.ani>, Ac, by his second wife. Anne, (d. ]"> April 1710i, 2d da. ami coheir of John (CHUBCBIIX), 1st Dfke of Marlbobooob Etboveanmed. He was J. 22 Nov. 1700. and sue bis eider hr., 27 Sep. 1720, as 6th Earl of Sunderland and 7th Baron Spencer of Wormltigkton and sue. his maternal aunt, Henrietta, suo jure Duchess of Marlborough ahovenamed, 24 Oct. 1733, as Duke of MarViarnutjh. Ac. He distinguished himself. 10 June 1743 (as Brig- Gen.) at the battle of Dettingcn : was Com. in Chief in the Expedition, May to June 1 T.t.S. against -St. Malo, as also of the forces in Germany in July 1758, being at that date full General in the array ; was Col. of the 38th Foot, 173s"; of the 1st Dragoons 1739: of the 2d troop of Horse Guards, 1710, and of the Coldstream Foot Guards. 1742 : was a Lord of the Bedchamber, 173S; Lord Lieut, of Oxoh and Bucks, 1788 ; K.G.. 20 March 1710/1, being inst.. 21 April 1741 ; V U.S.. 1741 ; cr. D.CL. of Oxford, 4 June 1740 ; P.O., 1710 ; Lord Steward of the Household, 1 749-55 : one of the Lords Justness (Regents] of the Realm, 17">0, 1752, and 1 7 Pbivt Sk.m.. Jan. to Deo. 17"e5 ; Master Gen. of the Ordnance, 1755-58. He in , 28 May 1732, at East Barnct. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Thomas iTHKVnn), 2d Baron Trkviir of BromhaM, by Klizaheth, da. of Timothy BCHR8I.L, of Oueklicld, Sussex. He d. of a fever, 20 (let. 1768, in his 52d vear, at Mltnster in Westphalia, and was bur. in the chapel at Blenheim. Will pr" 17oS. His widow ( /. 7 Oct. 1761. Will pr. 1761. IT. 1758. -'/■ Gsobob (Spencer), Puke ; .of Maryborough, &a, s. and h., b. 20 Jan. 1738/9, ttyM Maiiotf-ss of Bi.anpfokd, till 17'iS, was in the Coldstream Guards. 1785, and Capt. 20th Foot, 1756 i *<«•- to thlfteeagt, 20 Oct. 17"iS ; Banger of Wichwiod forest. 1758 : Lord Lieut, of Oxon, 1760 ; Bearer' of the Sceptre with the Cross at the Coronation. 22 Sep. 1761 ; Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 1702-03; Privy Seat, 1763-65; D.C.I f Oxford, 0 July 1703; K.G., 12 Dec. 1768. being inst., 2;. July 1771 ; F.K.S., 17Sti. He w. 23 Aug. 1702, in Bedford House, St. Geo., Bloomslmry, Caroline, da. of John (KrssKI.I, 1 , 4th DfKE of Bedford, by his second wife, Gertrude, da. of John (LevesoN-Gowf.h), 1st Kaiii. GOWBB. She was b. Jan. 1742 3, was one of the 10 train bearers of Queen Charlotte, at her marriage !S Sep. 1701), and d. 20 Nov. 1811, at Blenheim, aged 08. He d. there 20 Jan. 1817, aged 78. Will pr. June 1817. V. t$17. •'. George (Spencer, a/te»«««/« Spent'sr-Churchim,), DruF OF MaBLBORocgh, fce., s. and h.,(») 4. 0 March and bap. 3 April 1700. at St. Martin in the fields : sti/led M.MKjFKSs of Bi.andford.(*') till 1817 ; cd. at Eton and at Ch. Ch.. Oxford ; M.A.. 0 Dec. 1786. anil D.C.L., 20 June 1702. M.l for Oxon, 1700-00 ; forTregony, 1802-04 ; a Lord of the Treasury, 1804-00, and was sum. to Pari, v. p., 12 March 1800. in his father's Barony, AS BanoN Sifnckh OF WoBMLKlOHTON [1O03.] He IVC. to the Dukedom, 29 Jan. 1S17. and by Royal lift, 26 May following, took the name of CliurcMI, after that of Spencer. F.S.A., Ac. He m. 1". Sep. 1701, at St. James', Westtn., Susan, 2d da. of John (Stewart), 7th Eahi. of Galloway [8.1, by Anne, da. of Sir James Damiwood, Bart. He d. at Blenheim, 6 March 1840, the day before his 71th birthday.( c ) Will pr. Jan. 1841. His widow, who was b. 10 April 1707, d. 2 April 1841, in her 74th year in Park lane, Midx. Her will pr. May 1841. (a) His yst. br., Lord Francis-Almeric Spencer, was cr, in 1 8 1 :"> Baron Churchill of Wychwood. ( b ) Trial for adultery, 1801, Marquess of Blandford with Lady Sturt. ( c ) His gardens and library at White Knights, near Heading, occasioned him great expence. For the latter he bought in 1S12 a "Boccaccio," dated 1471, for £2,260, Ac. Most of his collections were dispersed in his lifetime and during his latter years " he lived in utter retirement at one comer of his magnificent palace, a melancholy instance of the results of extravagance." [Ann. Raj., 18-10-]