Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/259

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MARLBOROUGH. 257 VI. 1840. 6. George (Spencer-Churchill), Duke of Marl- borouoh, &c, b. and h., i. 27 Dec. 179:3, at Bill hill, in Sonning Berks ; usually known as Earl of Sunderland till 1817 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford; styled Marquess ok Blandford, 1817-40; was M.P. for Chippenham, 1818-20 ; for Woodstock, 1826-81, 1882-85, and 18:38-40 : tue. to the peerage, 5 March 1840; D.C.L., of Oxford, 15 June 1841 ; Lord. Lieut, of Oxou, 1842-57; Lieut. Col. Comm., Oxon Yeomanry Cavalry, 1845. He in. firstly, 11 Jan. 1819, his cousin, .lane, 1st da. of his maternal uncle, George (Stewart), Sth Earl of Gallowav [S.], by Jane, da. of Henry (Paget), 1st Earl of Uxbridok. She, who was 4. 29 March 1798, </. 12 Oct. 1844, at Blenheim. He m, secondly, 10 June 1846, at the chapel of Lambeth palace, Charlotte Augusta, da. of Henry Jeft'ery (Flower), 4th Viscount Ashhrook [I.], by his second wife, Emily Theopbila, da of Sir Thomas Theophilus Metcalfe, Itt Bart. She, who was 4. 25 Nov. 1818, tl. 20 April 1850, at Mivart's hotel, St. Geo. Han. sq., and was bur. in Blenheim chapel. M.I. at Varntou, Oxou. Admnu. Dec. 1S50. He M. thirdly, 18 Oct 1851, at Blenheim palace, his cousin- Jane Frances Clinton, da. of the Hon. Edward liiehard Stewart (yr. br. of George, 8th Earl of Galloway [S.] abovenamed), by Katheriue, da. of Francis Wemyss, ChaRTBRIS, stilled Lord Echo. He d. 1 July 1857, at Blenheim, aged 63. Will pr. Sep. 1S57, under £200,000. His widow, who was b. 27 May 181", living 1S93. ( a ) VII. 1 S57. 7. John Winston - (Spencer-Churchill), Duke of Marlkoroumh, &c, s. and h. by first wife ; b. 2 June 1822, at Gar- boldshain Hall, Norfolk: usually known as Earl of Sunderland till 1840 ; ed. at Eton and at Oriel Coll., Oxford ; styled Marquess of Blandford, 1840-57 ; M.P. for Woodstock, 1810-45 and IS 17-57 :( b ) D.C.L. of Oxford, 7 June 1853; sue. to the peeragt, 1 July 1857; Lord Lieut, of Oxon, 1857-83 ; P.C., 1866: Lord Steward of the Household, 1800-67 ; Lord President of the Council, 1SG7-6S : K.G., 23 May 1868; Viceroy of Ireland (as Lord Lieut), 1876-S0.( C ) He m., 12 July 1843, Frances Anne Emily, da. of Charles William (Vane-Stewart), 3d Marquess of Londonderry [[.], by his second wife, Frances Anne Emily, da. ami h. of Sir Harry Vane-Tempest, Bart. He </. 5 July 18S3, aged 02, at 29 Berkeley square, and was bur. in the chapel at Bleuheim.(<>) Will pr. 15 Sep. 1883, above £146,000. His widow, who was b. 15 April 1822, living 1S93.( !1 ) VI II. 1S83. S. George Charles (Spencer-Churchill), Duke of Marlborough, &c, s. and h., b. 15 May 1S44, in Wilmington crescent; usually known as Earl of Sunderland till 1857 ; stifled Marquess of Blandford, 1857-S3 ; ed. at Eton ; an olhcer in the Horse Guards, 1863-69 ; sue. to the peerage. 5 July 1S83. He »i„ 8 Nov. 1869, at Westm. Abbey, Albertha Frances Anne, lith da. of James (Hamilton), 1st Duke of Abercohn [I.], by Louisa Jane, da. of John ( Russell), 0th Duke of Bedford She, who was b. 29 July 1847, was divorced( c ) (on her own petition) in 188:3 by decree "nisi," 10 Feb., which was made She is one of th ree Dowager Duchesses living in 1S96 oesides the mother (who does not so style herself) of the present (1893) Duke. See p. 258, note " a." Similarly from Oct. 1880 to Oct. 1891 there were three Dowager Marchionesses of Ailesbury living, besides the mother of the [then] Marquess, whose father had died when a Commoner. (••) He was the author of " the Blandford Act, 1856, to enable the division of extensive parishes. ( c ) " His administration of Ireland was popular, and he endeavoured to benefit the trade of the country." His wife instituted a famine relief fund by which she collected £112,484 which was spent in seed-potatoes, food, and clothing." [Mat. Biogr., under " Churchill."] (i) He began a series of sales of the family collections which was carried on by his successor. In 1875 " the Marlborough Gems" were sold (in one lot at Christie's) for £10,000; in 1SS2-S3 "the Sunderland Library" realised nearly £60,000 ; in 1883 " the Blenheim enamels " fetched above £73,000 ; while in 18S4-S5 eleven pictures were sold of which nine went abroad, but two (Raphael's " Madonna elcgli Ansidei " for £70,000! ! and Vandyke's " Equestrian portrait o} Charles 1." for £17,500) were purchased for the nation, (o) Her husband's crim. con, with the Countess of Aylesford was proved.