Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/28

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2(3 LATIMER. IV. 1543, 4 Jo,IN ' (Nevill.), Lord Latimer, only s. and U. hy to second wife : was sum. to Pari, as n Baron by writs directed 1577. "Jokanni iVevill dc Latimer, Chiraler," from 14 Jirae (1543), 35 Hen. VIII., to 6 Jan, (15?n 1 23 Eliz.( ! >) He, in 1550. sold the manor and hundred of Corby,( b ) co. Northampton. He »«. Lucy, 2d da. of Henry (Somerset), 2d Earl of Worcester, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Anthony Browne He d. s.p.m. 22 April 1577, when the Barony of Latimer (or. ill 1 432) /dl into aUi/anrc between his four daughters and Coheirs. ( c ) He was hnr. at Well aftd. Monument there.() Inq. post mortem 19 Kliz. Admon. 1 May 1577. His widow d. 23 April 1681/2, and was bur. at Hackney, co. Midx. Monument there. Her will or. l. r >S3. The title (tlio' one in fee) was [erroneottslyj assumed by the beir male for some 70 years as under. V. 1577, S. Richard Nevill, of Penwyii, ami Wykc Siipie, co. Worcester, cousin ami heir male (but not heir gentnd), being only g. and h. of William N., of Penwyn afsd., by Elizabeth, da. of Sir (liles Greville, which William was jr. br. t7f John, the 3d Lord, He [wrongfully] assumed^) the title of Loud Latimer on the death of his cousin abovenained in 1577. lie m. Barbara, da. of (— ) Arden. of Park Hall, co. Warwick. He d. 1590. Admon. 17 Sep. 1590, to his son. " Edmund AYritf, Lord Latimer." VI. 1500, 6. Edmlxd Xevill, only S. and h.. Who assumed to the title of Lord Latimer on his father's death, b. before 1555; lGJ^Ot an officer in the Spanish army before 1577 ; a prisoner in the tower of London for i 1 years. By the death, In Xov. lliOl, of his cousin, Charles (Xevill), (ith Earl of Westmorland (attainted 1571) he would have been entitled (had it not been forfeited) to that title but was never able to obtain the repeal of its attainder. He m. firstly Jane JIaRTIQMS, Da.MK DE Columbk, of Hainault. He m. secondly, before 1580, Jane, da. of Richard Smvtiie. He was living 163S but d. s.p.iu.s.( r ) at Brussels about 1640 anil was Inn: at East Ham, Essex. (t) Adinon. 13 July 164(5. His widow is said to have d. in 1617. (") This appears to have been three years or so after his death. f b ) This had been the inheritance of the family (thro' descent from Brnybrooke, Ledet, and Latimer), since the time of King John. ( c ) These were (1) Katharine, aged 31, in 1577, who inherited Burton Latimer, co. Northampton, &c. She, by her first husband Henry (Percy), 8th Earl of Northum- berland, was represented till 1865 by the Earls and Dukes of that name (whom see) who were thence [tho' erroneously being only coheirs and not tolt heirs] often held to be Loitns Latimer, (2) Dorothy, aged 29, who inherited Snape Castle, co. York, also Church Brampton, co. Northampton, &e. She m. Thomas ;Cecil), 1st Earl of Exeter> and was represented by her s. and h., William, the 2d Earl, ou whose death s.p in. in 1040 such representation (tho' not the estates) devolved on his daughters and coheirs, (3) Lucy, who was first wife of Sir William Coruwallis, of Bronie, co. Suffolk (ancestor by second wife of the Earls Cornwallis) and who d. 1577 the same year as her father, leaving four daughters among whose issue is her representation, (4) Elizabeth who inherited Danby, co. York, also Stowe and Kislingbury, co. Northampton, &c. She by her first husband, Sir John Danvcrs, had three sous and seven daughters of whom Sir Charles Danvers, the eldest, d. s.p. in 1601 ; Henry Danvers, the second, was cr. iu 1603 Baron Danvers of Dantaey, and in 1626 Earl of Danby, but d. unm. 1614, while Sir John Danvers, the third son (one of the Regicides) d. 1655, leaving two daughters and coheirs, both of whom left issue, among which the representation of this coheir is to be found. See pedigree in Baker's " Northamptonshire," vol. ii, p. 444, and Banks' " Jiar. Any. Cone," vol. i, p. 278. ( d ) This is engraved in Drummond's " Noble British Kamilies." The inscription commences " Here lyeth buried Sir John Neveil, Knight, taste Lord Latlimor," &c. (°) So also his cousin, Sir Edward Nevill, claimed the Barony of Abergavenny in 1598, not only as being seized of that castle, but as being heir male of the last Lord, and consequently " the more eligible person." ( r ) He appears to have had two sons each named Ralph and five daughters of whom Dame Dorothy Hill alias Nevill" [who had m. Arthur Hill] consented, 13 July 1646, to the admon. of her father being granted to Thomas Ferrour, his kinsman. (s) There was issue male existing long after the 17th century from the 1st Lord