Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/29

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LATIMER— LA 0 DERDALK. 27 LATIMER OF DANBY. i.e., " Latjmkr of Danbv, co. York," Viscotititcy {Osborne), cr. 1G73. See " Leeds " Dukedom, cr. 1094. LAUDERDALEf) and LAUDERDALE OF THIRLESTANE. Viscountcy [$.] J. .lolls (Maixland), Loud Maitland of Thirle- I 10 1 G stank, co. Berwick [S.j, nuly a. and h. of John, 1st LottD Maitlanu ok ThiulksTank [S.] (so re. IS May 1500), by Jean, only Earldom [S.] da. and h. of .lames (FLEMING), 4th LORD Fleming [S.] ; sue. to T .... the peerttgt [S.] on tlic death of his father, 3 Hot. 1585, and was »«**■ c'r., - April 1616, VISCOUNT OF LAUDF.RDALK,') [S.] With rein, to his heirs male and successors in the Lordship of Thirle- stane ; was a Lord of Session [S.], 1U18 to 1626, and an extraordinary Lord thereof, 1020 to 1628. He was cr., 14 March 1024, KARL OF LAUDERDALE/- 1 ) VISCOUNT MAITLAND, LORD THIRLKSTAXK AND BOLTOUX [S.], with rem. to heirs male hearing name and arms of Maitland. He was President of the Pari, [S.] 1044 to his death. He m. before IS June 1010. Isabel, da. of Alexander (Setoni. 1st E 4 hl (if DfNKEHMi.iNK [8L1 by his first wife, Lilias. da. of Patrick (DruMMOKD), 3d Loud Diu-mmond [S.] She (by whom he had 15 children of which but three sons and one da. survived him) was 1 A up. 1594, and d. 2 Nov. 11)38, in her 45th year, being bur. at Haddington. He d. IS Jan. 1645, and was bur. at Haddington afsd. II. 1G4"). 3 and 1. Joiin (Maitland). Earl of Lauderdale, y, i , rg , ftc. [S.1, 1st kui v. s. and h.. h. 24 May 1616. at Leithington, and ° 11 (probably 1 stt/lcd Viscount Maitlanm from 1624 to 1045 ; joined l t I GT — , t Me Covenanters and was in 1043 a Commissioner from the t 0 Church [S.] to the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, and in IGS2 J&ii (mill again in 1047) from the estates [§).] to the King, lie sue. to the paraye [S.]. 18 Jan. 1045; joined Charles II. in Holland and accompanied him in 1050 to Scotland : was taken prisoner at the battle of Worcester ill 1051 and detained nine years in the Tower of London, being excepted out of Cromwell's "act of Grace" in 1054. After the Restoration, however, he became Gent, of the Bedchamber, 1000 ; Sec. of State [S.], 1001-82; High Commissioner to the Pari. [S.], 1600-74, as also to the Convention [S.], 1078 ; President of the Council [S.], 1072-81, &c, holding in fact the whole power and patronage in Scotland for IS years, 1062 — 1080; Gov. of Edinburgh Castle, &c. He was, in 1670, one of live Ministers for Foreign Affairs who formed the unpopular " Cabak { h ) Having no mule issue he obtained, after resignation, a new- giant, 10 Sep. 1067, of his dignities in favour (after his death) of his only da., ilary,( c ) with, however, a power of redemption which he subsequently in 1075 exercised, leaving thereby the limitation to heirs male, as originally granted, unaltered. He was cr., 1 May 1072, DUKE OF LAUDKUDALE and MARQUESS OF MARCH( d ) Latimer of this creation. That from Thomas Xevill, of Pigotts Ardlcy, co. Essex (who d. 1550 and who was next yr. br. to William X. aboveuniueil and to John, the 3d Lord Latimer), ancestor of the Xevills, of Halstead, in that county, is said to have existed for eight generations in Drunmiond's " .VuMe Britith Families." (") Lauderdale is a district of Berwickshire. (•>) See account thereof in vol. i, p. 131, note " b," sub "Arlington." ( r ) " For several years subsequently she continued the, fin r and heir apparent to the honours," and it seems to have been owing to her stepmother, the Duchess of Lauderdale, that the Duke ousted her therefrom. See " lliddell," pp. 215--21G. She was the only child of the Duke (by his 1st wife), and m. John Hay, sti/lnl Lord Hay, of Yester, who sue. in 1097 as 2d Marquess of Tweeddale [S.] ( d ) This title was chosen to mark his descent from the Earls of March or Dunbar [a.], thro' Elizabeth, sister of Earl George (by whom that Earldom was forfeited in 1435) and da. of Earl Patrick. This lady hi. his lineal ancestor, John Maitland, of Thirlestane, who d. about 1395. See a note as to the title of March, under " Lennox," Dukedom [S.j, the 3d Duke of Leuuox [S.] having, in 1019, beeu cr. Earl of March [E.]