Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/280

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278 MAYNARD — MAYO. II. 1775. 8. Charles (Mavnaud), Viscount Maynaud of Easton LuDok, &c, third cousin-; inherited the peerage according to the spec tern, in tho creation thereof [1776], being s. and h. of Sir William Maynahi>, 4th Hart., of Walthamstow, Essex (<m whom the peerage was entailed}, by Charlotte, da. of Sir Cecil Bisshoit, f.tli Bart., which William (who d. 1772, aged al), was only ft and h. of Sir Henry Maynard, oil Bart., (who sue. to that dignity on the death of his br. in 1715, and d. 1738), who was 4th and yst. s. of Sir William Maynard, of Walthamstow, 1st Bart. su er. 16S1/2), who was s. of Charles Maynard [d. 1665, aged 66), yr. br. of William, 1st Baron .Maynard. lie was i» Aug. 1761* at Walton in Ashdon, co. Essex ; ed. at Eton and at Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1772; tut. his father as fith Baronet, lt> Jan. 1772, and sue. to the peerage, as afsd., 30 June 1875. lie III. 12 June or July 1776, Anne 1'aiisons alius HORTOSjCJ Spinster. She is said( L ) to have </. about 1S0S. He d. s.p. at Kaston Lodge, 10 March 1824, in his 73d year.tM Will pr. 1824. III. 1824, -J. Henry (Maynabd), Viscount Maynahd ok Kaston to Lodce, and Bahon MaYKahD ok Mien Kaston alias Kaston ad lbG5. Montkm [1766], also a Baronet [1681]. nephew and h., being only s. and h. of the Rev. Henry Maynauu, Rector of Radwinter, Kssex, by Susan, da. of the Rev. Francis Baiinauu. Hector of Caxton, co. Cambridge, which Henry (who d. May 1806, aged 18), was br. to the last Peer. He was b. 1:1 March 17SS; sue to the peerage, 10 March 1!S24; Lonl Lieut, and Vice Admiral of Kssex, 1825. He in. , 28 Dec. 1810, Mary, .la. of Reginald Raiiktt, of Bramneld hall, Suffolk, by Mary, sister of Sir Edward Kkiuuson, Hart., da. of Matthias K., of Bungay. She, who was b. at Brainfield hall, 14 Dec. 1794, at 38 Grosveni r square, 22 Oct. 1S57, aged 62. He (/. s.p.ui.s.jC 1 ) 19 May 1S65. aged 77, at Kaston lodge, when all his honours became extinct. Will dat. 29 April 1813, to 13 June 1861, pr. 17 July 1S65, under £50,000. MAYO. Viscountcy [1.] 1. Sin Theobald IkwBKE,(e) of Mayo. s. ami h. of Sir I 1G27 Richard BouiiKE, the Mnc William MigtUcr"$ by Grace, or C.rany, da. of Owen U'MaLI.EY, of the Uwles, was //. at sea (being thence called '• Tibbol-my-Lung " or " TibUot of the ships) took part sometime against the Crown, but supported it, in 1599, against the (*) " Nancy Parsons " whose features are well known from Gainsborough's portrait of her (belonging to the Marquess of Lansdowuc) under that name and who was "endowed with rare powers of attraction. This woman was the da. of a tailor in Bond street and she first lived with Jioyhtou or JJorton, a West-India-captive merchant, with whom she went to Jamaica, but from whom she fled to England." [A T ff<. Jlioyr. under " Fit/.roy, A. H.," 3d Duke of Grafton.] She is described by Horace Walpole in 1764 (12 years before this marriage) as "one of the commonest creatures in London ; now out of date," and is called " the Duke of Grafton's Mr*. Morton, the Duke of Dorset's lit*. Jlorton, everybody's lire. JJorton." ( b ) Baker's "Northamptonshire," vol. ii, p. 190. ( c ) Forty-live years earlier, in Jan. 1779, a report reached London that " poor simple Lord Maynard had shot himself at Naples." ( <1 ) His only s. anil h. ap., Col. the Hon. Charles Henry Maynard, d. (a few months before him) 2 Jan. 1865, s.p.m., in his 51st year, at 15a Hill street, Berkeley square, leaving two daughters antl coheirs, of whom the eldest, Frances Kvelyn, b, 10 Dec. 1861, inherited the whole of the family estates. (See vol. ii, p. 35, sab " Brooke "), and the youngest, Blanche, l>. 11 Feb. 1864, in. Lord Agcrnon Gordon-Lennox. i°j Another Theobald Bourke, of Mayo, was made the " Mac William " (see note " f " next below) in 1595, lied to Spain soon afterwards, and was er. Marquis oj Mayo, by 1'hilip II., King of Spain, who "settled a pension upon him and his posterity suitable to that dignity which he and his son, Walter, enjoyed, who dying s.p. left it in the custody of his half br.. Col. Plunkett, until it should be claimed by some of his heirs general." [" Lodye," vol. iv, p. 229—230.] (0 The head of the Bourke family in Qaltvay was styled " Mac William Ouyhler "