Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/281

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MAYO. 279 Spaniards at Kingsale ; was knighted at Dublin, -1 Jan. 1802/8 ; surrendered !ns estates and obtained a regrant thereof under English tenures 25 Sep. 1603 ; was M.P. fur co. Mayo, 1613, and wis o:, 21 June 1627, VISCOUNT MAYO or VISCOUNT BOUKKE OF MAYO [I.](-) He m. Maud, da. of Charles O'Ouson, of 81%* He d. IS June 1629, and was bur, at Ballintober, II. 1G29. 2. Miles (Bourke), Viscount Mavo [L], «. mid h., said to have been (aj well as his s. and h. ap.) tr. a Baronet, [S.]. •bout 1633 ;(*) (tic. t» the parage [I.], 18 June 1629, took his seat, 4 Nov. 1634, and, being a Protestant, was made Joint 'dov. of Co. Mayo. He m. firstly, Honora.da. of Sir John BoURltg, of Derrymachightiiy, eo. Galway, by .Margaret, da. of Uliek (BoUHKK, or DE Blue;!/), 3d KaRL of Clanhjcahek [l.J He m. .secondly, Elizabeth (Ellis or Isabella), widow of (— ) BBSBOW and da. of ( — ) FuKKK. He il. 1649, being (after death) excepted froui pardon by Cromwell's Act, 12 Aug. 1652, in consequence of his conduct at the massacre (13 Feb. Hi ll) of the English after the capture of Castlebar.i'V His widow, who was allowed a small pension by Government in 1654, was bur. (with her tirst( J ) husband) 25 April 1665 (at a great age), at St. Martin's iu the fields. Will dat 2S Feb. 1601, pr. 3 May 1666. III. 1649. J. Theobald (Boureb), Viscount Mayo [J ], s. ami hi. by first wife ; said to have ed. ill Oxford in the protestant religion. He is also said to have been (as well his father), n: a Baronet [S.], about 1633 ; () was M.P. for co. Mayo, 1639) and distinguished himself in the Royal cause ; sue. to the peerage [I.], in 1649. He in. firstly, Elinor, da. of ( — | Talbot, of co. York. He in. secondly, Eleanor, da. of Sir Luke I'Ytz-Uehalii, of Tecroghan, co. Meath. He was in Dec. 1652 found guilty by Cromwell's High Court of Justice, at Connaugbt, of murders committed in the late rebellion, and was " shot to death " 12 Jan. 1652/3, at Qalway and bur. there. His widow, who iu Idol! was allowed 40s. a week, d. 1693. IV. 1G63. 4.. Theobald (Bourke), Viscount Mayo [I.], au<l h., by first wife Ma a minor when he stUi to tin: parage [I.] in 16'. r i3: ed. at Dublin Free school, 1653*56 ; took his scat in pari. [ 1 - J 11 May 1 661, and was restored to Ins estate (:"0,000 acres in co. Mayo) in 1666. lie m. tivstly, Ellen, sister of Adam, ViscofNT Lisbi hnk [1.], da. of Sir Adam Loktis, of Hathfarnhum, by Dorothy, da. of Richard (BUTUt), EARL OF Cork [1.] Hem. secondly, shortly before 157 6, Lady Owens. He d. s.p. (accidentally, from an over dose of laudanum), , r i ami was bur. 8 June 1676, at Patrick's, Dublin. V. 167C. 5. Miles (Bourke), Viscount Mayo [I.], br. and h., sue. to the parage [I.] in June 1676. He alienated a considerable part of the family estates. He in. Jane, da. of Francis (Behminoham). Loud Atiiknicy [L], by Bridget, da. of Sir Lucas Dillon. He rf. at Castle Bourke, March 1681, and was bur. at Ballintober. His widow d. 6 June 1687, at (her father's seat) Tur- lovaughan. VI. 1681. 6. Theobald (Bourke), Viscount Mayo [I.], only s. and h., b. 6 Jan. 1681, and sue. to the peerage [1.] in March following. He conformed to the established church 19, and took his seat, in Pari., 21 June 1709. He fft. firstly, 8 July 1702, his cousiu, Mary, yst. da. of John Browne, of Westport, co. ' (or Upper) while the head thereof ni Ufayo was styled " Mac William EiglUer " (or Lower) inasmuch as Galway was the Upper while Hugo was the lower part of the province of Connaught. (•) The preamble is iu " Lodge," vol. iv, p. 236. It speaks of the grantee as " ex illustrissima, olim in Atifftia, prosapia oriimdus." (!') The creation, however, is not iu the Great Seal Kegister. c) A very long account of this proceeding is given iu a note to "lodge" vol. iv, pp. 239-243. Query " Johu Benbow, Esq." bur. at St. Martin's in the fields, S Oct. 1625 ; brought front Eltham.