Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/282

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280 MAYO. May.., by Maud, ila. of Theobald (Boikkk), Vkcoi'KT Mato [I.|,abovcnamed. Ha in. secondly, Juno Margaret, Widow of Francis Hoi'ston, of Ashgrovc, co. Ros- common, relict of W illiuu I.vstku, of Athlcaguc, trtiil (previously) of Juha Ehwahus, of Dublin, iln. of Bryan Oinnino, of Castle Coote, co. lioscouiiiMii. By Iter he bud no issue. Ho rf. in Dublin, 25 June 1711. His widow d. 1771 Olid whs bur. at Balliutober. VII. 17 11. 7. TllEOBALL) (UoUKKIi), YlSCOUXT MaYO [I.], S. iillll ll. by Bret wife ; tut, to the ptrrme [1.], 25 June 1711, and took bis seat, o' Oct. following, tie m. in March 17-0, Ellis, da. of James Au.ui, of Uowran. co. Kilkenny, by bis second wife, Marj', da. of Sir Henry Wemyss. lie d. s.p.s. in London, 7 Jan. 1711 2, in bis 30th year, and was Imr. at Ballintobcr. M.I. His widow was er., 1 Attg. 1781, COUNTESS UK BRANDON [I.] (see that dignity) and (/. s.p., 11 March 1788, in her Slst year. VIII. 174i', 6'. Jobs (Uockke), Viscount Mayo [1.], only tee, (of to tlie full blood) and h. ; tut. to the peerage [I.]. 7 Jan. 1741/2, and 1707. took his seat. 10 Nov. 1743. He m, in or before 171-!, Catharine, widow of ( — ) Hamilton, of co. Ualway, da. of Whitgil't Aylmkh, of the West Indies, a Major in the army, lie tl. s.p.m.s.( :1 ,in Pall Mall, 12 Jan., and was bur. 5 Feb. 1707, at St. James' Westui., when the title tttUIIU extinct or (toi,ii<iitl.[ h ) Will nr. Jan. 1707. His widow wi., iu July 1770, Edmund Joiidan, of Legau, co. Mayo, and d. Jan. 1770. MAYO, and MAYO OF MONYCROWER. Viscountcy [I.] The. Kt. Hem. Johk Bourke, of Munycrower, tu. 1 1 7 f> 1 Mayo and of Pahner.-toii and Kill, co. Kildare, only stirv. s. and h. of "" ' liiekard BoDBKK, LL.D. (who </. 1727), of Dublin, by Catharine, da. Earldom [I ] of Charles MlxitUN, of Ballynakill, CO. Tipperary J was b. about T . 1705 ; mt, to the family estates on the death (1751) of his cousin, 1. 1 1 80. Theobald Bourke, of Mouycrower J was M.I', for Nafta, 1727-00; for Old Leighlin, 1701-08, and for Naas (again), 17011-70, until er., 1 Aug. 1770, BARON NAAS of Naas, co. Kildare [I.], taking his seat, 14 Oct. 1777 ; was P.C. [I.j and First Commissioner ol the Hevenue [I.] till 20 Dec. 1780, obtaining, on bis resignation, a pension of £1,033. He was er., 13 Jan. 1781, VISCul'NT MAYO OF MONYCROWER, co. .Mayo [I.], taking his seat, 1 Dec. 1781, and finally was dt H 21 Juue 1785, KARL OF THE COUNTY OF MAYO [1 ] Hew. in 1725, Mary, 3d da. and coheir of the Rt. lion. Joseph Deank, Ch. Baron of the Court of Exchequer [I.J, by Margaret, sister of Henry, 1st Eaiil OK Shannon [I.], da. of Heury Boyle, of Castle .Martyr, co. Cork. She (by whom he had six sous and seven daughters) d. 21 July 1774. He d. 2 Dec. 1700, aged about 85. II. 1790. 2. John (Boukke), Earl or Mayo, &c. | Ll, 2d but 1st stirv. s. and h. : b. about 1735 ; M.P. for Ntias (in five Paris.), 1703-90, beiug styled Loitu Naas from 1785 till he sue. to the peerage [I.], 2 Dec. 1790, He in. in Feb. 1704 Margaret, 1st da. of Joseph (Leeson), 1st Haul ok Milltuwn [I.], by his first wile, Cecilia, da, of Francis Leiuii. He d. s.p., 20 April 17<J2. His widow, who was b. 12 Nov. 1734, d. April 18C9. (") Bridget, bis da. and h . )«., 11 May 1758, Edmund Lambert, of Boytou, Wilts, and d. May 1773, leaving a s. and h., Aylincr Bourke Lambert. '• Lord Mayo a aoii " is bur. 23 July 1748, at Donnybrook, co. Dublin. He is called in " Lodge " (where it is stated that he was b. 17 Nov. 1743) " Sir Aylmer Bourke," and it is there remarked (vol. iv, p. 'J30), that " certain it is that the eldest sou of the Viscount Mayo enjoys the title of Baronet and is styled Sir during his father's lifetime." See vol. iv. of this work, ]>. 245, note " c," sub " Holies." (} It seems extremely probable that issue male may exist from the 1st Viscount, thro his 4th and yst. son Richard (" lroii-l)iek") who had four sons of whom, tho (he eldest, Col. Miles Bourke, d. s.p. in 1715, two of the other three had numerous sous.