Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/433

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CORRIGENDA KT ADDENDA. 431 1». 245, line 2 ; for " 1325," read " 129;"." „ linn -1 ; after " 130(5," insert. " He was sum. to Purl, from 22 Feb. 1305/6 to 3 Dec. 1326, the writs having the addition of the words Mc Wiguiore.' " p 2 15, line 26; after " Ed. Ill," insert. " By this reversal he became, also, entitled to the Barony of Mortimer, cr. by the writ of 1295." 1>. 252, line 35; to "28 June 1650," add this note. This baptism is also registered at Musbury, Co, Devon, the date there given being 26 Mai/, 1650. See .V. and Q., Sth S., iv, 62." p. 275, line 27 ; for " 6th," read " 5th." ., line 34 ; to " Lord Maxwell," add this note. " See p. 383, note ' f,' tub 'Morton,' as to the right, bo'li of himself and his two sous (1581-1620) to be Kails of Morton under the ereation of l.jSl, until the date of the creation (in substitution thereof) of the Earldom of Nithsdalc in 1620." p. 2S0, line 17 ; for "of ( — ) Hamilton," read "of Mark Hamilton." line IS ; after " the army," inscil " by Gertrude, his wife, a native of Holland," and add this note. " The admon. of this Gertrude (who d. 31 Dec. 1729) was granted to 'Stephen Browne, Esq.,' her husband, 10 Oct. 1732. Revocation thereof was demanded by her da., Lady Mayo, in Oct. 1752, on the ground that when Mr. Browne married the said Gertrude (in or soon after Nov. 1720, at .Jamaica) he was already married to one Eleanor Cutts. Lady May's legitimacy was questioned, but was established in 1757. Mr. Browne proved before the Court of Delegates, in 1700, that Lady Mayo had lived with him and her mother (acknowledging their marriage) till 1 March 1727, when she m. Mark Hamilton." p. 315, line 33 ; for " living 1S9'J," read " d. 13 Aug. 1S93, aged S9, at Ely House, Richmond, Surrey." Will pr. at £67,979. p. 318, line 21 ; to "Baron Minshull, ' add this note. "A Viseountey, that of MlNSHCLL OK LKMPSTKU [i.e., Leominster] co. Hereford, is also attributed to him. See Lipscomb's ' Bucks,' where ' the Viscount ' is said to have d in 1673, and see also V. „,,,/ Q., Hh S.,xi, 157. The pedigree, however,!is somewhat confused." p. US, line 21 ; after " who was." insert " b. 22 Feb. 1651 and was." p. 110, line 3S ; to " MOWBRAY," add this note ;— The validity of the writ of 12S3 (or indeed of any other writ before 1295) as the origin of an hereditary Barony (alluded to on p. Ill, note b ") is a grave question. " The determinati'm of the Mowbray abeyance" is fully dealt with in an article, of that name, about to appear from the pen of Mr. .1. Horace Konnd, criticising the decision of the Committee for privileges. p. 11 1, note " b " ; adti thereto. ** See for fuller details an article on The Peerage in a forthcoming Quarterly Rerieic." THE FOLLOWING PEERAGES (in the earlier letters of the alphabet) having been created in or after July 1SS5, during the progress of this work and thus incapable of being inserted alphabetically therein, are relegated (excepting when otherwise stated) to the appendix in the Sth and last volume, nr. — AnniNOTON of Addington, co. Buckingham, Barony (llid.bard). cr. 22 July 1SS7. Amherst OF Hackney, co. London, Barony ( Ti/sscn- Amherst), cr. 26 Aug. 1S92. "ANCASTErt, Earldom, cr. 1S92, see YVilloi uhhy DK ERRSBV, Barony. Armstrong OK CbaQSIDB, co. Northumberland, Barony (Armstrong), cr. 6 July 1SS7. AsHRot'KNK of Ashbourne, co. Meath, Barony (Gibson), cr. I July 1SS5. Aaaocam ok Dorking, co. Surrey, and ok Bodiam Castle, co. Sussex, Barony (Cubilt), cr. 22 Aug. 1S92. 'Athi.onk, Earldom, cr. 1S90, with the Dukedom of CLARENCE AND Avondale, which see. Basing ok Basing Byeletk and ok Hodington, both in co. Southampton, Barony (Sclateii-BootiO, cr. 7 July, 1SS7. Battkrsea of Battersea, co. London and of Overstrand, co. Norfolk, Barony (Flower), cr. 5 Sep. 1S92. Blytuswood of Blythswood, co. Renfrew, Barony (Campbell), cr. 21 Aug. 1S92. Bowen of Colwood, co. Sussex, Barony for life (Bovcn), cr. Sep. 1893. Clarence and Avondale, Dukedom, as also the Earldom ok Atulone (H.R.H. Prince Albert-Victor-Christian-Edward), cr. 2-1 May 1890 ; ex. 14 Jan. 1S92.