Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/434

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432 CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA. 'CbaKSROOK, Earldom, n: 1S92 ; see CRANi'.nonK, Viscountcy. Crawshaw OF Crawshaw, co. Lancaster, and ok Wiiatton, co. Leicester. Barony (Brooks), a: 25 Aug. ISO:'. Cromer of Cromer, co. Norfolk, Baronv (Raring), n: 15 June 1SP2. DOMLKATH of I5au.ywai.tkr Park. c> Down, Barony (Mul/ml/anil sr. 20 Aug. 1 R[>2. Farrkr ok Arincer. co. Surrey, Barony {Rarer), cr. June lS9:i. Hamwepkn of [tnwbteden, oo. Buckingham. Viscountcy (Smith), rr. 11 Nov. 1891. Hawkeshkry ok KASKtBKACn, co. Northampton, and ok Ou.k.rton-. Sherwood forest, co. Nottingham. Barony (Potjttmht), a: June 1S9S. HOOD ok AvaIon, oo. Somerset, Barony (Hood), rr. 2.i Fell. 1S02.

  • Inverness, Earldom, rr. 1892, with tin 1 Ot'KRSOM ok Yiii.k, which see,

"Kei.mkad of Ki lhead, cp, Dumfries, Barony (DowjUt), rr. June 1893; see under QOBBSSBBRRT, Marouessatr [S.] Kelvin ok Largs, co. Ayr, Barony (T/,omto»-, rr. 2:1 Feb. ISO-'. "ErtLAUNEY. Baronv, n: 1.S92, with the DrRKOOM ok York, which s. e. Knhihtlkv ok Fawsi.ey, eo. Northampton, llarony (Knightley), rr. 2:i Aug. 1S92. October, 1S93. " Described under another title.