Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/117

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SETON — SEYMOUR. 115 VT. 1585. G. Robert (Skton), Lord Seton [S.], 2d but 1st surv. a. and h.,(») b. about 1550. He was er. 16 Nov. 1600, EARL OF WINTOUN, LORD SETON AND THANENT [S.] See " Wintoun" Earldom [S.], er. imiJorfeittd 1715. SETOX AND TBANKNT. i.e., "Seton and Tranent," Barony [S.] (Seton), cr. 1G00, with the Earldom of Wintoun [S.], which see ; forfeited 1715. SETRINGTOK. i.e , "Setrington, cn. York," Barony (Stuart), cr. 1613, with Hie Earldom ok RICHMOND ; see " Richmond," Dukedom, n . 1623 ; tar. 1623/4. i.e., "Setrington, co. York," Barony (Lennox), cr. 1G75, with the Dukedom of Richmond, which see. SEYMOUR i.e., "Seymour," Barony (Seymour), cr. 15 Feb. 1546/7, with a spec, rem. ; see " SomkbSKT " Dukedom, er. the next day, with a like spec, rem., both being jorfeited 1552, but restored 1660. SEYMOUR OF SUDELEY. Barony. J. Sir TnoMA.s Seymour, of Sudeley Castle, co. Glouce.s- L 1517 h ' r > .vr- br. of Edward, Duke of Somerset (Protector of the Realm) t i ' and of Jane Seymour, late Queen Consort, being 4th s. of Sir John SktmOOB, of Wolf Hall, co. Wilts, by Margery, da. of Sir Henry ' WlCNTWOMTH, K B, was b. nbout 1505 ; was uom. by Hen. VIII. one of the 12 assistants to his executors; was one of the batch of Peers(o) made at the accession of (his nephew), Edward VI., being er. 16 Feb. 1546/7, BARON SEYMOUR OF SUDELEY, co. Gloucester, and being made, on the following day, L. Hicn Admiral of the Realm, and el. K.Gr, being inst. 23 May 1547. After intriguing to obtain the Princess Elizabeth, in marriage, he m. very shortly [some Bay but :SI days) after the death (28 Jan. 1516/7), of Hen. VIII., Katharine, the Queen Dowager, that King's widow, formerly widow of John (Nf.vill), Lord LATIMER, and. before that, of Edward (BUROH), Loud BOROH dk GatneSROHo, da. of .Sir Thomas Park, of Kendal, co. Westmorland, by Matilda, da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Green, of Greens Norton, co. Northampton. She, who was b. about 1513, d. 5 Sep. 1518, in her 36th year, but 18 mouths after the death of the King, her late husband. She was bur. in the chapel at Sudeley Castle.(°) He, having conspired "gainst the government of his brother, the Protector, and renewing his intrigues with the Princess Elizabeth, was, without trial, condemned to death, by the Pail., and executed on Tower Hill, 28 March 1519, when, having been attainted, all his honours were forfeited. He d. s.p.rn.l, d ) SEYMOUR OF TROWBRIDGE. Barony. 2. Sir Francis Seymour, of Trowbridge, co. Wilts, I. 1641. was yr br. of William, Duke of Somerset (restored, as such, 1660), being 3d s. of Edward Seymour, styled Lord Beauchamp, by Honors, da. of Sir Richard Rogers, which Edward was 1st s. and «p. of Edward (Seymour), Earl of Hertford, s. of Edward, 1st Duke of (") His eldest br., George Seton, Master of Seton, who had charters, as the s. and ap., 6 and S Aug. 1554, d. v.p.and s.p. in March 1562. ( ) See their names in vol. iv, p. 223, note " b," sub " Hertford." IV Her coffin was opened U Oct. 1TS6. See an interesting description thereof as .? the inscription thereon, in Burke's " Exlinct Pteragl," sub " Seymour." [Colli,, ■ j 17 ' hi ' S °" ly chUt1, * in her iufllucy ' ullvin S been restored in blood. r