Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/116

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114 SETON. stable of France, by Elizabeth, da. of Archibald (DOTJOtAsV, Eabi. ok Dorous [S.] He m. secondly Christian Mvrbay, <.f the house of Tullibardine. He was living 14 July 147S. but d,, probably soon afterwards, at the lilackfriars, Edin- burgh, and was bin. there. H. ]480? £?. George (Seton), Loud Seton [S.], grandson a. nil heir, being s. and h. of Jolin Seton, Master of Seton, liy Christian, da. of John (TiINDSAT), Loud Lindsay of tiik. Pyres [S.], which John Seton, who was only s. and b. of the late Lord, by his 6r»t wife, d. v. p. He was employed hi transactions with England, 22 Sep. 14S4, 30 Sep. 1497, 12 duly 1499, and 24 May 1503. He was also " cunning " in divers sciences and learning, lie founded and endowed the Collegiate church of Seton, 20 June 14!)3. He HI, Margaret, 1st da. of Colin (Campbell), 1st Eabl ok Argyll [S ], by Isabel, da. and coheir of John (Stewart), Loud LoRNE [S.] He d. between 25 Jan. 1506/7, and 6 April 1508. III. 1507 1 3. Oeorge (Setox), Loud Seton [S.l 1st anil h. lb; m. before 25 Jan. 1506/7, Janet, 1st <;». of Patrick (Hei-bubs), 1st Eabi. of Eotiiwei.l [S.]. by Janet, da. of James {Dooglas), Eabl of Morton [H.J He was slain at the batte of Elodden, 9 Sep. 1513(a) His widow " a noble wife and wise" survived him 45 years, and d. 1558 at the nunnery of Seienues near Edinburgh. IV 1513. 4- George (Seton), Loud Seton [S.], only e. ami h. He was an extra. Lord of Session, 5 March 1542: assented in 1543 to the proposed match of Queen Mary [S.J with Prince Kdward of Kngland, and was the custodian of Cardinal Itethune, whom, however, he permitted to escape. He acquired several ecclesiastical lands and built the castle of Niddry.( b ) He M. firstly, before 16 June lo27, Elizabeth, da. of John (Hay), 3d LoBD Hay ok YkSTKB |S.], by his 1st wife, Elizabeth, sister of Archibald, 8th Eaiii. ok Anoi's [S.J, da. of George Douglas. Master of Angus. He hi. secondly Mary I'vkrhk.s. ur 1'kbis, who came over from Fiance with Mary of Lorraine, 2d wife to James V, [S.] He </. soon after 1543. His widow living 25 May 1552. V. 1545? 5. George (Seton), Lord Seton [S.], 1st s. ami li. by first wife, b. about 15:j0 ; was appointed by Pari, to be present at the marriage of Queen Mary [S.J, 17 Dec. 1557, with the Dauphin ; was P.O. anil Master of the Household to that Queen, whom, with the Earl of Botbwell (shortly before their marriage) lie entertained at Seton. In May 1568 he conducted her troni Lochleven to his Castle at Niddry and thence to Hamilton. He retired for two years to Elanders( c ) after the battle of Langside. In 1570 he was again taking active step on her behalf, but in 1583 was Ambassador to France on behalf of James VI. [S.J He in. before 25 Mav 1552, Isabel, da. of Sir William Hamilton, of Sanquhar, Treasurer [S.J He d. 8 Jan. 1584/5, aged about 55, and was bur. at Setou.C) M.L His widow d. 12 Nov. 1600, aged about 75. (") See vol. in, p. 63, note " b," sub " Lennox," for a list of the Scotch nobles there slain. (>') He was considered the best Falconer of his day. ( c ) He there drove a waggon (with four horses) for his livelihood. " His picture in that, employment was painted on the north end of the long gallery at Seton. hi Pinkerton's {Scottish Gallery is an engraving of a painting of the Seton family by Sir Antonio More (1550—15/5'.) It consists of [six persons, viz., five marked] ' G. S.,39;' ' K. S„ 19 ; ' ' J. S„ 18 ; ' ' M. S , 15 ; ' ' A. S., 14,' and a boy unmarked ; being George, Lord Seton, and Hubert [his first son, the future Lord, cr. Karl of WiatOUBji John, Margaret, Alexander, and William, his five youngest children." [Wood's H Douglas."] J fa () " Lord Seton is holden out for a mean, wise man, and yet very wilful. H>«  great pomp turned to penury, most of his silver vessels being already at gage." Sir Kd. Stafford to Walsingham, 2 May 1584. [Hist. MS. Com., Hatfield House MS , 1-t. iii, p. 28.]