Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/157

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SINCLAIR— SKENE. 155 Sep. 1863 ; Her. Peer [8.] from Dec. 1S6S to April 1880. He m. 14 Sep. 1830,

it Chipstead, Jiinc, sister of Sir Archibald Little, K.C.B., 1st da. of Archibald

Little, of Shabden I'ark, co. Surrey, by Agnes, da. of William OuvKR. He d. at I'era, near Constantinople, 24 Oct. 1880, aged 77. His widow d. 17 June 1887, listed 71, at Raraley, near Alexandria, in Egypt Will pr. 2 Aug. 1887, over £2,000. XV. 1SS0. G. Cn.RLEH William (St. Clair), Lord Sinclair [S.]' 1st s. and h., A. 8 Sep. 1831, at Shabden Park afsd. ; ed. at Sand- hurst ; entered the army, 1818, retiring, as Colonel, 1879 ; served in the 57th Foot* in the Crimea, being severely wounded in the attack on the Redan : wits Assist- Ailj. Gen. on the Bosphorus, 1855-56 : served in India, duriug the Mutiny, as also in New Zealand, 1861-63 : sue. to the peerage [$,], 24 Oct. 1880 ; Rep. Peer [S.J since 18S5. He m. 6 Oct. 1870, Margaret Jane, yst. da. of James Murray, of Bryunston square, Midx. family Folates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 2,251 acres in Roxburghshire, 1,550 iu Berwickshire, and 545 in Haddingtonshire. Total 4,346 acres, worth £6,600 a year. Principal Residence. Herdmanstouu, co. Haddington, and Nisbet House, co. Berwick. SINGLETON. See "Swansea of Singleton, co. Glamorgan," Barony ( Vivian), er, 1893. SISONBY, see Sysonby. S K ELM E KSD ALE. Barony. /. Edward Bootle-Wilbraiiam, formerly Wilbraham- I. 13'lS. BOOTUS, of Lathom House, co. Lancaster, 1st s. and h. of Richard WiluraII am- Bootle. formerly WlLURAHAM, of Rode Hall, Co. Chester, by Mary, da. and h. of Robert Bootle, of Lathom House afsd., was *. 7 March 1771, and bap. at St. Geo., Bloomsbury ; took by Royal lie, 8 Uec. 1814, the name of Jtaatle before, instead of after, that of Wilbraham ; was M.P. for Westbury, 1795-36 ; for Newcastle-under-Lyrae, 1796-1812 ; for Clitheroe, 1812-13, and for Dover, 1818-28, in which year he was er. 30 Jan. 1828, BARON SKLLMKKSDALE of Skelmersdale, co. Lancaster. He m. 19 April 1796, at St. •Marylebone, Mary Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Edward Taylor, of Bifrons, in Patrix- buurne, co. Kent, by Margaret, da. of Thomas Payler, formerly Turner, of that county. She, who was b. 16 April 1770, d. 2 June 1840, after a long illness, at Lathom House. He d. there, 3 April 1853, aged 82. Will pr. June 1853. II. 1853. 2. Edward (Bootle- Wilbraham), Baron Skelmers- dale, grandson anil h., being s. and h. of the Hou. Richard Bootlk- Wilbrauam, by Jessy, da. of Sir Richard Brooke, 3d Bart., of Norton, which Richard Bootle- Wilbraham was lBt s. uud h. ap. of the late Lord, but d. v.p. 5 May 1844, aged 42. He was *. 12 Dec. 1837 ; sue. to the peerage, 3 April 1853, and »as cr. 5 April 1SS0, EARL OF LATHOM, co. Lancaster. See under that title. SKELTON. £«., " Bruce of Skelton, co. York," Barony (Bruce), cr. 1664, with tlie Earldom of Ailesbiry, which see ; ex. 1747. SKENE. i.e., "Skene, of Skene, co. Aberdeen," Barony (Duff), cr. 1857 3 see ton " Earldom [I.], cr. 1759, under the 5th Earl.