Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/169

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SOMERS. IB? North Mimms, in Herts, from his scat called Brooknians in that parish, when the peerage became extinct. Adiuon. 15 May 1716, to his two sisters.;*) II 1784. 1- Cocks, of Castleditch in Ea6tnor, co - Hereford, and of Dumbleton, co. Gloucester, was 1st s. and h. of John Cocks, of Castleditch, by Mary, da. ami h. of the Rev, Thomas Cdcks, of Castleditch, •fed., which John [who d. 24 June 1771), was 2-1 s. of Charles Cocks, of Worcester, many years M.P. for Droitwich, by Mary, sister and coheir of John (Someks, cr Summers', Babon Sombre of Evesham abovemaotinned. He was t. at Castleditch, 29 June, and Imp. 3 July 17-25, at Eastnor; was M.l'. for Eeigate, 1747-84 ; Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance, 1758 ; was cr. a Baro/ict, as of Dumbleton. ( l ') co. Glou- cester," 7 Oct. 1772 ; Clerk of the Ordnance, 1772, and was nr. 17 May, 1784, LORD SOMMKKS.C 1 ) BA HON OF EVESHAM, co. Worcester, taking his seat the next day. He in. firstly 8 Aug. 1759, at St. Geo., Han. sq., Elizabeth, sister of Edward, 1st Baron Eliot OF St. Okrmans, 5th da. of Richard ELIOT, <>f Port Eliot, co. Cornwall, by Harriett, illegit. da. of the lit. Hon. James Ciiagos. She, who was bap. at St. Germans. 3 May 173°, it. 1 and was bur. 8 Jan. 1771, at North .Mimms, co. Herts. He m. secondly 2D May 1772, at St. Marylebone, Anne, da. of Reginald l J oLE, afterwards POLE-CAREW,of Stoke Damarell, CO. Devon, by Anne, da. of Francis BULLEB, of Morval, co. Cornwall. He d. 30 Jan. 1806, in bis 81st year and was bar. at Eastnor. Will pr. lSOti. His widow rf. 22 April 1833, iu Portiuan street. Will pr. May 1833. III. 1806. .': and 1. John Summers (Cocks), Baron Sommers of _ , , Evesham, also a Baronet; 1st s. and h. by first wife ; b. 6 May 1760 .earldom. ftt co (j^a^i ? ] . e( i at Westminster ; mat. at Oxford (St. I. 1821. Alban's Hall), 26 Jan. 1778; M.P. for West Looe, 1782-84 ; for Grampmiud, 1784-90 ; for Reigate. 1790-1806, voting first for the Pitt ministry, but after 1791 for the Wing measures ; Col. Wore. Reg. of provisional Cavalry, 1797 ; sue. to Die petmg*, 30 Jan. 1806 ; Recorder of Gloucester, Oil', High Steward of Hereford ; L.-I.ieiit. of co. Hereford, 1S17; was cr. 17 July 1821,( d ) VlsOU NT EASTSOR of Eastnor Castle, co. Hereford, and EaklSommers.( c ) H6 in. firstly, 19 March 17S5 (spec, lie), at her father's house at Hevere in Claiues, co. Worcester, Margaret, only child of the Rev. Treadwny Russell Nash, D.D..( c ) by Marcaret, yst. da. of John Maiitin, of Overbury. She rf. 9 Feb. 1831, at Eastnor Castle, aged 70. He M. secondly, 2 June 1834, at St. Geo., Han. sq., his cousin, Jane, widow of the Rev. George WaDDINGton, 4th da. of James Cocks, of London, Banker (yr. br. of the 1st Baron), by Martha, da. of Vice- Admiral Charles Watson. He d. 5 Jan. 1841 at Brighton, aged 80. Will pr. March 1841. His widow rf. 23 Nov. 1868, aged 82, at 28 Norfolk street, Park lane. remain unprofaned, while all the rest is tyranny, corruption, and folly." Iu spite of thiB, there is (tho' he is generally regarded as au unimpeachable Whig) conclusive evidence iu Col. Hooke's, the French Agent's correspondence, that he offered his services to the exiled family of Stuart. The same writer says of him, however, "son enractere est d'etre droit, sincere, et. modere ; il est la meilleure tete de 1' Augleterre." The encouragement he gave to the publication of Rymer's " Fosdern " and Maddux's '• History of the Exchequer " is a lasting memorial to his credit. His portrait "after Sir G. Kneller " is engraved in " Doyle." (') These were (1) Elizabeth, wife of Sir Joseph Jekyll, Master of the Rolls (1717- 38), who rf. s.p., and (2) Mary, wife of Charles Cocks, by whom she was grandmother of Charles, cr. Baron Sommers of Evesham, in 17S4. ( b ) Richard Cocks, of Dumbleton, co. Gloucester, was cr. a Baromt, 7 April 1661. He was yr. br. of Thomas Cocks, of Castleditch, whose son, Charles Cocks, m. Margaret Sommers, and was grandfather of Charles Cocks, cr. Baron Sommers of Evesham, as in the text. The Baronetcy became extinct by the death of the 4th Bart., 4 April 1765, when the manor of Dumbleton devolved on John Cocks, father of the said Baron. ft See p. 106, note " b," rjext above. ( ) One of the coronation peerages of Geo. IV, for a list of which see Vol. ii, p. 351, note « d," sub " Conyugham." M Well-known as theauthor of " The History of Worcestershire " (1781-99) and the editor of "EuHirat." He d. 26 Jan. 1811, aged 85,