Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/170

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1GH SOMERS. Earldom. 2 ami 3. John Sommers (Cocks, afterwardt II. SOMEBS-COCKs), F.aiil Sommeiis, kc, 2d but 1st surv. (. 1841. ami h.,(") b. 19 March 17S8, at Rromisberrow Place, near Barony. j Ledbury ; entered the army, 1805, and was Capt. 2d Keg. ry Dragoon Guards, 180T : M.P. for Eeigate, 1812-18; lor J Hereford, 1S18-32, and for Kajg»te (again), 1S32-41 ; s'l/led Viscount Eastnoii from 1821 till he me, to the ptcni'jc, as above, 5 Jan. 1S41, when, a few mouths afterwards, lie took by Koyal lie, 29 April 1841, the name of Somehs-Cocks(>>) in lieu of Cocks; I.. Lieut, of co. Hereford, 1815. He m. 4 March 1816, at St. James' Westm., Caroline Harriet,!") 4th da. of Philip (YOHKg), 3d Kaiii. OF HaIidwickk, by Elizabeth, da. of James (Lindsay), 5th Kaiii, ok Balcauiies [S.] He <i, 5 Out. 1852, at 45 Grosvenor Place, aged 64. Will [»r. Dec. 1S52. His widow, who was A. 15 Oct. 171)4, d. as afsd., 2? .May 1873, aged 7S. 3 ami 4. ChaHLBS Somehs (SoMeks-CVks, formerly Cocks), Kaiii. Sommers [1S21], Viscmist East- IBS' NOB [1821 Jj and Hakon So.vmehs ok Kvksiu.u [1784], also « Maronet, only s. and It, b. 14 July 18J!>, at lieig.ite Priory, co. Surrey; mat. at Oxford [Cb, C'li ), 11 May 1837; B.A., 1840 ; M.P. for lteigate, 1841-47; ttyM Viscount Kastnok from 1811 till he sue. to the parage, as above, 5 Oct. 1852 : was a Lord in Waiting, 1853-57 ; a trustee of the Nat. Portrait Gall., 1S60, and of the Brit. Mils., 1874. He m. 2 Oct. 1850, at St. Geo. Han. s.| , Virginia, da. of James PaTTLe, of the Bengal Civil Service. He il. of pleuri-y s.p.m.(; 26 Sep. 1883, at Berxbampstead House, Herts, aged 61, when the Earldom of Summers and the Vhcnttntcy of Eastnor became extinct. Will pr. above £170,000. Barony. ,j. Philip Reginald (Cocks Hakon Sommeks of Kvb- VI 1883 SHA:v b 41 ^aroHfi. cousin and h. male, being 2d but 1st suvv. s.(°} of Lieut. Col. the Hon. Philip James Cocks, by Frances, da. of Arthur H HUBERT, of Brusterrield, co. Kerry, which Philip (who d. 1 April 1857, aged 82), was 4th s. of the 1st Baron, being 1st son by his secoiul wife. He was b. 22 Aug. 1815, at Bureoinbe, co. Wilts ; entered the Royal Artiilcy, 1833, becoming Lieut. Col. in 1S55. He m. 14 Dec. 1S5!», at Cheltenham' (being thru "of Stepple Hall, Salop "), Camilla, only div. of the Kev. William Newton, Vicar of Old Cleeve, co. Somerset. Family Estates. — These (exclusive of the valuable property at Somers town, in the parish of St. Pancras, Midx.), consisted, in 1883, of 6,b'tiS acres in Herefordshire ; 6,265 in Worcestershire ; 121 iu Gloucestershire, and 18 in Kent. Total 13,067 a«r*«i worth ±'16,84° a year.( r ; Principal Residence iu 1S83, Eastnor Castle (formerly Castleditch), near Ledbury, co. Hereford ; iu 1895, Clifford's Mesne, near Neweut, co. Gloucester. ( a ) His elder br., Edward Charles Cocks, b. 27 July 1786, was Major 79th Foot. He d. nnm. and v.p., being slain at the siege of Burgos, 8 Oct. 1812, aged 26. ( b ) This apparently is the first introduction of the circumflex over the " in " to signify (as in Latin) the reduplication of that letter, it beiug at that date considered " more genteel " to eliminate the double consonant (save when at the beginning of the word) as iu the case of " Carington " for " Carringtou," &c. ( r -) Her mother (Lady Hardwicke) thus writes, 21 April 1S14, to the Hon. Agneta [Mrs. Charles] Yorke, " Vour grandchihl, Caroline, is g<iiug to bestow herself on Mr. Cocks, alias John Somers. 1 know you would not have his grandfather, and that poor Caroline would not have his father, therefore my Caroline takes on herself to com- pensate the wrongs you have done." ( d ) Of his three daughters the yst., Virginia, b. 22 Sep. 1855, d. 9 Jan. 1859, while (1) Isabella Caroline, b. 3 Aug. 1851, m. 6 Feb. 1872, Lord Henry Richard Charles Somerset (2d surv. s. of the 8th Uuke of Beaufort) aud has issue, oue sou (2) Adeline Mary, b. 24 Sep. 1852, m. 24 Oct. 1876, the 1 0th Duke of Bedford, who d. s.p. » March 1893. (°) His eider br., the Rev. Charles Richard Sommers Cocks, Vicar of Wolverley, <>■ April 1814, d. nnm 1 Feb. 1876. (0 Under the will of the 3d Earl, iu 1883, the estates in Worcestershire aud Here-