Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/187

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SOMERVILLE. 185 appears to have been er. LOIiD SOMERVILLE [S.], being on 15 Dec. 1430, one of the Conservators of a truce with England under the designation of " Thomas, Dominus SomtrvilU," and, 00 a like occasion, '20 March 1 138, under that of " Thomas. Dominus de Somerville." ") He in. firstly before July 1391 Janet, da. of Sir Alexander Stewart, of Parsley, by which match he obtained the Barony of Cambusnethan, co. Lanark, where he founded and endowed tile Collegiate Church. He m. secondly, 1407, Mary, 2d da. of Henry (Sinclair), Eaul of Ouknet [S.j, by Jean, da. of Sir John Halyih hthn. He d. of a flux, Dec. 1434 aged 5S, and was bur. at Carnwath. His widow was also bur. there. II 1431. 2. William (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S."|, only s. and h. by first wife, was present v.p. at the col on, of James II. [S.j, 10 March 143". He was served heir to his father 10 June 1435, and was "under the express denomination of a Lord of Pari." witness to a charter of 8 July 1445; h ) ; one of the Conservators of the truce with England, 1449, and again in 1451,( e ) when he was one of the embassy sent there. In June 1455. he affixed his seal to the for- feiture of the Douglas family. He m. secretly, against the wish of bis parents, in 1428 or 1129, Janet, da. of Sir John MoWAtT, of Stannas, co. Lanark. He d. suddenly, of a surfeit of fruit, 20 Aug. 1456, aged 48 or 49. His widow d. less thau 2 years later, both are bur. at Carnwath. III. 1456, .Tons (Somerville), Lord Somerville, 1st s. ami h.who fought at Sark v.p., in ] 448, against the English. He was served heir to his father, at Edinburgh, 22 Oct. 1456 ; was one of the Conservators of a truce with England, 1 457 ami 1459; was at the siege of Roxburgh in 1460, where James 11. [S.J was killed, aud was concerned in carrying away James III. [S.j from Linlithgow, 9 July 1466, for which he received pardon, 13 Oct. following. He satin Pari. [S.], 20 Nov. 1169 and 2 Aug. 1471, He frequently entertained James 111. [S.] at his seat near C'aruwath. He in. firstly, 10 July 1446, at Hales Castle (contract 20 Feb. 1445/6), Helen, sister of Patrick (HUPBOBS), 1st Earl OS BOTH- wki.l [SJ, 4th da. of Adam (Heiuiurn), 2nd Lord Hales [S.], by Helen, da. of Alexander (Home), 1st Lord Home [S.] He m. secondly, in March 1456, Mariot, da. of Sir William BailliK, of Lamingtou. He m. thirdly, 3 July 14S9, at Edinburgh, Elizabeth, da. of (—) CaRMIcIIael, by Elizabeth, da. of ( — ) Sibbai.D. of Balgonie. He d. Nov. 1491, and was bur. at Carnwath. Hia widow was living 11 Feb. 1491/2. by a Somerville, did duty (under the guise of " a dragon vomiting flames ") as a crest for the fau'ily. Their arms "a lion rampant" (to which the cross crosslets were sub- sequently added) were borne as early as 1189 [!], according to " Riddcll " (p. 349, note i), who adds (as well he may) that " this is an extremely old instance, perhaps unparalleled, of an armorial ensign with us." (") See vol. ii, p. 423, note " c," sub " Crichton," for the assertion that when the christian name, without surname, is followed by u Z)omhvus dc" it is "an almost certain assumption that the person referred to was a Lord of Pari." Eiddell (p. 349, no(e) remarks that " the barony of Somerville is strangely ranked in our peerage roll below Lords, whose aneestoi-s bad attained the same honour towards the end of the 15th ceutury ; [i.e., as the 14th Baron, it being inserted next after Uosse, Bortlvwick, Lovat, Oliphnnt, Elphinstone, Sempill,Mordington, Sinclair, Cathcart, Ochiltree, Gray, Saltouu, and Forbes] when, in fact, it may be considered the second oldest, inherent in a Scottish Uubletnau as his principal title, being the next after Gordon, which existed in 1437." See as to " Gordon," vol. iv, p. 50, notes " b " and " d " ; but that Barony has never been assumed (much less recognised) since 1470. Riddell (ut supra) continues " William. Lord Somerville, under the express denomination of a Lord of Pari, is witness to the charter of creation of James, 1st Lord Hamilton, as a hereditary Lord of l'arl., dat. 3 July 1445." and is " hence legally proved to have been a Lord of Pari. before Hamilton." This date (with the exception of Gordon) is earlier than "any of our old Barons." Lord Saltoun ' is said to have produced proof in 1606 that his ancestor was created a Lord of Pari. 28 June 1445, but the fact is not legally vouched. Both dignities, however, in this manner run near, aud it might so happen that one only gained by a neck." See however, vol. iv, p. 70, note " b," sub " Qrabam," as to the possibility of the Barony of Graham having been cr. as early as 1415. ( h ) See note "a" above, circa finem. Uymer'n « Fadcra," vol. si, pp. 251 and tSG-300.