Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/188

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1SG SOMERVILLE. IV. 1491. 4- Jons (Somerville), Lord Somerville [8.1 grand- son and U., beings, and h. of William Someryii.i.k, Master of Somerville, by bis first wife, Marjory, (whom lie m. 13 June 1476), sister of Hugh (Montoumerik), 1st ok Eglixton [S,J da. of Alexander, 2d Lord Montgo.mkrik [S,], which William was lat s. and h. ap.( : ') of the late Lord, by his first wife, but d. v.p. at Carnwath, July 1 4St>. He had a charter of the Barony of Carnwath, 13 March 1607/8. The control of his possessions, was claimed, as not being "of perfect wisdom and knowledge," by his brother, Hugh, but was refused by the Lords of Council [S.] He d. unm. 1523( b ) at Cowtbaly Castle, aged about 39, and was bur. at Carnwath. V. 1523 J. Hugh (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S.j, br. and h.. sat in Pari. [S.], 15 Feb. 1521. C=) Having an annual 'pension of 200 marks from Henry VIII., he supported the proposed match between Mary, Queeu of Scots am! Prince Edward, afterwards Ed. VI. He endowed the hospital of St. Mary Magd. at Edinburgh with an annual charge of £180 ou his Barony of Carnwath. He m. firstly, 20 Dec. 1510, at Hamilton Castle, Anna [Qg. Jean], illtgit. da. of Jamei (Hamilton), 1st Earl ok Arkan [S.] by a da. of bono BoTO [3.] She d. of sinall- pox about the end of the year 1510. He m. .secondly. July 1517, Janet, only da. of William Maitlaxd, of Leithington, by Martha, da. of George (Seton), Loitu Setox [S.] He d. 1549,< d ) as did his second wife (or widow), both being bur. at Carnwath VI. 1549. G. Jambs (Sombrvillb), Lord Somerville [S.J, 1st. s. and h.,by 2d wife. He was taken (prisoner v. p. at the rout of Solway]Mos>,21 Oct. 1542 but was released, 1 July 1543, for 1,000 marks. He opposed the Refor- mation ;( c ) joined Queen Mary [S.] at Hamilton in May 1508, with 300 horse, and was severely wounded at the battle of I.angside. lie m. in 1510, at Craigiiethan Castle, being then aged about 20, Agnes, da. of Sir James Hamilton, of Finnart, Treasurer of Scotland, illegit. s. of James, 1st Earl ok Ahkan [S.J He d. Dec. 1569, aged about 53, and Wat bur. at Carnwath. Euu. entry in Lyon office. His widow survived him for many years, and was bur. at Carnwa*h afsd. VII. 1569. 7. Hugh (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S.], 1st s. and h., served heir in 1571. He built a large mansion at Drum ; was P.O. to James VI. [S.] He sat in Pari. [S.], 10 Dec. 1585.0 He m. about 1564 Eleanor, da. of George (Seton), 4th Lord Seton [S.], by his first wife, Elizabeth, da. of Lord Hat of Tester [S.] He deserted her in 1586. He d. 24 March 15!»7, at Raploeh (the house of Gavin Hamilton), aged 63 [Qy. 53], and was bur. at Cambusnethan. His widow d. about 1003 and was bur. at Seton. VIII. 1597, S. Gilbert (Somerville), Lord Somerville [S.], 3d to but 1st surv. s. and h., (8) 6. about 1568. His magnificent enter- 1618. tainment of James VI. [S.] at his castle of CowthalyC') and his reckless expenditure caused him to alienate the whole of the family estates, Linton, Carnwath, &c, and he appears to have become utterly (■) Sir John Somerville, his only br. (of the half-blood), got from their father, the Barony of Cambusnethan (of which he had a charter, 20 July 1 188) and was slain at Floddeu fight, 9 Sep. 1513, being ancestor of the family of Somerville of Cambusnethan. ( b ) " Being as incapable of marriage as he was of doing any business." [Memorie of the Somervilles, as on p. 181, note " e."] ( c ) So in Wood's "Douglas," vol. ii, pp. 510 and 697 (quoting the order of the House, 27 May 1723), tho' at p. 507, the only date mentioned is 16 Nov. 1524. ( d ) Shortly before May 1543 he made special suit for the release of his sou from England who was " very sick of the Btoue " and in great peril of death. («) He is said to have declared " with the Earl of Atholl and Lord Borthwick that he would believe as his fathers had done before him." ( f ) No subsequent Lord Somerville sat therein. (s) Robert, the next elder br., d. unm. and v. p., being accidentally killed by the eldest br., William, who had remission for the same under the Great Seal, 2d Jan. 1587/8. This William also d. uum. and v.p. Jan. 1592, at Cowtbaly, aged about 27, and was bur. at Carnwath. (•>) This Castle was "called by the King, in a jocular way, Cotc-daily, because