Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/193

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SONDES. 191 Barony. 1. The Hon. Lewis Watson, formerly Monson, of T 1 7G0 Rockingham Castle, co. Northampton, and of Lees Court, co. Kent, 2d. s. of John (Monson), 1st Baron Monson ok Burton, by Margaret, yst. da. of Lewis (Watson), 1st Earl of Rockingham, Viscount Sondes ok Leks Cot'HT, Baron Throwlkt, ami 4Ui.B.ron ROCKINGHAM, by Catharine, da. and coheir of George (Sondes), Earl ok Fkversiia.m, Viscount Sondes ok Leks Court, and IViron, was b. 28 Nov. 1728; took the name of Walton iu lieu of that of Mtuuon, on the death, 26 Feb. 1740/6, of his first cousin, Thomas (Watson),

jd and last Earl ok Rockingham, on succeeding to his said estates iu Northampton-

shire and Kent. This assumption was confirmed by Royal lie. dat. 31 Jan. 1750/1. He was M.P. for Boroughbridge, 1 7">0-fi4, and for Kentf*) 1754-60 ; Joint Auditor of the Imprest, Mint, Coinage, &c. 1754, and was er. 22 May 1760, BARON SONDES OK LEKS COl'RT, co, Kent. He m. 12 Oct. 1752, Grace, 2d sun-, da. and coheir of the ]{t. Hon. Henry Pki.ham, sometime Prime Minister, by Catharine, da. of John (Mannkrs 2d Duke ok Rutland. She, who was b. 18 Aug. 172S, d. 31 July 1777, iu Grosvenor square, ami was bur. at Rockingham, ( b ) aged 46. M.I. Will pr. 1777. He</. 30 March 1795, at Rockingham Castle, aged 66, aud was bur. as afsd. M.I. Will pr. April 1796.( e ) II. 1795. :?. Lewis Thomas (Watson*;, Baron Sondes of Lees COURT, b. 18 April 1754 ; M.P. for Hedon, 1776-80 ; sue, to the peerage, 30 March 1795 : Col. 3.1 Kent militia, and Col. in the army during service, 1798. He hi. 30 Nov. 1785 (spec, lie.) at St. Geo., Han. sip, Mary Elizabeth (then a minor), da. and h. of Richard Mules; of North Elmham, CO. Norfolk, and of Nackingtou, co. Kent, by Mary Elizabeth, (,' da. and h. of the Rev. Thomas Tanner, D.D., Canon of Canterbury. He it. of fever at Lees Court, 20 June 1806, aged 52, aud was bur. at Rockingham. M.I. Will pr. 1S06. His widow, who was b. 26 May 1767, m. 23 Jan. 1809, as his first wife, Major Gen. Sir Henry Tucker MoNTRESOB, K.C.B., who d. 5 April 1806. She d. 29 Sep. 1818, at Nortou Court, co. Kent, iu her 52ud year. M.l. at Rockingham. Will pr. 1819. III. 1S0G. S. Lewis Richard Watson, Baron Sondes of Lees Court, 1st s. and h.. b. 24 May 1792, bup. at Seldwich, co. Kent; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch.. Oxford ; mat.. 1 Feb. 1S10; sue. to the petroge, 20 June 1806; Major East Kent Yeomanry. 1830. He (/. until, at Lees Court, of dropsy, 14 March 1836, aged 43.(») Will pr. June 1836 and June 1837. IV. 1S36. .'/. Georoe .Iohk (Mii.les, formerly 'Watson), Baron Sondes ok Leks Court, next br. and h.,(') b. 20 Jan. 1794, at East- ourt, co. Kent; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; mat , 17 Oct. 1S11. By Royal lie, 27 Dec. 1S20, took the name of it Hies iu lieu of that of Watson He sue. to the pitrngr, 11 March 1836 ; High Steward of Yarmouth, 1854. He m. 24 July 1S23, at St. Marylebone, Eleanor, da. of Sir Edward KnatchuulL, 8th Bart., by his third wife, Mary, da. and coheir of Thomas Hawkins, of Nash Court, co. Kent. He d, of bronchitis at North Elmham afsd., 17 Dec. 1874, in his 81st year. His widow d. suddenly (wheu dining out at Bnckenham Hall, co. Norfolk), 30 Oct. 1SS3. (") This was after one of the most violent contests ever known for that county. ( b ) Her portrait by Reynolds is one of his finest works. H " Besides large property, he is said to have left £300,000 iu the funds." [Gent. Mini. I ( d ) This Lady's grandfather was the well-known antiquary Thomas Tanner, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1732-35, and her mother was Mary, da. of John Potter, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1737-47- The estate of North Elmham was acquired from the Warner family, by the match of Mary, da. ami h. of Richard Warner, with Christopher Milles of Nackington, the paternal grandparents of Lady Sondes. (°) In politics he was a stauuch whig. (0 The Hon. Richard Watson, the yst. br., sue. to the estate of Rockingham Castle, co- Northampton, aud d. 26 July 1S52, aged 52, leaving issue.