Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/194

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192 SONDES — SOUTHAMPTON. V. 1874. S and 1. George Watson (Mium), Baron Sondes of , , T.eks Court, 1st s. Mid h., b 2 Oct. 1821 ; ed. at Eton ; sometime, .bariaom. ig^.gg, , in officer in the army, retiring as Oapt. Rpyal Horse I. 1SS0. (Joarttai Lieut. Col. Bast Kent yeomanry, 1885-75 ; M.P. for Ea.t Kent, 1868-74 ; sue. to the peeraqe, 17 Dec. 1S74, and was e.r. 4 May 1880. VISCOUNT THROWLEV, co. Kent, and EARL SONDES 0 F LEES COURT, in the said county. He in. 23 •T«a, 1859, at St. Geo. Han. s<j., Charlotte, let da. of Sir Henry Jnsias Stracey. 5th Bart., by Charlotte, da. and h. of Ueorge Dexne. He d. suddenly from banting of a blood vessel, 10 Sep. 1891, and was bur. at Shcldwieli, co. Kent. " Will pr. at £27,280 net, the real estate being valued at ,£105,090. His widow living 1895. Earldom, 'i J ami G. George Edward (Milles), Earl jr i Sondes of Lees Court [1S80], Viscount Tiihowi.ey [1SS0] I 1S04 "rf Baron Sondes of Lees Court [17<i0), 1st s, and h..h. Barony. f '11 May 1861 ; styled Viscount Throwlky from 1SS0, till ! he site, to the peerage, us above, 10 Sep. 1894. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 14,157 acres in Kent, and 4,039 in Norfolk. Total 19,096, worth £30,000 a year. Principal Estates.— Lees Court nnit Nickington, both co. Kent, and Klmhaui Hall, near East Dereham, co. Norfolk. SOXITHAM. i.e., " South am, of Southam, co. Gloucester," Viscountcy (Lnw), a: 1844, with the Earldom of Ellenuurocgu, which see ; ex. 1S71. SOUTHAMPTON [county of](»). Earldom. 7. •< Sir William Fitzwilliam, k.g . High Admiral of 1 1037 England," was cr. 18 Oct. 1537, EARL OF SOOTHAMPTOX. He ^ ' was only surv. s. and ln b ) of Sir Thomas Fitzwili.iam, of Aldwark, . co. York, by Lucy, da. ami coheir of John (Nevii.l), Marquess of loio. Montagu. He was b. about 1190; brought up at Court with Prlnee Henry, afterwards Hen. VIII., to whom, when King, he was in 1512 Cupbearer and subsequently Esquire and Knight of the Body, being knighted, 25 Sep. 1613, for his services at the siege of Tournay. In 1518 he was Vice Admiral of Kng- land, serving with distinction^) against the Scotch and French ; Treasurer of the Household, 1525-37; el. and in v. K.G.. 21 April, and inst , 6 May 152u'; «r»s oil several very important embassies to France; M.l*. for Surrey, 1529-36; Chanc. of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1529-12 j High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford. 1532 ; Hir.ll Admiral of England, 153ti-40 : Joint Commissr. to the Northern Insurgents, Nov. to Dec. 1536, and was «r. IS Oct. 1537, an Earli*) as abovestated. L. Privy Seal, (a) The Earldom of the county of Southampton (Hampshire or Hants) may becnii- sidered to have been the same as that held under the title of •' Winchester,!' just as that of Sussex under " Arundel," that cf Shropshire under " Shrewsbury." &c.) The Earl- donj of Winchester was held by the family of De Quincy, 1207—1264,01 Despencer, 1322— 1828, and of Bruges, 1472-99. When, however, the title of Winchester was next conferred (is., as a Marcjuessate in 1551 on the Pawlet family) such connection must be considered to have ceased. According to Thorns " Book of the Court (edit. 1S44, p. 193), " The Bishop of Winchester was anciently reputed Earl of Southampton and is so styled in the new statutes of the Order of the Garter made by Hen. VIII., the' that title no longer belongs to him." (°) Thomas Fitzwilliain, of Aldwark, his only br , was slain at the battle of Flodden, 9 Sep. 1513, leaving (besides a son, William, who d. num. and underage) two daughters and coheirs (1) Alice, m. Sir James Foljauibe, and (2) Margaret, ft Godfrey Foljambe. See " Col!. Top. el Gen.," vol. i, p. 360, and vol. ii, p- 69. ( r ) " Eques fortis et strenuus," says l*ol dare Vergil. ( d ) It is somewhat remarkable that no' Barony accompanied this Earldom or wns ever held therewith.