Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/200

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19S SOUTH DALTON — SOUTHESK. SOUTH DALTON. See "Hotiiam of South Palton," Barony [I.] (Ilotham) or. 1707. SOUTH ELMHAM. See "Wavenev of South Elmiiam, co. Suffolk," Barony (Adair), er. 1873; ex. 18S6. SOUTHESK. Earldom [s.] /. David (Carnegie), Lord Carnegie of Kinnaird T Tft^ [S.], was er. 22 June 1683, EARL OP SOUTH ESK, LORD ' CARNEGIE OF KIXKAIKO ANT) LECCFf A US [S.], to him nnd his heirs male fur ever. (") He was next elder br. to John. 1st. Karl (if Northesk [S.], being s. anil h. of David CaUNKgie. of Panbride. one of the eight Commissouers of the Treasury [S.] (called "Odaviani"), 1595-98, by his second wife, Enphemia, da. of Sir John Wemys, which David was 2d s., hut contiuuator of the hue of Sir Robert Caknkgie (rf. 5 Jan. 1505) of Kinnaird, co. Forfar. He was b. 1575; ■iur. his father 9 April 1598 : accompanied the Queen Consort, Anne, into England, on the accession of James 1 ; was knighted accordingly ; was ail active supporter of the King's ecclesiastical policy, and was er. U April 1616, LOUD CARNEGIE OF KIN- NAIKD [S.J, to him and his heirs male, bearing the name and arms of Carnegie^* 1 ) He was an ordinary Lord rf Session, 5 July 161ti, till 1525, and an extraordinary one, 15 Feb. 1626, being removed 8 Feb. 1628. In 1633 he was advanced to the Earl- dom of Soulliesk [S.] as abovestated ; was Sheriff of Forfarshire, anil was in 1654 lined /3,000 under Cromwell's act of grace. He m. Margaret, da. of Sir David Lindsat, of Edzell. He d. at Kinnaird, Feb. 1658, or (according to the funeral entry at the Lyon office), May 1658, aged S3. [David Carnegie, styled Lord Carnegie, 1st s. and I». ap. He m. Margaret, 3d da. of Thomas (Hamilton), 1st Earl ok Haddington [S.]. and rf. v.p. and s.p.m. at Edinburgh, 25 Oct. 1633. His widow, who was 6. at Edinburgh, 5 April 159S, m. secondly (as his third and last wife), 31 Jan. 16-17, James (Johnston?), 1st Earl of Hartkell [S.], who rf. March 1653.] EL 1658. 2. James (Carnegie), Earl of Southesk, <fec. [S.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. male ; knighted before 25 March 1632; styled Lord Carnegie, 1633-58; waited on Charles II. in Holland, in 1050 ; «u a Coramisar. [S ] to sit in the English Pari., Aug. 1652 ; was at the proclaiming of Cromwell, «t Edinburgh, 11 July 1657; sue. to the peerage [S.] as above, in 1658. He killed the Master of Gray in a duel, near London, in Aug. 1660 ; was P.C. to Charles II. and Sheriff of Forfarshire. He m. Mary, widow of James Hai.vbl'iiton, of Pitcur, 3d dn. of Robert (Kkh), 1st Earl ok ROXBOBGHI [S.J by his first wife, Margaret, da. of Sir William Maitland. She d. at Leuchars Castle, April 1650. He rf. at Kinnaird iu March 1609, or (according to the funeral entry iu the Lyon office), in Jan. 1669. III. 1669. 3. Robert (Carnegie), Earl of Soutiiesk, &«. [S.], only s. and h., styled Lord Carnegie, till he sue. to the peerage [S.] aa above, in 1669. He was Capt. of one of the companies of Scotch Guards in France ; Col. of the Forfarshire militia, and (1682) Sheriff of Forfarshire. He m- (contract ( a ) The preamble recites the eminent services of his grandfather and father. ('•) Letters of his erection "in Baronem majorem et Dominum Parliament!' passed the Great Seal. This distinction between the greater and the lesser Barons is peculiar, possibly indeed unique. In the great majority of cases in the creation "f Scotch Peers the word "Baron" is nover used. See vol, ii, p, 397, note "a," W "Cramond.