Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/201

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SOUTHESK. 199 5 July 1661) Anne/") 1st da. and coheir of William (HASfttTON), 2d T)vkf. of Hamilton [S.], by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of James (Maxwell), Karl of Dirletoun [S.] She d. before him, possibly in Juue 1070; 1 ') He </. 19 Feb. 168S.(<=) IV. 1GS8. Charles (Carnegie), Earl- of Southesk, kc. |S.l 1st ;iu>l only surv. s. and h.( (i ), ali/lcd Loud Carnegie till he sue. to the peerage [S.] ns above, in Feb. 1608, being serveil heir of his father in May 108S. After the Revolution, in that year, he never went to Court or Pari. He m. Mary, 2d and yst. da. of Charles (M.UTLANO), 3d EaUL OF LaUDERDale [S. 1, by Elizabeth, (la. ami h. of Richard LaCDBB. He d. 9 Aug. 1099, and was bur. at Kinnaird. Funeral entry at Lyon office.( e ) V. 1699, 5. James (Carnegie), Karl of Soutiiesk [1633], Lord to Carnegie of Kinnaird [161], Loud Carnegie of Kinnaiiid and 1715. LeDCBaKS [1633] in the peerage of Scotland, only s. and h., ttyled LORD Cahnegik till he .shc to the pttragt [S ] as above, in Aug. 1699. He engaged in the Rising of 17 In, and was consequently attainted, when oil his honours became forfeited^) as well as bis estates, worth £3,271 a year. He in. Margaret, 1st da. ■>f James (Stewart), 6th" Karl of Galloway [S.], by Catherine, da. of Alexander (Montgomery), EaRL OF EoUSTOUS [S.]- Provision was made for her and her children by Act of Pari., 1717. He d. s p.s.(S) in France 1729. His widow m. John Sinclair, Master of Sinclair, who also had been attainted in 1715. She d. s.p.s., 22 July 1717, at Edinburgh. • «««*• [This fitle, unlike what was generally (lie case with Che attainted peer- ages of 1715, was never assumed ; the heir in this case, after the death of the attainted Ear!, being a somewhat distant (3d) cousin. It was, however, restored as below.] VI. 1855. 6. Sir JajiesCahnegie, 6th Tinrt. [R.],iliird cousin tlirice removed, and h. male, being s. and h. of Sir James Carnegie, 5th Part. [S.], by Charlotte,! 1 ') da, of the Rev. Daniel Lysons, of Hempeted Court, co. Olouc, which James last named (d. 30 Jan. 1849, aged 49), was s. and h. of Sir David Carnegie, 4th Bart. [S.] (d. 25 May 1805, aged 51), s. and h. of Sir James Carnegie, 3d Bart. [S.J ((/. 30 April 1765), a. and h. of Sir John Carnegie, 2d Part, [S.] (rf. 3 April 1729. aged 56), s. and h. of Sir David Carnegie, 1st Part. [S.] (so cr. v.p. 27 May 1663, who d. Nov. 1708 s. and h. of the Hon. Sir Alex- ander Carnegie, of Titarrow (d. March 1682/3), who was 4th and yst. s. of (") She appears to have been thoroughly profligate. See her life in Sirs. Jameson's " Court Beauties," wheic also is an engraving of her picture by Sir P. Lely. Pepys Bpeaks, 3 Dec. 1668, of "Lady Kerneguy " as "most devillishly painted." She is described in the " Grammont Memoirs " (cap. viii), as " still tolerably handsome and having a disposition inclined to tenderness." ( b ) _ Lady Chaworth, in a letter of 15 June 1670, writes that Lady Southesk, " they say, is drowned, going into Scotland to sue for alimony." ( c ) He ia described as " a man of fine natural parts and graceful manners, improved by travelling " [Correspondence of Philip, Sd Karl of Chesterfield], but he is chiefly known fur the contemptible part lie played in conniving at the profligacy of his wife. In the " Grammont Memoirs " may be read, as also in Burnet's History (vol. i, p. 319), an account of this Lady's intrigue with the Duke of Fork, and of BOW her husband attempted to avenge himself. See also Pepys's " Memoirs," 6 April 1668, for this extra- ordinary and repulsive story, as also in Jesse's " Couri of the Stuarts," vol. iv. ( d ) His only br., the Hon. William Maitlaud, d. v.p., being slain in a duel at Paris in 1681. ( c ) This interesting entry Bbews his " Scire Quartiers." (1 See vol. iii, p. 192, note "a," sub. " Duffus," for a list of the Scotch peerages forfeited in the Rising in 1715. ( 8 ) A da. d. young as also, in 1722, did a son called " Lord Carnegie." ( h ) She was sister, of the half blood, to Gen. Sir Daniel Lysons, G.C.B. Their father (rf. 3 J an . 1834, aged 71), was, with his br., Samuel Lysons (A 29 June 1819, aged 56), joint Editor of the well- known " Mayna. Britannia," See.