Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/21

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SAINT JOHN. 19 2d Bart, (who d. 170S), who was s. and h. of Sir Oliver St. John,( a ) the 1st Bart, (so er. 28 June 1660 ; d. 1661, aged 37), who was s. ami h. of Sir Rowland St. John, KB., (who d. 164.0), 5th s. of Uliver. 3d Baron Saint John of Bletso and yr. br. of Oliver, 1st Karl of Boliugbroke abovenamed.^) He lite, to the Baronetcy at his birth in 1711 and sue. to the pierage, 5 Oct. 1711. He d. an infant 10 May 1714. Aduloli. IS May 1714 to his mother, Dame Anne St. John, widow. IX. 1714. 0. William (St. John), Baron Saint John of Bletso, uncle and h.. being 4th s. of Sir St. Andrew St. John, 2d Bart, abovenamed, by Jane, da. of Sir W illiam Blois, of Coekfield Hall, Suffolk. He site, to the peerage 10 May 1714. He <l. unm. 11 Oct. 1720. Will pr. 1721. X. 1720. 10. Rowland (St. John), Baron Saint John op Bletso, br. and h., sue. to the peerage, 11 Oct 1720. He (also) d. unm. 4 July 1722. Admon. 17 April 1729. XI. 1722. 11. John (St. Jons), Baron Saint JonN of Bletso, br. and h., being 7th s. of Sir St. Andrew St. John, 2d Bart., and Jane his wife abovenamed ; sue. to the peerage, 4 July 1722 ; was it. D.C.L. of Oxford 27 May 1724. He m. 6 March 1724/:>, at Westm. Abbey, Elizabeth, 5th da. of Sir Ambrose, of Greenwich, Alderman of London, by Mary, da. of Charles Owen, nf Conilover, Salop. He d. 21 June 1757. Will dat. 16 June and pr. 17 Nov. 1757. His widow, who was hap. 24 Dec. 1702 at Allhallows the Less, London, d. 24 Oct. 1769. Will dat 19 Feb. 1767 to 19 April 1768, pr. 5 Dec. 1769. XII. 1757. 1:1. John (St. John), Baron Saint John of Bletso, b. and h., 15 Nov 1725 ; matric. at Oxford (New Coll.) 8 Nov. 1745. He sue. to the petrage 24 June 1757. He m. (spec. He.) at St. Anne's, Soho, 13 Sep. (or Dec.) 1755, Susanna Louisa, da. and coheir of Peter Simond (of French descent) of Winchester street, London, merchant. He d. at Nice, 27 April 1767, and was bur. at Bletso. Will pr. July 1767. His widow d. 17 Oct. 1805, suddenly at Bath, aged 80. Admou. 1805. XIII. 1767. 13. Henry Biuuchamp (St. John), Baron Saint John OF 2d but 1st surv. s. and h.,(«) 4. 2 Aug. 1758, at Woodford, co. Northampton ; sue. to the peerage, 27 April 1767. He m. 2 Dec. 1780, at Bedwell Park, Herts (spec. lie.). Emma Maria Elizabeth, 2d da. of Samuel WhitbreaD, of ('aldington, Beds (an eminent Brewer), by his 6rst wife, Harriet, da. of William Havton, of Ivinghoe. He d. 19 Dec. 1S05 (a fortune of £30.000), s.p.m. Will pr. 1805. His widow d. 10 July 1825, Will pr. July 1825. XIV. 1805. 14. St. Andrew (St. John), Baron Saint John of Bletso, br. and h. male, 6. 22 Aug. 1759, at Woodford afsd. ; M.P. for Bods, 1780 to 1805; sue. to the peerage, 19 Dec. 1805. He m. 16 July 1807, at St. Geo. Han. si.|. (spec, lie.), Louisa, 1st da. of Sir diaries William R0U8B- BOOOBTON, Bart., by Catharine, da. and h. of William Pearce Hall, of Dowuton Hall, Salop. He d. 15 Oct. 1817. Will pr. 1817. His widow m. 4 Aug. 1823, the Kt. Hon. Sir John Vaughan, Justice of the Common Pleas, who d. Sep. 1839. She d. 9 July 1860, in Loudon. XV. 1817. 15. St. Andrew I'.eauchamp (St. John), Baron Saint John ok Bletso, only r. and h., 6. 8 Nov. 1811, in Wimpole street ; site, to the peerage, 15 Oct. 1817. He m. 12 March 1838, at the Views, co. Hunting- don, Eleanor, 2d da. of Vice Admiral Sir Richard Hussey Hussky. formerly Mowbray, K.C.B. and G.C.M.G., by Emma, da. of William Hobson, of Markheld, Midx. He d. 27 Jan. 1874, at Melehbourne Park, Beds, aged 62. His widow living 1S95. This Sir Oliver St. John m. Barbara, da. aud h. of John St. Andrew, of Gotham, Notts, whence the singular (in combination with St. John) christian name of St. Andrew came into the family. ( b ) See tabular ped. sub " Boliugbroke " iu vol, i, p. 368, note "c." (») John Peter St. John, his elder br., 6. 11 Nov. 1756, </. an infant, 21 Oct. 1760, and was bur. at Bletso. 0 s