Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/364

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3G2 TALBOT. of England and carried St F.dwanl's crown. Having no surviving male i.-sue,(*) he was <:»•. 17 Oct. 17>0. BAltJX DINEVOK of Dinevpr, co. Carmarthen, for life, with a spec. rein, of that dignity to his da., Lady Cecil Bice, widow and the heirs male uf her body. He m. 'it fleO. 1733/4, at St. Geo,, llati. scp, Muy (then aged la, who "is aud will be worth above £70,000 "). da. and h. of the Right HoO; Adam de Cakdonnel. of Bedhampton Park, co. Southampton. Secretary at War, by Elizabeth, Bometiuie wife of William Fhasklanu,; 1 ') da. of Reno BtuDOOia of London, merchant. He if. in Lincoln's Inn fields, 27 April 1782 aged 71. wlieu the EarUlom o/ TaWot became exti»ct,{ c ) the Barony of Diuevor [see thai dignity) paasing, under the spec, rem. in its creation, to his da. and h., while the Barony of Talbot of llen»ol devolved as below. Will pr. Slay 1782. His widow ef. S April 1787- Will pr. April 1787. Barony. and /. Johs-Chetwvnd (Talbot, uftenennh Chet- III 1782 wysd-TaUiot), l'.AiloN Talbot Ot Hensol, nephew and h. male, ' being 1st s. and h. of the Hon. John T.u.noT, Commuwr. of Earldom. Trade and Plantations, by his second wife, Henrietta Catherine, da. . - 1 - ot :l "d testamentary heir of John (ChkTWYSO) 2d VlsniUST CHBTWYND of 11. 1 ( 04. Ckauhavkx [1.],' which John Talbot (who d. 23 Sep. 1756j, was 2.1 B . of the Hist Baron. He was Ann. 25 Feb 171!) at St. Clem. Dta Danes; mat. at Oxford (Mag. Coll.) 10 Feb. 17(iii, then aged 10 : sr. SI. A. 19 April 1709 ; MP. for Castle Rising, 1777-82 ; a Lord of Trade and Plantations, 1781 S2 ; Sue, Co Me pttv&iji 27 April 17.82 and waa cr. VISCOUNT 1NOKSTKE, eg. Stafford and EARL TALBOT UK HENSOL, eo. Glamorgan, By royal lie. 19 April 17*6 he took the name and arms of Cketwgnd in addition to those of Talbol, He in, 7 May 177i5, at St. Geo. Han, Sq , Charlotte, 3d da. of Wills (Hill), 1st MaiujI ess of I >ownsiiihk [I.), by his first wife, Margaretta, da. of Bobert ( FitzUeuald), Kaul of Kiluaiik fl,] He d 19 May 1792, at liis house in Stratford place, aged 44, and was bur. at lngestre. Will pr. June 1793. His widow, who was //. 15 May 1754, d. in Duke street, Orogvenor square, "of an obstruction," 17 Jan. 1S04, in her 50th vear, and was bur. at lugestre. Will pr. 1S04. Earldom. "1 g anil 4- CHARLES CHETWTXD (CHBTWrSD-TALBOT, jj[ I former! i/ Talbot), F.aKL Talbot or Hensol, Ac, 1st s. and h. ; I 1793 b. 25 April 1 777 ; sti/led Viscount Inuestke, 17S3-93; ma trie. Barony, j ' at ( ixford (Ch. Ch.), 11 Oct. 1794, au'ed 1 7 ; cr. M.A , 28 June T , r , 1797, having previously, 19 May '.797, sue:, to (Ac peemje ; L. 1V - J Lieut, of co. Stafford, 1812-49; P.C., 1817; Vicehot of Iueland (as L. Lieut.;, 1817-21, during which period George IV. paid (1S2I) his visit to that Kingdom. K.P., 19 July 1S21 to 11 Oct. 1844, resigning that order( rt ) on being made E.G., 12 Dec 1844 ; F.R.S. and F.S.A. He Hi. 28 Aug. 1800, at St. Geo., Han. sip, Frances Thomazine (then of Holkham, co. Norfolk, spinster), 1st da. of Charles La.MBaRT, of Beaupark, co. Meath, by Francea, sister of James, 1st B&BOM Ssieiibohne, da. of James Lennox Dl'TToN, formerly Nai'EH, of Loughcrew, co. Meath. She, who was b. 11 July 1808, d. 4 Dec. [") His only s. William d. an infant. ( b ) "Mrs. Franklin was the natural da. of a French refugee who left £20,000; his name was Baudrie, a Spittlcfield's weaver." [•' Memoranda on the Peerage," by Edward (Harlev), of Oxford (where there is more about her) printed in " A'. «t Q " 2d S., vol. i. 326 ] This Baudonin was b. at Tours, 27 March 1650, came into England, .Ian. 1678, and </. 4 Feb. 1728/9. Ho had also a son, Benjamin, who d. v.p. and s.p. before June 1727. ( c ) Horace Walpole [" Geo. II., Vol. i, p. 121] calls him " A lord of good parti, only that they had rather more bias to extravagance than sense," and again [Geo, II/-, Vol. i, p. 47,] " He was strong, well-made and very comely, but with no air nor the manners of a man of quality." (<*) He was the first person who, not being an Irish Peer, was K P The next, after an interval of 30 years, was U.R.ll. the Duke of Cambridge in 1851, after whom came Viscount Gough in 1857, Baron Lurgau in 1864, the Duke of Manchester in 1877, otherB in 1882, &c. He and the Marquess Wellesley are the only E P's (exclusive of Boyalty) who have been elected K.G'a, and both of them, ou such election, resigned the" former order.