Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/365

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TALBOT. 363 1819, at Pheanix piirk, Dublin, shortly aftur childbirth, aged :i7, mi l whs bur. at Inpatre. Adtnou. March 1S20. He ii. 18 Jau, 1819, at lugestre Hull, in his 72d year, tad woa o«/ at lugestre. Will pr, May 1S49. [Charles Thomas Talbot, dyt&l Viscount Ingestku, U. 11 July 1S02, at Ingest™ afsd. ; eil. at Eton ; mat. at Oxford (Cli. Oh.), 6 April 1821. Bed. unni.C'j ati.l v.).. at Vienna, 23 May 1826, aged 23.] Earldom .; tt nil 5. Husky John (Chetwynd-Talbot), jy I E mil Taluot of Hknsol, io. ; b. 8 Nov. 1803; staled I VnsCOUST INOBSTKE, 1826-49 ; sue. to the peerage, as above, 1849. 13 Jan. 184!). Iiy the death, 10 Aug. 1850, of his distant cousin, Bertram Arthur, Karl ok SHREWSBDBT, be sue. to A'. J that dignity, bis right thereto being declared, 21 June 1858, in which month he took his teat accordingly. See "Shrews- bury " Earldom, cr. 1 1 12, under the ISth Karl. Barony TALBOT l)K [JLACKMERE atul TALUOT DE GODERICII CASTELL. See "Talbot" Barony {'I'uihot) rr. 1331 ; under thn 4th Baron, who wis sum. v p. i:i 1.384, .us " Taluot de Ulackmkrk, and afterwards, as "Talbot de (iulJEUICH L'.laTELL." TALBOT l)E HALLAMSUIRE. See " Funiivall " B irony, [F ami mill, afterwards Tull/oi) cr. 1295, nailer the 6th holder, who was sum. to pari. 1 Dec. 1-113 by writ directed Juki Talbot de tlafomtkirt" tbo' generally by writs directed " i*'nu de Furnt/vall." TALBOT OF HENSOL See "Taluot ami Taluot of IIensol." TALBOT OF MALA HIDE and" TALBOT DE MALAHIDE Barony [I.] /, Mabgaret Talbot, wiiloWj 1st da. of .James O'Reilly, 1 18*il BaUTOlottjKh, Co, Westuie-Ath, by Barbara, da. of Andrew Ncgent, of TuIIoukIi, in that county, HI. before I7dti, Richard Taluot, of Malabide t'astle,(') eo. Dublin (who of. 21 Oct. 1788), was er. 26 May 1881, BARONESS TALBOT OK MALA HIDE AND LADY MA LA HIDE OK MALAMIDE. co. Dublin [I.], with rem of that dignity to the heirs male of her body by her said late husband. She d. 27 Sep. 1S34. Will pr. Dee 1S34. II. 1831. 2. KicnAitD Wogax (Taluot), Bakox Talbot op Mala- HJDE, &c. [I], 1st s. and h., b. about 1766 ; was (unduly) el. M.P. [I.J forco. Dublin, 17°C, ami was (actually) M l. thereof in 5 parls., 1S07-30; was some- time a Col. in the army ; sue. to the peerage [ I.] 27 Sep. 1831 ; P.O. [L] 1836, and was er. He paid great attention to agriculture and to the improvement of his Staffordshire estates, iu which county £1,-100 was raised, in 1S39, to present him with a testimonial, which he appropiated to the endowment of the new church at Salt, uf which (as well as of one at Hixou) be was the chief founder. A Conservative in politics, his views were so moderate, during his Vice Koyalty, that they commer.d'id themselves to both parties. His "frame was tall, large and powerful," sa^s Lord Teigmnouth (" Jhminiscenees.") A portrait of him, dressed iu his robes of St, Patrick, " after T. C. Thompson, 1821," is engraved in " Doyle" ( b ) Killing there in the Prater, his horse bolted with him, and plunged into a quagmire, where both were suffocated. (°) "The Castle and Lordship of Malabide, on the sea coast, near Dublin, have been possessed by the family of Talbot from n period contemporary with the hist introduction of English government into Ireland, and furnish au instance, unusually rare, of a BRrouial estate having continued for upwards of 650 years in the male heiru and name of him on whom it had been originally conferred by Henry 11." [Burke's "Peerage," 1896.]