Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/371

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TARRAS— TATESHAL, TARRAS. Earldom [S.] 1. Walter Scott, of ffighchester, 1st s. of Sir Gideon I 1GG0 SCOTT, of the same [d. 1*572) by Margaret, cU. of Sir Thomas . ' H&MILTON, »f Preston, b. 25 Doc. 1644, having m. 9 Feb. 1U59, at ieno Wemyss, Mary, IUO y"«cc Countess of Bucclkuch [8.1, he being in iOJO. his 15th and she in her 12th year, was a: 4 Sep. HjijO, EARL Ob' T AURAS, LOUD ALKMOOR AN T D CAMPCASTELL [S.J tor hit Kf«.{*) This marriage was Uie cause u£ considerable dispute, bin the Lady las to whom see further particulars nu.ler " BdCOLEUOH,") who was b. 31 Aug. I »J:i7, at Dalkeith Castle, d. s.p. at Wemyss afsd., 12 March ami wag bur. 17 Anril lo'jl, at Dalkeith, aged 13. Tin; Karl was found guilty, 5 Jan. 1685, of complicity in the Duke of Mon- tnirath'a treason, whereby his titles and estates were forfeited, but lie was rehabilitated under the lireat .Seal, 28 June 1 <> S7. and was, the next year, an active supporter of the Revolution. He /«. secondly, 31 Dee. 1077, Helen, 1st da. of Thomas Hbpbubh, of Bumble, e >. Haddington, by whom he had [s8ue,(<>) but his life peerage became cxlincl ou his death, April 1093, aged 18. TARRINZEAN. i.e., " Tarrinzean and Mauculine," B irony [S.] {Campbell), cr. 1633 with the Euu.uom OF Loudoun [S.]. which see. TARVES. i.e., " ITaddo, Methuck, Tauves and Kelue," Barony [S.] (Gordon) or. 10S2 with the EaBLOOM of Abeiideen [S.], which see. TATESHAL, or TATTESHALL. Barony by %, Rgbert he Tateshal, of Buokenham, Co. Norfolk, Writ. an ,i Tateshall, co. Lincoln, only s. and h. of Sir Robert de Tateshal, I 129o t ' ie s:imo> . v ( — I wife,(°; which Robert, (who d. 1273) was s. and h. of another Robert de TaTKjiiUL (d. 1218-49), by Amabel, sister and coheir o( Hugh (de Ai.uini), EaBL ok Auundel, which lady brought the Oa.-tle and Manor of Bockenhain and other considerable estates to this family. He was aged 21 at the death of his father in 1273. He served in the Welsh wars and was sum. to Purl.!/*) as a Baron (LORD TATESHAL), by writs directed u SMn dc Tatethal" from 21 June (1295) 23 Ed. 1. to 20 Aug. (1290) 24 Ed. I., being likewise sum. 2ti Jan. (1296/7) 25 Ed. [.(•) His name as " Jtobertut de Tuitesliale, Daminusde Bokeham" appears on the letter of the Barons in 1201, to the Pope.; 1 ) (») See vol. iv, p. 28, note "a," sub " Glassford," as to this being a usual practice in the ease of a husband of a suo jure Scotch peeress. ( h ) By his son, Walter Scott, who, in 1 734, became of Harden and Highebester, he was great-grandfather of Hugh Scott, to whom, in 1835, the Barony of Polwarth [S.] Was allowed. ( c ) F. Townsend [Coll. Gen., vol vii, pp. 142-144] states that the person named by Dug-lale as his wife, was the wife of his son, adding, u I am sorry I cauuot furnish a wife to supply the place of the lady whom I have transferred to his sou." C) " The Barony of Tateshall was a Barony by tenure and ranks among the oldest. The earliest writ of summons is (1295) 23 lid. 1„ but it is not therefore to be concluded that they were not Peers of Pari, before that time ; the notorious defect of Parliamentary records forbids such a conclusion. The Baron, to whom the first writ issued, had been more than 29 years at the head of the family." [Coll. Top et Gen., vol. vii, itt. supra] (°) See vol. i, p. iii, note " b," sub " Ap Adam " as to the invalidity of this summons. ( f ) See " Nicolas," pp. 701-809, for an account of this letter. F. Townsend [Cull. Tap. el Gen., vol. vii, ut supra] considers his description as " Dominus de Bokeliani ' in this letter to be " remarkable," inasmuch as each Baron therein " appears to describe himself by the title of his Barony," and this Robert " held Tateshale and other lands per Baroniam intcjram, holding Bukeuham per servitium Pincerwx," 2 A