Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/372

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370 TATESHALL — TAUNTON. He m. Joan, 2d da. and coheir of Sir Thomas Xkvii.l, or FjTSi-RANULrn, of Middlchntn co. York. He at. 1298. Esch. 8 and 9 Sep. (1298) 26 Ed. I. His widow living 12»s! II. 120S. L Robert (de Tatesiiai.), Lord Tatesital, only r. ami h., aged 24 at the death of his father in 1298. He served in the wars ill Gasemiy and in Scotland, and was stun, to Tai l, from 6 Feb. (1288/9) 2" Ed. 1. to 13 Sep. (1302) 30 Ed. I. lie IB., about 128S, Eve (.-he being then not fully 13}, da! of Hubert de TlBKTOT, or TiiTuir. He (/. (1302-03; 31 Ed. I. His widow m. Join Cove. III. 1303, 3. Robert (de Tatesiiai.), Lord Tatesiiai., only ?. ami to h. ; aged 15 at his father's death in 1303. He d. a minor and unm. 130G. (1806-06) 2 1 Ed. 1., when the issue of the first Baron and consequent)} the Barony itself became extinct,^) TAT VOX. Sea " Egeutox of Tattox, co. Chester," Barony [Bgerton), er. 1859. TAUNTON. Barony. J. The Kt. Hon. Henry La BOL'Cn ere, 1st .«. of Peter I 1859 Ca'sar Lauoi'chkhe, of Hylands, Essex, anil Over Stowey, Somerset, . ' a partner in the Mercantile House, of •'lbipe" {it. 16 Jan. 1-":". by l urn Dorothy Elizabeth, da. of Sir Francis Baking, 1st Hart, was b. 15 Aug, '^ 0J - 179S, at St. MarvleUne ; ed. at Winchester ;i80S) and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (1817); 1st Class Classics, 1820: B.A., 1821;: M.A., 1828; was M.P. in the Whig interest for St. Michaels, 1820-30 ; ami for Taunton, 1830-59 ; a Lord of the. Admiralty, i 832-34 ; l'C, 1835 ; Vice Pres. of the Hoard of Trade, aud Master of the Mint, 1835-41 ; Under Sec. f..r Colonies, March to Aug. 1330 ; 1'res.of the Board of Trade (1st time), 1839-41 ; Chief Sec. for Ireland, 1846-47 : l'res. of the Board of Trade (2d time}. 18 17-52; Sec. for the Colonies, 1855-58, and was cr. IS Aug. 1859, BARON TAtnSTON of Taunton. CO. Somerset, being introduced, 24 Jan. 18(10. He hi. firstly Id April 1810. Frances, 3d and yst. da. of his maternal uncle. Sir Themis B.UHNii, 2d Bart, by Mary Ursula, da. of Charles Sk.M.v. She rf. 25 .May 1850. in child- birth at Chislehuist, Kent. He m. secondly 13 July 1852, at St. Bald's, Knightsbridge, Mary Matilda Georgiana 6th and yst da. of George (Howard), 6th Eaiii. ok Carlisle, by Gaorgiana Dorothy, da. of William (( 'a vknihsu), 5th Dlke ov Devonshire. He (/. s.p.m.( 1 ') at 27 Belgrave square, 13 and was bur. 20 July I860, in the church of Over Stowey afsd., in his 71st year, when the Baron i/ became extinct. Will pr. 9 Sep. 1869 under i 140,000.. c ) "His widow, who was b. 28 Jan. 1823, d. at 101 Eaton place, 17 Sep. 1892, aged 00, and was bur. at Over Stowey afsd. Will pr. under £24,000. Principal Residence. — Quantock Lodge, near Bridgewater, Somerset. (a) His great aunts, the sisters of the 1st Baron, or their descendants, were the coheirs of his vast estates viz. (1) Emma t 'ailly, deceased, leaving issue ; (2) Dune Johanna Driby, then aged f>0 ; and 13) Isabella Orre'oy, then aged 40, whose issue failed before 13U5. See pedigree in Coll. Tup. et (Jen., vol. vii, p. 144. ( ,J ) He left (by his first wife) three daughters aud coheirs, of whom (1) Mary Dorothy, m. 19 Sep. 1872, Edward James Stanley, of Cross Hall, co, Lancashire, ami of Quantock Lodge afsd. ; (2) Mina, in. 2 May 18G4, Major Gen. Arthur Edward Augustus Ellis; aud (3) Emily, ?«. IS Oct. 1881, Heury Cormvallis (Eliot), 3d Earl of St. Germaus. (<=) " A highly respected public man and a hard working Administrator. Lord Campbell describes him as a very pretty speaker and such a perfect gentleman that in the House of Commons he is heard with peculiar favour." [Nat. ISioijr.) A whole length portrait of bittt, when young, by Sir T homas Laurence, is engraved by Wass. Ill this is represented, also, his only br., John Laboiichere, of Dorking {d. 29 July 18C3, aged 63), the father of Henry Laboiichere (6. 1831), well known as M l', (in the Liteial interest) for Northampton, and as proprietor of the newspaper called " Truth."