Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/375

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TEMPLE. 373 III. 1779. 3m George (ORESvn.iE, rtfturwanU Nucext-Temple- Grenvju.k). Earl Temple 117491 Viscount Cobban and Baron CostiAM [1718], nephew and h., brjq|i, agil h. of the Kt. Hon. George, next br. to the Into Kari ; i, 17 June 1753 ; mi to the peemeft, 11 Sep. irfy ; and was cr. 4 Dec. 1784, Marquess of Buckingham, rw. Bucks. See that title, with which the Barldom of Temple continued united, till they b»tli became extinct (together with the Dukedom of Buckingham and Chandos), 26 March 1S89. TEMPLE OF STOWE. Earldom. ]. RlCHARD (TEMPLE NiTGEXT-BhTDGES-ChAXDOS-") j igoo QaKSVitts), 2d Marquess ok Buckingham, kc (wh.> »«<•. bin father in that dignity, H Feb. 1818), was (jr. 4 Feb. 1822. MARQUESS OF CHANDOS and DUKE OP BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS, with the ordinary limitation, being cr. iu the same patent, EARL TEMPLE OF STOWE, Co. Buckingham, with a spec, rem., failing heirs male of his body [1] "tu the heirs male of the body of Hester, some time Countess Temple, deceased, great -grand tin >t her of the said Richard, Marquess of Buckingham, with remainder [2] of the dignity of Countess Temple of Stowe to Anne Eliza Brydges-Chandos-Temple-Grenville, only da. of Kichard l'lan- tigenefc lirydges-C'handos-Temple-Greuville, Esq., called Earl Temple, only son of the said Kichard, Marquess of Buckingham ; and. after her decease and in default of such issue as well of the said Kichard as of the said Hester [3], the dignity of Earl Temple unto the heirs male of the body of the said Anne Eliza BrydgefcClMindos-Tetuple-CJrenville, anil in default of such issue of the said Anne Eliza as of the said Kichard and the said Hester [ I], the dignity of Countess Temple to the 2d. 3d, 4th, and every other da. of the said Kichard Piantagenet Brydges-Chaiidos-Teinple-Grenville, with [o] remainder of the ^ ~ dignity of Earl Temple of Stowe to the issue male of such daughters." He d. 17 Jan. 1S39, iu his 63d year. II. 1839. ~. KicnAKDl'LAXTAGEXET (Temple-Nugent -Brtdges- Chandos-Guenville), Duke of Buckingham and Chandos [1822], Marquess of Buckingham [17841, Marquess of Chandos Karl Tkmplk [1740], Earl Temple of Stowe [1822]. fee,, s. aud h. : sue. to the pecraye, 1 7 Jan. IS30. He il. 29 July ISdl, aged 04. III. 1 SGI . <•?. Kichard Plaxtagexet Campbell (Temple-, Puke of Buckingham and Chandos [1822]. Marquess of BUCKINGHAM [1784]. Marquess of Chandos [1822], Earl TEMPLE [17411], Earl Temple ok Stowe [1822], &c, only s. and h., sue. to the peerage, 20 July 1861. He d. s.p.ui., 26 March 1880, in his 66th year, when all the abovenamed titles became extinct save the Earldom of Temple of Stoicc, which, under the spec. rem. iu its creatiou, devolved as uuder. I 2 I [Essays, p. 762), who likens him to a mole, says that " whenever a heap of dirt was flung up, it might well be suspected that he was at work in some foul, crooked, labyrinth below." Becky's character of him is its "Indifferent to the emoluments »f office, and unconscious of any remarkable administrative powers, he delighted iu tanning intrigues, inciting mobs, and inspiring libels." An anonymous contemporary pamphlet thus satirises him : " Had Lord T. not fastened himself upon Mr. Pitt's train, he might have crept out of life with as little notice as he crept ill, and gone off with no other degree of credit than that of adding a single unit to the bills of mortality." He said very frankly of himself that " he loved faction, and had a great deal of money to spare." He went by the name of " Squire Gawky," and H. Walpote (betters iii., p. 26n), says, in 1760, that " his person is ridiculously awkward," tho' Wraxall, in 1776, says "he bad nevertheless the air and appearance of a man of high condition," His portrait is engraved in Doyle, "after W, Hoare, 1760," the orig. being in the Nat. portrait gallery ; another, by Reynolds, 1776, is engraved by W. Dickiusou.