Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/376

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374 T EMPLE — TEMPI- E MORE. [V. 18H9. 4. Wtu.iAM Stephen' (Gore-Langton), Earl Temple of STOWS 1 1822!], nephew, by the sister, of the lute Peer, being 1st a. And h of William Henry Puwell Ooajt-LASOTOJ*^") of Newton Park, o>. Somerset (d. 11 Dec. 1878, ngetl 40)."l>y Anne Eliza (ahovenaun-d), otherwise Anne Eliza Mary (</. 3 Fell. 1879, aged 58), only d*. of Richard Plantngonet ITkvh.k-Ni'gbxt- BnvnriFR-CHANiMi.s-GllENVII.I.Kl. 2d DIKE OK BlCKINGHAM AND ChaSDOS, lieillg grandaughter uf the iBt l)nke. the grantee of the said Karhlom. Hi: Was b. in Loudon, 11 May 1S47 ; ed. at Eton and nt ( h. t'li., Oxford ; B.A., 1S71 ; was M.P. for Mid .Somerset, 1878*85 ; sac. to the peerat/e, 26 March 1S89, under the spec, rem. in the creation of that dignitv. ( u ) taking the oaths and subscribing the roll. 21 July 1SP0. He Dee. 1S70. Helen Mabel, Ski da. of Sir (;haiiam-Monti;,iy, 3d Bart, of Stanhope, co. Peebles, by Alice, da. of John James HuTE-JoU.nstone, of Aunandate. [Algerxox-nYiluam-Stephen Gore-Langton, tti/leil Lord Langti>n,(') 1st s. and h. np. ; 6. iu Loudon, 9 Nov. 1871 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A. (honours) 1S95.] Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 6,660 acres in Somerset, and 1,523 iu Gloucestershire. Total, 8,183 acres, worth £16,233 a year. Principal Seat.— Newton Park, near Bath, co. Somerset. TEMPLEIIIRST. in., " Darcy de Tempi. eiiirst," Barony (Darcy) ; see " I > a rc y he Dakcv," Barony, cr. 1509 ; forfeited 1538. TEMPLE.MORE. Barony. i. Arthur Chichester, of Dunbroily Park, co. Water- I 1831 ford, 1st s. and h. of Lord Speueer-Stanlcy Oik HESTER, of the same (lid s. of Arthur, 1st MaRQUKSS ok Donkgau, [.] by Harriet, do. "f John (STEWART), 7th Karl ok Galloway [S .], was b. 8 Jan. 1797, in Westminster", mat. at Oxford (Bras. Coll.), 5 Oct. 1815 : entered the army, becoming filially (1S37) Lient.-Col. ; was M.P. for Milborne Port, 1S26-30, and for co. Oxford, 1830-31, and was cr. 10 Sep. i83U<-) BARON THMPLEMORE of Templemore, co. Douegall ; was a Lord of the Bedchamber to William IV., and a Lord in Waiting to Queen Victoria; cr. D.C.L. of Oxford, 11 June 1S34. He m. 27 July 1820, at St. James', Westni., Augusta, 4th da. of Henry W illiam (Paget), 1st MAHQPBM ok Anglesey, by his first wife, Caroline Elizabeth, Id da. of George (Vilubrs), -1th Haul ok Jehsev. Red., after 10 days illness, at lis seat, Coouibe Park, Uti Sep. and was bar. 3 Oct. 1S37, at Sundridge, co. Kent, aged 40. Will pr. Feb. 1839. His widow, who was b. 26 Jan. 1802, el. 6 June 1872, at Broom Hill, Hampton Wick, co. Midx., aged 70. II. 1837. 2. Henry Spencer (Chichester), Baron Tbmplemork [1831], 1st a. and h., b. 11 June 1821 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. th. Oxford; sue. to tlte pierage, 26 Sep. 1837; sometime, 1842-43, an officer 1st Life (») He was 7th in male descent from Sir John Gore, Lord Mayor of London, 1624-25, thro' his 4th son, William Gore, who purchased Barrow Court in BarTOW Qournay, co. Somerset (which, for six generations continued in his family), and d. 1662, being sue. by his s. and h., Sir Thomas Gore (i{. 1675), whose great-grandson, William Gore, afterwards Gore-Langton, m. Bridget, da. and h. of Joseph Langtoli, of Newton Park abovenamed, and d. in 1847, aged 87. being sue. by his grandson, the said W. H. P. Gore-Langton, father of the 4th Earl Temple of Stowe. ( b ) Tho' a descendant, he in no way is a representative of either of the families of Temple or Grenville, such representation being among the descendants of the 3d unci last Duke of Buckingham unci Chandos, to whom his mother was sister. ( c ) Inasmuch, however, as "Gore" is the patronymic, and " Uorc-Lnni/ton " the present surname of the family, the style of " Lord Gore-Langton " would seem more in accordance with the received usage iu such matters than that of " Lord Langton." ( d ) This was one of the coronation peerages of William IV., for a list of which Bee vol. ii, p. 312, note "a," sub " Cloncurry."