Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/377

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T EM PL EM OB E — TEMPI, ETOWN. P>75 Guards; Hun. Col. 3.1 bat*. Royal Irish Reg, Militia. Hi; vi. firstly, 3 Aug. 1842, at St. Geo, Han. iq.| his cousin, Laura Caroline Jane, 3d da of the lit. Hon. Sir Arthur Pa-jet, G.C.B. (br. to the 1st Manqi'ESS ok Asulesey), by Augusta, 2d da. of John (KaNeI, 10th BaBI, ok Wrstmom.anu. she, who was 4. 24 Oct 1818, «/. 9 Dee.. 1871, at Hahraham, co. Cambridge. He Bt. secondly, 8 Jan. 1S7:!, at St. Geo., Han. sip, Victoria Elizabeth, 1st ihi. of Anthony ( A siii.kv-Ci « ii-ku' , 7th E*»t OK SHAFTESBURY, by Erai':y, da. of Peter Leopold (.Cowi'ER), 5th EaUl Cowrai. She was o. 23 Sep. 1837=f Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 2,;"43 acres in Hampshire J besides ]J,;127 in co. Wexford ; 10,850 in co. Donegal : 1,830 in eo. Londonderry ; and £0 in co. Down- TaUd, 20,642 acre*, worth £18,793 a year. Principal Seals. — l'restou Houee, near Basingstoke, Hants, ami Duubrody Park, near Arthni'stowu, co. Water ford. TEMPLETOWN. Barony [I.] 1. ClotiYortiiy U pton,( ;l ) of Castlo. Upton, co. Antrim, I 177G ^ n,H ' - s *' 8 ' °^ ^"' in D'PToH.C') of the same, Lieut. Col. of Dragoons at the battle of Alinanza, by Mary, only da. of Francis UPTOlf, M.D. of London, was b. 1-1 March and bap. 13 April 1721, at St. Giles' in the fields ; was Clerk Comptroller to the Princess Dow. of Wales, 1761-72 ; sue. his elder br., the lit. Hon. Arthur Upton, in the family estates, 27 Sep. 170S : was one of the grantees of the " Upton patent," viz.. £0,000 acres: in Otsego county, New York, S March 1770, and was sr., 3 Am;. 177(3, BARON TEMPLETOWN of Templetown, co. Antrim [I.], taking his seat 14 Oct. 1777. He m. 25 Aug. 1769, Elizabeth, sister of Sir Edward Houghton, Sth Hart., da. of Shuckburgh Houghton, of Poston Court, co. Hereford, by Mary, da. of the Hon. Algernon Giikviue. 2p1 s. of Fulke 5th BaiioN Bhooke ok BBAUCHAlirS Court. He <t. Hi April 1785, at Castle Upton afsd., aged 64. Will dat. 7 April 1784, pr. 20 May 1785. His widow, who had been Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess Amelia, d. Sep, 1823, in Portlaud place, after a. long illness. Will pr. 1823. II. 1785 2 ami 1. John* Henry (Upton), Bakon Teml-i.e- Viscountov ri 1 T0WN M lst a ' 8 - N *" v - 1771 > SMC lliC /'"ra.'/c ['■] viw-uumcy L'-J 10 Al , ril 17S r, . was m.P. f„ r Bury St. Edmunds, 1803-12, and I. 1S0G was er. 18 Feb. 18i'6 VISCOUNT TEMPLETOWN [I]. Hem. 7 Oct. 1796,(<-) nt St. Geo. Han. Sip, Mary, da. of John (MoKTAOC), 5th EaHI. OK Sandwich, by his second wife Mary, da. and coheir of Harry (Powi.ett) 0th and last Duke ok Bolton. She, who was 6. 27 Feb. 1 774 , rf. in Hill Street 4 March or Oct. 1824, and was bar. at St. Maryleboue. Admou Sep. 1S25. He il. 21 Sep. 1S40 at Castle Upton in his 75th year, and was bur. there. Will pr. Feb. 1847. Viscoimtcy [I.] "j % a ,„i j. Hknuy Montagu (Urrox) Yis- r j count Tkmim.ktown, &e. [I.], lst s. and h. ; b. 11 Nov.

I s>0 1 1799, at Dorkiug, co. Surrey ; uiati ic. at Oxford (Ch.Cb.) 

Barony [I.] j L ' 5 May ISIS ; sue. to the peerage [L] 1 Oct. 1824. He ,„ A num. 2.S .March 1S63, at the Albany, in Piccadilly, J aged 63; bur. at Castle Upton afsd. (») A good ped. of Upton is in " M!s. Gen. et Top ," 2il S., vol ii, pp. 45-51. ( b ) Clotworthy Upton, of Castle Upton, elder br. of this John, distinguished himself at the siege of Limerick, &c, under William III. He <(. s p.m. about Sep. 1725, aged about 60, leaving an only da. and h., Elizabeth, er, 1776, Viscountess LiuiKford [I.] {") In the " Ocnt. Mag." for March 1793 among the marriages is this entry: "Lately the young Lord Templetown, of co. Antrim, to Miss liietz, natural da. to the King of Prussia."