Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/383

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TBYES — TEYNHAM. 381 II. 1308? g. BmKt (de Tyes), I iORD Tvks, s. and h. ; aged 22 to at the death of his father ; was in the Scutch wars. He was sum. to 1321. p arl. from 8 Jan. (1312/3) 8 Ed. II to 15 May (1321) 14 Ed. II. Having joined ill the insurrection of the Earl of Lancaster, he was, with him, beheaded for high treason in 1 3*2 1 and attainted, when the B<troiui was forfeited, but (says Courthope) " the attainder was subsequently reversed." lie d. I. his 1299, 1. Walter de Teyes, served in the Scotch wars ; to had -amnions, 28 Ed. I, "eq*k ct ami*," to Carlisle, and was 1324. sum. to pari, as a Buroo (LOUD TEYES) by writs from 0 Feb. (1288/9) 27 Ed. I to 20 Aug. (1307) 1 Ed. U( h ) aud to the coronation of Ed. II. His name as 11 /toininus de Shuiyrerc " is affixed to the letter uf the Barons to the Pope in 1301. ( He m. Isabel, da. [and h. '!] of John DE Stanourvb, or Steyniiiieve, of Stangreve, co, York, by Ida, one of the coheirs of John dk Bk.u', of Bedford He d. s.p. 1324, when the Barony became cxtinctA?) i.e., " Moxck of PoTnEitiDtiE, Deauciiamp axd Teyes," Barony {Monet), cr. lijOO with the Dukedom of Alukmaiile, which see; ex- 1038. TEYNHAM. Barony. /. Sir John Kopek, of the Lo(l^p( d ) in Dm garish of 1 1010 l.insted, co. Kent, 1st s. and h. of Christopher RorER(') of the same ill. April 1559), by Elizabeth, da. and h. of William BloHK. of liaiuham. in that county, was b. about 1634 ; Kniijhled 23 Feb. l. r pS7/S; had a grant from James I. of the manor of Tevnham, co- Kent, anil was cr. 9 July I6l8,l f ] BAKOH TEVNHAM of Teynh am, co. Kent. He m. firstly, about (*) Alice, his sister and heir, M. Sir Warino de Lisle, of Kingston I.isle, Berks, and Win mother of Gerard de I.isle, sum. to l'avl. as Lord Lisle in 1357. See vol. v, 1'. 113, note " c," as to the cause uf such summons being, nut improbably, owing to liis mother's heirship uf this Barony of Teyes, which thenceforth devolved with that of Lisle. () There is proof in the rolls of Pari, uf his sitting. ( c ) John de I'atesbnll was found to be his heir, according to Courthope," but Bugdale states that Margaret, then aged 20, da. of Koger l.e TVys, his br., was his next heir. His wife is sometimes said to have DMO the widow of Simon Pateshull, and if so, this confusion might naturally have arisen. (j He rebuilt this mansion and enclosed the spacious park that surrounds it. (") This Christopher Was a yr. br. uf William Roper, uf Kithaui, co. Kent (husband ol the well-known •' Margaret Roper," da. uf L.-Chancellor Sir Thomas More, both being sons of John Roper, Attorney Gen. to Hen. VII I, by Jane (a very consider- able heiress), da. of L.-Chief Justice Sir John Fineanx. In Carpenter's " Peerage for the Pen } ,le " [1819] occurs the following remark : " Thorpe, uf Bedford street, Covent Garden, pub. in IS33 a curious catalogue of Ancient Manuscripts, in p. 1S8 of which is described the celebrated illumined pedigree of the Ropers, from Henry III. to the creation of the Barony in the 16th [rertius 17th] century. This magnificently emblazoned Boll, considered to be the finest specimen in England, is in the possession «f the present Lurd Teynbam." As to this lull it appears to have been at Linsted Lodge till 1821, tho' parted with soon after by the executors of the 13th Lord. It was re-purchased by the second wife (possibly then the widow) of the Mth Lord, ami is now L189ii] in the possession of the present Peer. ( f ) The grantee held the valuable office of Custos lircviiim, for the reversion of which, for two lives, -tS/iOO was offered and refused in 1604. "From the Secret history of Court Intrigues it seems that the peerage was given him as a compensation for some place [Q,/. if not tho one abovenamed .'] which Villiers, the favourite, wrested from him " [Collins]. It was, as stated by George, Lord Carew, in a letter to Sir Thomas Roe, conferred " in pat/ant". Again, " Sir John Holies was cr. [on the 9th] Baron of Haughton, Sir John Koper, Baron of Tcncm, or Ten M's, as Ned YVyinarke