Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/401

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THURLOW — THTJRVESTON. 399 fill actress( a ) at Coven t Garden theatre 1st da. of James Richard Bolton, of Long Acre, attorney. He </. I June J829, in Regency Square, Brighton, aged 47.(t>) His widow d. 2S Sen. 1S30, at Southampton, said to be aged 40 [Qo. 50.1 Will pr Oct 1830. in. 1 829. 3. Edward Thomas (IIovell-Thl-rlow), Barox THUR- l.nw, 1st s. and h. ; 6. 12 Nov. 1S14 ; inc. to the peerage, 4 June 1S29. Hem. S Nov. 1836, at Whitehaven, .Sarah, only da. of Peter HODOSOH. She t/. in Gloucester place, 13 March IS 10. He d. at Heme bay, co. Kent, 2 March, 1857, aged 42. IV. 1857. Edward Thomas (IIovell-Thurlow), Barox Thur- m% 1st a. and h., 6. 25 Oct. 1837 at Ashfield Lodge, co. Suffolk ; jiir. to the peerage, 2 March 1857. He d. uum. of dropsy, at Fenton's Hotel, St. James' street, 22 April 1S74, aged 36. V. 1871. 5. Thomas Jonx (1Ioveu.-Tiicrt,ow, aftmearik IIovell- Tmrntow CcMjoso BiiixK), Baron Tiitmi.ow [1792], only br, and b., />. 5 Dec. 1838 ill L onilon ; entered the diplomatic service, 1858 ; attache at Paris, 18511 ; at China (Karl • , f Elgin's spec, mission) 1860-61 ; private Sec. to the Viceroy of India, 1 882-64 ; attache at Vienna 1 S ' j 4 . and at. Washington, 1865-66; 2d Sec. at the Hague, 1866-70 ; me. to the peerage, 22 April 1874, and by Royal Lie, 6 Aug. 1S74, took the additional lvalues of I'tiiauiiio/ /fi'inr, after tbiAQ of lloveU-Tlinvlotr, in consequence of his wife's descent from the former families ; was a Lord in waiting, 1880-85, and from Pub. to Mav, IS86 ; P.O., 1886 ; Paymaster Gen , April to Aug. 1SS6 ; L. H. Commissi-, of (Jen. Assembly of Church of Scotland, 1886,') He w. 18 Oct. 1.861, at St. John's Episc. church, Forres, Scotland, Kluia, 1st da. of James (BBUCK), 8th Earl OF Elgin [S.], only surv. child and h. of his first wife, Klizabeth .Mary, only child of Charles Lennox Cf.MMlXif-BtU'i'B, of ltoseisle. JJuup- hail and Ivinnaird in Scotland. She was It. 1!) June lS12.=p F«mih/ Estates — The**, in 1SS3, consisted .including those of Lady Thurlow) of 1,529 acres, co, Suffolk;**) (worth £2,800 a year', besides 10.518 in co. Elgin ; 1,107 in eo. StirliiiL', and 710 in Co, Nairn. Total 13,891, worth t'6,S47 a year. Principal HtMtnee. — Ashlicld House, near Ixworth, co. Suffolk; Dunpbsil, and Kiunaird, in Scotland. THURVESTON. Run " Mouxtjoy of Tiiuiivkstox, co. Derliy," Barony {Blount), c>: 1627 i ex. with the Earldom of Newport, 16S1. (") The "Lieut. Vug," in her obituary notice 1 1 830), writes, " We have never heard her mentioned but. in terms uf respect as a pattern of conjugal duty." ('•; " Chiefly known from having married Miss Bolton the actress, and from having been an unfortunate aspirant in verge making ... a propensity mod unfortunate for himself and for a whole host of creditors to boot . . . the poor Lord, under perpetual apprehension of bailiffs' visits, was obliged for several years to live without having a thing about him to call his own." [Carpenter's " Peerage far the people," 1835.| These poems, ["a large quantity,"] are fully described in his obit, notice in the " Ann. lie<j." for 1829; Their quality is thus spoken of by Byron— '• When Thurlow this damned nonsense sent (I hope 1 am not violent!. Nor men, nor Gods knew what he meant." (•] In a list of Peers, who in Oct. 1894 were directors of 4 or more companies (see note under "Tweeddale") he appears as a director of no less than eight, a fact which suggests his Lordship's peculiar litness for, or any rate attraction to commerce. He, however, appeared in the Bankruptcy Court in June of that year ; gross liabilities £427,567, of which £254,015 was expected to rank ; the assets being £29,890. The Suffolk estate WHS, in June 1894, charged with £43,200, which was said to be more than its actual value.