Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/402

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400 TFTWENf! — TIBT3ERS. THfllfO. [Marmaduke de Thweng, of Kilton Custlp, in Cleveland, co. York, who m. Lucy, sister ami eoheir of Peter Hiiuce, of Skelton, in county, was, with about (10 other person?, sum. S June (1294) 22 Ed. I. to attend the King, ie., but such writ does not constitute a regular summons to Pari, (a)] Barony by J. Marmadukk de Tiiyyexg, 2>1 s. of Mnrmadnka writ. p K TltwKNCi and Lucy his wife abovenamed, became heir male of I 1307 k' 3 f iiu,l 'j'> on the deatli s p.m. of his elder br. Robert; be distinguished himself in the wars with Scotland and elsewhere and was sum. to Pail, as a Haron TIIWKSli] by writs dat. 22 Feb. (1300/7) 35 Ed. I. to IS Sep. (1322) It! Ed. II. He ». Isabel, da. of William da Hos, of Igmanthorpe, co. York. He d. 1323. II. 1323. 2. William (de Titweno, or Fitz-Marmaduke), Lonn THWENO, 1st s.and h., aged 30 at the death of his father in 1323. He was sum. to pari. 30 Dec. (1324) IS Ed. II, but never afterwards. Him/. B.D. (1341) 15 Ed. III. III. 1341. 5r Robert de Thweno, hr. ami h., ORrd 40 nr IG (as stated by different inquisitions) at his brother's death in 1311. He, who was a Priest, was never sum. to pari, and d. num. (1311) IS Ed, III. IV. 1344, 4- TnoM.-ts de Tiihexg, l<r. and who also was a to Priest and Hector of the church of Lytham, where he founded a 1374. chantry. He was never sum. to Pari, and d. until. (1371) 38 Ed. Ill, when the hwrony fell into uUyaticc among the descendant.-, 1 ^ of his sisters. THYNNE OF WARMINSTER. i.e., "Tiiynne of Warminster, ci>. Will-," liiirony {Thynne) a: 16S2, with the YisCocntcy ok VVkyMuITII, which see. TIAQUIX, sco Tyaquin. TIIiBERS or TIBBERIS. i.e., "Douglas of Hawick and Tibhers," Rarony (S.] (DihhjUi*) er. 1028, with the Viscountcy ok Dbumlanuiu [S.Jand again IC'33. with tlie Eakldom or QUKENSBBRHY [S.J which see. i.e., TmnERis," Visconntcy |R.] (Dowjlas) or. 1707 will) Ike EaRC- DOM OF Soi.way [S], which see ; ex. (with the Dukedom of Dover, to.) 1778. (a) See vol. i, p. 25!), note " c," suh " Hasset de Sapcote." ( h ) These were the four coheirs of his three sisters, Lucy, Margaret and Katharine, viz. (1) Hubert I.umley, aged 17, 8. and h. of Sir Mannaduke Lumley (who had assumed the tirms of 'I'hweng) and grandson and heir of the abuvenanieil Lucy, by Sir Robert Lumley. This firstnamed Robert was sum. to Pari, in 1381 as Lord Lumley ; see that dignity ; (2^ John Hotham.aged 30, s. and h. of Maud, da. and coheir of the abovenamed Margaret, by Robert (Hilton) Lord Hilton, SO created by writ 1295, whom see ; (3) Isabel, aged 40, wife of Walter Pedwardyne, another da. and coheir of the said Margaret by the said Robert) Lord Hilton ; (4) Elisabeth, aged 21, wife of Sir Walter Botreaux, da. and h. of the abovenamed Katharine, by Sir Ralph Daubeny.