Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/424

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422 TR A N EXT — T R A QCAIR. TRANENT. (>., "Seton and Tranent," Baron; [S ] {Setou), n: 1600 with the Earldom of W lNT*>t'N [*">.], which t*e** ; forfeited 1715. TRAQUAIR. Barony [S.] /. Sir .John STEWART, of Trni]u:iir, co. PEEBLES, p. I 162S J "' m Stewart (((. v.)).) by Margaret, da. of Andrew Stewart. Master of Ochiltree, sue. his grandfather, .lamps Earldom [S.] StSWa«t(«) uf Traqunir, 9 May 1600. He was M.P. [S.] for t iciq PeeMea, 1621 : was Kniyhtcd about that date and made Treasurer 1. lb.Jo. ]) e p„ tl . [S.J. and was re. 1!' April 1628, LORD STEWART OP TRAQUA1K [SI] with rem. t" his heirs male bearing the name and arms of Stewart ; was High Treasurer fS |, 10:10 and was cr. 23 June 1633, KARL OF TRAQDAIR, LORD LINToN AND CAUER3TON fS.l with a like rein. He was, in lO.'i:", Chancellor of the jury at the trial i>f Lord Bslmerinoch, fur whom he obtained pardon ; was Commissi-, to the (!eu. Assembly at Edinburgh in Ann. 1039 ; was impeached by Pari PS.1 in 1641 ; raised a reg. of horse for the rescue of Charles I in 104S, but was taken prisoner that year at the battle of Prestun lad confined for 4 years in Warwick Castle. He m. about 1020 Catharine, 3d da. of David (CaRHBGIS), 1st EaRI. of SorTHESK [SJ, by Margaret, da. of Sir David Lindsay, of Edzell. He is said to have d. "id extreme poverty in Sep. 1659," but the true date appears to have been shortly before *J0 May 1054.(*'i II. H>51 1 2. John (Stewart), Earl of Traqiair, kc. [S.], only s. and h. ; b. about 1022 : joined the Marquess of Montrose, in Sep. 164.1, with a body of horse, and accompanied the Puke of Hamilton, in 1643, on his expedition to England) being taken prisoner at Preston, but soon afterwards released; sue. to the peerai/e [S.] in 1054 or 1659. He at, firstly, 1649. Harriet, widow of George SSTOS, st/ilcil Lord Seton, 2d da. of George (Gordon), 2d Maiuji kss ok Huntlet[S.] by Anne, da of Archibald (Oamprfll) 7th Karl ok Argyll [SJ. She, by whom he had no issue, d. Dec. 1050. He m. secondly, at Wintnun, April 1054, Anne, sister of the half-blood to the abovenamed George Seton, 5th da. of George (Seton). 3d E.vttL of Wintot'n (SJ, 3d da. of his second wife, Elisabeth, da. of John (Maxwell) 7th Lord Hf.uries of Tehukgi.ks [S.]. She was A. 30 Sep. 1034 (Tranent reg.) He d. April 1660, in his 44th year- His wife survived him. III, 1GG6. 3. William (Stewart), Earl of Traquair, &e. fS.], 2d but 1st surv. s. and h.,( c ) by second wife ; 6. 18 June 1657 ; styled Lord Linton till he sue. to the yicerayc [S.], as above, April 1006. He d. unm. IV. [ ]. 4. Charles (Stewart), Earl of Traquair, &e. [S.J next surr. br. and h., being 4th s. of the 2d Earl('l) ; 6. 1659 ; site, to the peerage [S.] He to., about 1690, Mary, only da. of Robert (Manwell), 4th Earl of Nithsdalb [S.], by Lucy. da. of William (Douglas), 1st Marquess ok Douglas [S.] He d. at Traquair, 13 June 1741, in bis 82d year.(°) Funeral entry in Lyon office. His widow d. at Edinburgh, 22 Sejj. 1759, in her 88th year. f*) This James was 4th and yst. but only surv. s. and eventually h. of William Stewart of Trarpiair, s. and h. of James S. of the same (slain at Klodden 1513), who was an illegit. s. of James (Stewart), Earl of IJuchan [S.], and who bad obtained, 20 Feb. 1488/9, letters of legitimation in the most ample form, authorising his heirship to any person, to whom, but for bastardy, he could be heir. 0>) Clarendon speaks of him as " without doubt not inferior to any in that nation f Scotland] in wisdom and dexterity," and speaks of his integrity to the King " being without blemish." Sir Ph. Warwick, in his memoirs, says of him, "ho was the most versatile man in Scotland, for I had the honour to know him well." (") His elder br. of the whole blood, James, d. youug. (*) George, the 2d s., d. unm. and v.p. (°) "A nobleman of great integrity, worth and honour," whose wife, also, was " possessed of every good quality." [Wood's " Douylas."]