Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/425

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TRAQUAIR — TRKDEGAR. 423 V. 1741. 5. Charles (Stewart), F.ahl of THAQt-^in, .tc. [.S.], l>t s. and h. ; styled Lord Linton till lie sue to the parage [8.] as above. 13 June 1741. He appears to have taken part in the rising of 1745(a) He m. Theresa, 6th ami yst. da. and coheir of Sir Buldwyu Convkiis, 4th Hart., of Horden. co. Durham, by his second wife, Margaret, da. of Henry Nkvill, of Holt, co. Leicester. He d. 8.p. at Edinburgh, 24 April and was bur. 1 May 1704, at Traquair. Funeral entry in Lyon office. Adtnou. 4 Sep. 1701. His widow d. 12 May 1778. VI". 1764. G. John (Stewart), Earl or Traquair, ko.. [S.], only br. and h. ; sue. to the peerage [S.1 21 April 1 7G4. He m.. 1740, Christian, widow of Sir William WsiB, Bart [S.J da. of Sir Philip Anstruther, of Austrother/ield, by Elizabeth, da. and h. of James Hamilton. She d. at Traquair House. 12 Nov. 1771, in her 09th year. He d. at Paris, 28 March 1779, iu his Slst year. VI r. 1779. 7. CnARLEs (Stewart, or Stuart), Earl of Traquair, &c. [S.], only s. and h. : b. 1740 : styled Lord Linton from 1704 till he sue. to the peerage. [S.] us above, 28 March 1779. He m., 19 (or 31) Aug. 1773 (spec, lie.) at the house of Mr. Allam, in Maddox street. St. Geo., Han sq., Mary, 2d and yat. da. and coheir of George IUvenscroft, of Wickham, co. Lincoln, by ( — ).( b ) She (/.at Madrid, 11 July 1790. He (who was a Homan Catholic) d . at Traquair House, 14 Oct. 1827, aged about SI. VIII. 1827, 8. Charles (Stewart or Stuart), Earl of Traquair to [1033], Lord Stuart ok TBAQVAIR [1628] and Lord Linton and 1861. Cabeiiston [1033] in the peerage of Scotland, only s. and h. ; b. 31 Jan. 1781 ; styled Lord Linton till he sue. to the peerage [S.], 14 Oct. 1S27. He d. num. 2 Aug. 1801 at Traquair house, aged 80, when the peerage became dormant or CXtinct.( e ) TKEL)E(> AK. Barony j. Sin Chables-Mohgax-Robinsou Morgan, Bart, for- I 1859 merly (i.e.. for some mouths in the first year of his life),G0CLD, of Trede- gar Park, co. Monmouth, and Ruperra Castle, co. Glamorgan, was cr. 16 April 1S59, BARON TREDEGAR of Tredegar, co. Monmouth. He was 1st a. and h. of Lieut-Col. Sir Charles M organ, formerly Gould, 2d Bart., by Mary Margaret, da of George Stonky, Capt. R.N., which Charles (who d. 5 Dec. 1840, aged 80), was 1st s. and h. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Gould afteruards Morgan, Bart, (so cr. 15 Nov. 1792) who by royal lie. dat. 16 Nov. 1792 took the name of Morgan m heu <>f that of Linuld.p) He was 6. 10 April and bap. 15 May 1792 at St. Margaret's Westm. ; mat, at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), S May 1811 being cr. D.C.L. of that Univ. 5 July 184S ; was M.P. for Brecknock, 1812-18, 1830-32 and 1835-47 ; sue. bis father, 5 Dee. 1840, as 3d Baronet ; High Sheriff of co. Brecon, 1850 and was raised to the peerage, 16 April 1S59 as above stated ; L. Lieut, of co. Monmouth, 1806-75. He M. 0 Oct. 1S27, at St. Mary's, Marylebone, Rosamond, only da. of Gen. Godfrey Basil Mundt, by Sarah Brydges, da. of the celebrated George Brydges (Rodnev), 1st Baron Rodnet. He d. 16 April 1875 at Tredegar Park, aged 83. His widow d. there 3 Jan. 1SS3. ( a ) He was one of the 3 Peers excepted in the Act oj Indemnity of 1747. See vol. ii, p. 252, note " d," sub " Clancarty." ( b ) The maiden name of this lady (whose second husband. William Bailey, d. Feb. 1814) was unknown to her graudaughter, Lady Louisa Stuart, b. 20 March 1770, living 1861, and said to have died in 1875. ( c ) The issue male of the grantee, certainly, as also, probably, that of his great grandfather (the legitimated bastard), became extinct iu 1861. The question remains as to whether such legitimation (see p. 422, note a ") is sufficient to enable the collateral heirs male of the bastard to inherit. See "Hewlett. ( ll ) He, who was au eminent civilian and who was Advocate Gen. and Judge Marshal of the forces (170S-1806), had m. Feb. 1758, Jane, 1st sister and coheir [1792] of John Morgan, of Tredegar afsd., the last hen- male of that ancient family.