Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/129

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ALBANY COMPLETE PEERAGE 79 1380) C) Muriel, ist da. of Sir William Keith, Marischal of Scotland, by Margaret, da. and h. of Sir Alexander Fraser, High Chamberlain [S.]. He d. 3 Sep. 1420, at Stirling Castle, aged above 80, and was bur. in Dun- fermline Abbey. His widow d. shortly before Whitsunday (i June) 1449. II. 1420. 2. Murdoch (Stewart), Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Earl of Menteith [S.], s. and h. by ist wife, h. probably 1362. Justiciar North of the Forth, 2 Apr. 1389. He was taken prisoner at the Scottish defeat on Homildon Hill, 14 Sep. 1402, and was detained in England till 141 5, when he was exchanged for the Earl of Northumberland. He sue. his father as Regent [S.] in 1420 ; and having accomplished the release of his cousin James I in 1424, attended him at his coronation at Scone. The King, however, " was not slow in commencing the work of vengeance on the race by whom he had been long supplanted," C') and, having obtained their conviction, at a Pari, held at Perth 25 Mar. 1425, caused the Duke himself, his two elder surv. sons (Walter and Alexander), and his father-in-law the Earl of Lennox [S.], to be beheaded on the Castle Hill of Stirling. (") He m. (settlement 17 Feb. 1 39 1/2) Isabel, ist da. and coh. of Duncan, Earl of Lennox [S.], by Helen, da. of Gillespie Campbell. She was h. presumptive to the Earldom of Lennox [S.], her father having resigned it (to Robert II), and obtained a new grant thereof to himself and the heirs male of his body with rem. to her, her husband and the heirs of their bodies. The Duke d. (as afsd.) 24 May 1425, and was bur. in the Blackfriars Church, Stirling, when, having been attainted, all his honours •vievc forfeiied. His widow, suo jure Countess of Lennox [S.], d. s.p.s., at Inchmurrin Castle, Loch Lo- mond, either in 1458 or 1459. (*) • [Robert Stewart, styled " of Fife " or Master of Fife, ist s. and h. ap. He was a witness to charters 1407, 1409 and 14 10. He d. v.p. and unm., between 1416 and July 1421.] [Sir Walter Stewart, styled " of Lennox, " and, after 142 1, " of Fife, " 2nd, but ist surv. s. and h. ap. ; Keeper of Dunbarton Castle. On (*) Robert Duke of Albany, and Isabella [hV] his wife, are mentioned in a petition to the Anti-Pope, dated Jan. 141 7/8. The name "Isabella" is certainly an error. V.G. C") See Burke's Victssitudts of Families, 1859, 1st Series, p. 95, ^c, where it is mentioned that Sir Robert Graham " the companion of these most unhappy Princes was released and lived to consummate his long-planned vengeance on the King in 1437. He it was, who, when James cried for mercy in his extremity, replied — ' Thou cruel tyrant, thou never hadst any mercy on Lords born of thy blood, there- fore no mercy shalt thou have here '." C) Whence he could see " his rich and romantic territory of Menteith and the hills of Lennox to which his Duchess was heir, and even descry the stately Castle of Doune, which had been his own Vice-Regal Palace. " See Burke, ut supra. C) James Stewart, the only s. who had escaped from the vengeance of the King, d. s.p. legit, some time before 18 May 1451, leaving (by an Irish lady, named Mac- donald) a son James, ancestor of the Stewarts of Ardvorlich.