Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/130

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8o COMPLETE PEERAGE albany 24 Apr. 142 1 he had dispensation to marry Janet, da. of Sir Robert Erskine, but it is doubtful if the marriage was ever consummated. He d.v.p., probably s.p. legit., (") and under attainder, being executed at the same time as his father, 24 May 1425.] III. 1456.? I. Alexander Stewart, 2nd s. of King James II, b. about 1454, and before 8 July 1455. He was Earl of March [S.] before 8 July 1455, was styled "Lord of Annandale and Earl of March " [S.] in an Act of Pari., 4 Aug. 1455, and soon afterwards (certainly before 3 July 1458) was cr. DUKE OF ALBANY [S.]. In 1479 his br. James 111, on suspicion of conspiracy, arrested him and his br. John, Earl of Mar [S.]. The latter died in prison, but the Duke escaped to France, where he was honourably received by Louis XI. In 1482 he (styling himself King of Scotland) made an agreement with Edward IV to pay homage to him, but, soon afterwards, he appears to have been reconciled to his br., James III, who apparently, about this time (Jan. 1482/3) must have cr. him EARL OF MAR AND GARIOCH [S.], which dignity had belonged to his abovenamed br. In 1483, however, he renewed his treaty with the English, and placed his Castle of Dunbar in their hands, and was ^'■forfeited" in that year. Having invaded Scotland he was routed near Lochmaben, 22 July 1484, and escaped again into France. He w., istly, Catherine, C') ist da. of William (Sinclair), Earl of Orkney and Caithness [S.], by his ist wife, Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of Buchan [S.], da. of Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of Douglas [S.]. She was divorced, 2 Mar. 1477/8, on account of propinquity ot blood, by sentence pronounced by the official of the district of Lothian and ratified by Act of Pari., 15 Nov. 1516. He m., 2ndly (cont. 16 Jan. 1478/9, C) in France, Anne, da. of Bertrand de la Tour, Count of Bou- logne AND Auvergne, Seigneur de la Tour in Auvergne, by Louise, da. of Georges de la Tremoille, Seigneur de la Tremoille in Poitou. He is (") He had many sons, all probably illegit., of whom the eldest, Andrew, was cr. Lord Avondale [S.] in 1439. This Andrew, with his brothers Arthur and Walter, was legitimated 17 Apr. 1479. Notwithstanding that Walter is included in this Act, there may be some grounds for supposing it possible that he [though he alone) may have been a s. by Janet Erslcine, and consequently legitimate. The matter is discussed in an able article on the Stewart Genealogy, by George Burnett, sometime Lyon King of Arms, in the Preface to vol. iv of the Exchequer Rolls [S.]. C") They had one s., Alexander Stewart, pronounced illegit. by Act of Pari., 13 Nov. 1 5 16. He was Bishop of Moray, 1527, d. 1534, and was bur. at Scone. — See Douglas, vol. i, p. 59. (") The contract, between " excellens illustris et potens Princeps Alexander Dux Albanie Comes Marchie Dominus Vallis Enandi et Mannie magnus Admirallus Scotie et Gardianus marchiarum orientalium et occidentalium versus Angliam fraterque germanus illustrissimi et excellentissimi Principis Scotorum Regis " and " egregius et potens Dominus Bertrandus de Bolonia Comes Alvernie et Lauraguesii Dominusque de Turre et nobilis et inclyta Domicella Anna de Bolonia ejus filia