Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/131

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ALBANY COMPLETE PEERAGE 8i said to have d. in 1485, in Paris, being accidentally killed at a tournament, and was bur. in the Church of the Celestins there. " By Act. ot Pari., I Oct. 1487, the lands forfeited by Alexander, Duke of Albany, Earl of Albany, Earl of March, Mar and Garioch, Lord of Annandale and Man () [S.], were annexed to the Crown. These lands were the Lordship and Earldom of March, the Baronies of Dunbar and Colbrandspath, with the Castle of Dunbar and tower and fortalice of Colbrandspath, and the Lordship of Annandale, with the Castle of Lochmaben." C") His widow m. (cont. 15 Feb. 1486/7), (") Louis de la Chambre, Count of la Chambre in Savoy, who d. at his castle of La Rochette in Savoy, 17 May 15 17, aged 72, and was bur. in the Carmelite Monastery there. She d. 13 Oct. 1 5 1 2, at La Rochette afsd., and was bur. with him. M.L to both, there. IV. 1505 . 2. John (Stewart), Duke of Albany [S.], C) only to child by 2nd wife, and h., his elder br. (of the half blood) 1536. having been pronounced illegit. He was appointed Regent of Scotland during the minority of James V, and arrived 18 May 151 5 from France at Dunbarton, where he was inaugurated with great state, and even crowned. After a profuse, weak, and inefficient regency of eight years, he finally quitted Scotland in Dec. 1523. He was Governor of Bourbonnais, Auvergne, Forez, and Beaujolais. He m. (cont. dat. 13 July iSOf),^) his cousin, Anne, Countess emancipata a dicto Domino Comite, " dated " die decima sexta mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo quatercentesimo septuagesimo nono, " is in E. Baluze, Hht. geneal. de la Maison d' Auvergne, 1708, vol. ii, preuves, pp. 670-72. The marriage took place before 4 Dec. 1479 {^dem, p. 672). The erroneous date, 16 Feb. 1480, in Anselme (vol. iv, p. 530), has been extensively copied, [ex inform. G.W. Watson.) V.G. (") The Isle of Man was granted by Robert I [S.] to Thomas (Randolph), Earl of Moray, on 20 Dec. 1313, according to Scot. Hist. Review, vol. iii, p. 405, and certainly before 6 Dec. 1316 (Reg. Ho. Charters, no. 83), the extant copies of the charter of the Isle being dated 20 Dec. 1324. [Scots Peerage, vol. vi, p. 292, note 6.) See also Riddel/, p. 102 iifc, and Riddell's Remarks, &c., 1833, p. 55, ^c. The afsd. Earl of Moray is styled Lord of Annandale and Mann between 13 16 and 1 3 20, and hiss. John is so styled, 1322-46, shewing that these Lordships were thus early united. In the reign of Robert II [S.] (1370-90], George (Dunbar), Earl of March iffc. [S.], the h. of the disponee, is called '■'■ Dominus VallisAnnandiae et Manniae." V.G. C") See Douglas, p. 59. f) Her marriage contract, dated " mcccclxxxvii xv Febr. indict, v " _i.e. 1486/7], and the epitaphs at La Rochette on her and her 2nd husband, are in Baluze, ut supra, preuves, p. 673. The date 7 May, in Anselme, is a misprint for 17 May. [ex inform. G.W. Watson.) V.G. C) There is no Act of Pari, nor any recorded charter extant, restoring to him the Dukedom forfeited by his father's attainder. He must have come of age about 1505, in which year also he married, and very possibly may have been then restored. (') The contract, " entre hault et puissant Prince Monseigneur Jehan Stuard Due dAlbanie dune part et haulte et puissante Damoiselle Madamoiselle Anne de Boulogne fille aisnce de feu hault et puissant Seigneur Monseigneur Jehan en son vivant Comte de Boulogne et dAuvergne dautre part, " dated " le xiii jour de Juillet Ian mdv, " is in Baluze, ut supra, preuves, p. 686. (^Jr inform. G.W. Watson.) V.G. 12