Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/143

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ALBEMARLE COMPLETE PEERAGE 93 Horse Guards, 1698/9-1710. El. K.G., 14 May, inst. 5 June 1700. Having just returned from a special embassy to the Hague, he was present at the death of the King, 8 Mar. 1701/2, (who bequeathed to him 200,000 guilders), after which event he retired to Holland, and took his seat among the Nobles of the States General. He was appointed Gen. of their forces, and was in command at Ramillies in 1706, at Oudenarde, 1708, ^c. On 16 Apr. 1705, he was cr. LL.D. by the University of Cambridge. He was defeated when fighting for the Imperialists at Denain, 13/24 July 17 12, and taken prisoner by the French. He m., 15/26 June 1701, at the English church at the Hague, in Holland, Gertrude de Quirina, da. and h. of Adam van der Duyn, Lord of St. Gravenmoer in Holland, and Master of the Buckhounds to William III. He d'. (*) 19/30 May 171 8, aged 48, at the Hague, and was l>ur. there. (") Will. dat. 29 May 171 8, pr. 13 July 1721. His widow ^. Dec. i74i,also at the Hague. Admon. 5 June 1742 to her son, the 2nd Earl. II. 1718. 2. William Anne (van Keppel), Earl OF Albemarle, fife, only s. and h., i>. at Whitehall, 5, and l>ap. 16 June 1702, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, the Queen (Anne) being his God- mother. He was educated in Holland, and was a Gen. in the service of the United Provinces. Capt., with rank of Lieut. Col., in ist Reg. of Foot Guards, 25 Aug. 17 17. Lord of the Bedchamber to the Prince of Wales, Oct. 1722, which office he still held after the Prince's accession, till 1751. K.B., 18 May 1725, on the revival of that order, but resigned in 1749 for the Garter. Aide-de-camp to the King, 1724-34. Col. of 3rd troop of Horse Guards, 4 June 1733. Gov. of Virginia, 26 Sep. 1737-54. Brig. Gen. 2 July 1739; Maj. Gen. 20 Feb. 1741/2; Lieut. Gen., 26 Feb. 1744/5; Col. Coldstream Guards 1744-54. He was at the battles of Dettingen (1743), Fontenoy (1745), and Culloden (1746) ; after which he was, on 23 Aug. 1 746, made Commander-in-Chief of the forces in Scotland. Ambassador to France, 1749-54. El. K.G., 22 June 1749; inst. by proxy, 12 July 1750. Groom of the Stole 1751-54. P.C. 12 July 1751. On 30 Mar. 1752, he was one of the Lords Justices during the King's absence in Germany. " Earl of Albemarle in Normandy, " adding, " the title having been doubtless selected as one so frequently enjoyed by persons of the highest consideration, and not in any way resting upon an hereditary claim." See N. is Q., ist Ser., vol. ii, p. 466. Doubtless this was the idea, though why Keppel was entitled to the highest consideration, does not appear so clearly. The case was different (as regards merit) with Gen. Monck, and (as Tega.T(is pre-eminence) with all the previous holders. The grantee is in the patent styled " Arnoldus Justus de Keppel, " and in the docquet " Arnold Joost van Keppel. " (*) " He is grown the gentleman of most application in the service, the most afcble and obliging in his behaviour, the best husband and most regular man in his living that is in the States dominions ; only continues pretty expensive in his equipage and housekeeping." (J. Drummond to Robert Harley, 9 Dec. 17 10.) He was, according to -Sllach (when about 30 years old) " Beautiful in his person, " and a few years earlier Bishop Burnet calls him " a cheerful young man. " V.G. () The Keppels, Earls of Albemarle, bear arms of Gules with three scallops silver, {ex inform. Oswald Barron.) V.G.