Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/144

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94 COMPLETE PEERAGE albemarle He m., 21 Feb. 1722/3, at Caversham, Oxon, Anne, 2nd da. of Charles (Lennox), ist Duke of Richmond, by Anne, Dowager Baroness Belasyse, da. of Francis Brudenell, styled Lord Brudenell. He d., suddenly, in his coach, after supper, at Paris, 22 Dec. 1754, and was bur. 21 Feb. 1755, in the Chapel in South Audley Str., Grosvenor Sq., Midx. Admon. 1 5 Feb. 1758, to a creditor. (") His widow, who was b. 24 June 1703, and was one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber to Queen Caroline, d. 20 Oct. 1789, in New Str., Spring Gardens, Midx. Will pr. Nov. 1789. in. 1754. 3. George (Keppel), Earl OF Albemarle, &'c., s. and h., b. 5 Apr., and bap. 4 May 1724, at St. Martin's-in- the-Fields. M.P. for Chichester, 1746-54. Served in the army under the Duke of Cumberland, to whom he was Lord of the Bedchamber. In command of the 20th Foot, i Nov. 1749. Major Gen., i Feb. 1756 ; Lieut. Gen., i Apr. 1759; Gen., May 1772. Col. of the King's own Reg. of Dragoons, 1755-72. P.C. and Keeper and Gov. of Jersey, 28 Jan. 1 76 1. Commander-in-Chief at the reduction of the Havannas in 1762. El. K.G., 26 Dec. 1765 ; inst. 25 July 1771. He m., 20 Apr. 1770, at Bagshot Park, in the parish of Windlesham, Surrey, Ann, yst. da. of Sir John Miller, of Chichester, 4th Bart., by Susan, da. of Matthew Combe, of Winchester, M.D. He d., of inflammation of the bowels, 13, and was bur. 22 Oct. 1772, at Quidenham, Norfolk, aged 48. (") Will pr. Oct. 1772. His widow d. 3 July 1824. Will pr. Feb. 1825. IV. 1772. 4. William Charles (Keppel), Earl of Albemarle, <yc., only s. and h., b. 14 May, and bap. 8 June 1772, at St. Geo., Han. Sq. Master of the Buckhounds 1806-7. P-C- 1830. Master of the Horse i 830-34, and again 1835-41. G.C.H. (Civil), 1833. (") He m.y ist!y, 9 Apr. 1792, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., (he 20, and she 16) Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Edward (Southwell), Lord de Clifford, by Sophia, (') " What made our friend, Lord Albemarle, Col. of a Regt. of Guards, Governor of Virginia, Groom of the Stole, and Embassador at Paris ?... It was his airs, his address, his manners, his graces. " (Chesterfield's Letters, vol. ii, p. 253.) " His figure was genteel, his manner noble and agreeable. " (Hor. Walpole, Memoirs of Geo. II, vol. i, p. 82.) " He was par excellence what is called a galant homme, noble, sensible, generous, full of loyalty, frankness, politeness, and goodness ; he united what is best and most estimable in the characters of English and French. " (Marmontel's Memoirs, vol. i, p. 342.) V.G. () He bought this estate for ^^63,000. He was one of 15 children, his next br. being the well-known Admiral, Viscount Keppel. He appears in 1769, (" Ameri- canus and Eliza") [Mrs Anne (sic) G...N...R] among the notorious tete a the portraits in Town and Country Mag. A good account of these by Horace Bleakley is in A'^. y Q., loth Ser., vol. iv, pp. 241-2. ('■) The Duke of Sussex writes to Coke of Norfolk in 1833, "you will laugh when I tell you that the King took Albemarle by surprise, and has made him a Knight of the Thistle. I do not think the members of the House enjoyed it, but it could not be helped. " Albemarle had no connexion by blood or estate with Scotland, so appar- ently the King's blunder was helped by making him G.C.H. instead. V.G.