Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/145

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ALBEMARLE C 0|M P L E T E PEERAGE 95 3rd da. of Samuel Campbell. She was b. ii Jan. 1776, and d. 14 Nov. 18 17, in labour of her 15th child, at Mr. Coke's, Holkham, Norfolk, and was bur. at Quidenham. Admon. Nov. 1832. He m., 2ndly, 1 1 Feb. 1822, in Upper Grosvenor Str., Charlotte Susannah, da. of Sir Henry Hunloke, 4th Bart., by Margaret, da. of Wenman Coke, of Longford, co. Derby. He d. 30 Oct. 1849, ^t Quidenham afsd., aged 67. Will pr. Feb. 1850. His widow d. s.p.y 13 Oct. 1862, at Twickenham, aged about 85. [William Keppel, styled VISCOUNT BURY, s. and h. ap. by ist wife, b. I Mar. and bap. 3 Apr. 1793, at St. James's, Westm.; d. v.p., 9 Apr. 1804, in Berkeley Sq., aged 1 1, and was bur. at Quidenham.] V. 1849. 5. Augustus Frederick (Keppel), Earl OF Albemarle, ^c, 2nd, but ist surv. s. and h. by ist wife, b. 1 June 1794 ; sometime an Officer in the ist Reg. Foot Guards, receiving the Waterloo medal. M.P. for Arundel, 1820-26. He »/., 4 May 18 16, (spec, lie.) Frances, da. of Charles Steer, of Chichester, by Mary Wood, of Jamaica. He ^. j./>., 15 Mar. 1851, having been insane since some time before Dec. 1849. Admon. Mar. i860. His widow m. (as his 2nd wife), 20 Aug. i860, at Ashridge, Herts, Lieut. Col. the Hon. Peregrine Francis CusT, who d. 15 Sep. 1873. She d. s.p.^ 16 May 1869, at the H6tel de I'Europe, Lyons, France. Will pr. 30 June 1869, under ;^30,ooo. VI. 1851. 6. George Thomas (Keppel), Earl of Albemarle, br. and h., b. 13 June 1799, in Marylebone. Ed. at Westm. School. Entered the 1 4th Foot, Apr. 1 8 1 5, and served at Waterloo. Major Gen., 1858 ; Lieut. Gen., 1866; Gen., 1874. Sheriff of co. Leitrim 1838. M.P. for East Norfolk, 1834-35 ; for Lymington, 1847-50. Pri- vate Sec. to Lord John Russell (when Premier), 1846-47; sometime Equerry to H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex. Groom in Waiting 1838-41. (^) Author of Memoirs of the Marquess of Rockingham, Fifty Tears of my Life, (") isPc. F.A.S., F.G.S., i^c. He m., 4 June 1831, at Willesden, Midx., Susan, 3rd da. of Sir Coutts Trotter, ist Bart., by Margaret, da. of the Hon. Alexander Gordon, 3rd s. of William, 2nd Earl of Aberdeen [S.]. She d. 3 Aug. 1885, at Lyndhurst, Hants, aged 79. He d. 21 Feb. 1891, at 8 Portman Sq., Marylebone, in his 92nd year, and was bur. at Quidenham. VII. 1 89 1. 7. William Coutts (Keppel), Earl of Albemarle, &?c., s. and h. ap., b. i^ Apr. 1832, in London. Ed. at Eton. Ensign and Lieut. 43rd Foot, 1843. Lieut. Scots Guards, 1848-53. Aide-de-Camp to Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence in India; retired, 1853. ^/y/fi^ Viscount Bury 1851-91. M.P. for Norwich, 1857-59 ; for Wick Burghs, 1860-65 ; for Berwick, 1868-74. Superintendent of Indian affairs (") " His voice is loud, his manner confident and somewhat overbearing. " {Gent. Mag. Feb. 1857.) C") A review thereof, as to Westminster School, ^c, is in A'^. i3 Q., 3id Ser., vol. vii, p. 461.