Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/188

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138 COMPLETE PEERAGE Anglesey Note. — On the death of the Earl (14 Feb. 1761), Arthur Annesley, his s. by the said Juliana (J?. 7 Aug. 1744), though opposed by the next h., was held in Ireland to have sue. to the Irish Honours, and took his seat in the House [1.] as Viscount Valentia, 5 Dec. 1765 and 7 Nov. 1771.0 On his petitioning, however, for a writ of sum. to the Pari, of Great Britain as Earl of Anglesey ^c, the House of Lords for that kingdom (to whom it had been referred) decided, 22 Apr. 1771, that " the claimant had no right to the titles, honours and dignities claimed by his petition." (") According, therefore, to these decisions, the English titles of Earl of Anglesey and Baron Annesley had become extinct on 14 Feb. 1761, the Irish titles continuing. The said Arthur, Viscount Valentia [I.], was, on 3 Dec. 1793, cr. EARL OF MOUNTNORRIS [I.]. He d. 5 July 18 16, and was sue. by his s. George, 2nd Earl of Mountnorris, tfc. [I.]. The latter's claim as a Peer of Ireland was, on 6 Mar. 18 17, admitted (by the House of Lords of the United Kingdom) not only as an Earl, but as a Viscount, and the holder of two Baronies [I.], which last three peerages he could only possess in right of inheritance from his grandfather, Richard (viii) 6th Earl of Anglesey abovenamed. (") On the ground of this admission of his father's lawful birth, he petitioned, 30 Jan. 18 19, for his writ as " Earl of Anglesey, " £?'c., which petition was referred to the committee for privileges, but no further steps appear to have been taken in the matter. He d. s.p.m.s.j 23 July 1844, when the issue male of the ist Earl of Anglesey and Baron Annesley (to whom alone those honours were limited) became extinct^ granting (as was held by the Irish House of Lords) that the s. of the 6th Earl (who sue. him in his Irish, but not in his English, honours) was b. in wedlock. The title of Anglesey, however, was (in accordance with the English decision of 1771, whereby it was held to have been extinet in 1761) made use of again, as a Peerage title, some thirty years before such extinct- ion of issue had occurred. MARQUESSATE. i. Henry William {') Paget, s. and h. of Henry - (Paget), ist (iii) Earl of Uxbridge, by Jane, ist.da. ■ ' ^' of Arthur Champagne, Dean of Clonmacnoise [I.], was b. 17 May, and bap. 12 June 1768, at St. Geo., Han. Sq. Ed. at Westm. School, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford. M.A. 28 June 1786. M.P. (*) See under Altham. (") On 10 May 1767, he m., at St. James's, Westm., as " Earl of Anglesey, " and signed the entry (curiously enough) as " Altham-Anglesey ; " though " Altham " was but a Barony [I.], while " Valentia " (to which he was unquestionably equally entitled) was a Fiscountcy [I.], and one of much older creation. {") He is called " Henry William Bayly Ptter Walter, commonly called Lord Paget " in the reg. of his marriage, 1795. See, as to the origin of the Bayly family, which was not Scotch, Scottish N. isf Q., vol. ii, p. 16. As to the name Peter Walter, see note sub x Lord Paget de Beaudesert.