Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/189

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ANGLESEY COMPLETE PEERAGE 139 (Tory) for the Carnarvon boroughs, 1790-96, and for Milborne Port, 1 796- 1 804 and 1806-10. In 1790 he raised a regiment (the 80th Foot or Staffordshire Volunteers) from his father's tenantry, of which he was subsequently Lieut. Col. In 1795 he was Lieut. Col. of the i6th Light Dragoons, and in 1797 of the 7th Light Dragoons; Col. thereof 1801-42 ; Col. of the Royal Horse Guards 1842-54; Major Gen. 1802; Lieut. Gen. 1808; General 18 19. He distinguished himself (being then styled Lord Paget) in the campaign of the Duke of York, and subsequently, when commanding the Calvary, at Corunna, under Sir John Moore. On 13 Mar. 1 8 12 he sue. his father as Earl of Uxbridge and Lord Paget DE Beaudesert. At Waterloo, 18 June 18 15, he commanded the cavalry of the Anglo-Belgian army, and contributed greatly to the success of that memorable battle, in which he received a wound, which entailed the loss of his leg. (") Three weeks after that action, on 4 July 18 15, he was rewarded by being cr. MARQUESS OF ANGLESEY. G.C.B. 2 Jan. 1 8 15. Knight of Maria Theresa of Austria, 21 Aug. 1815, and on the same date, Knight of St. George of Russia. G.C.H., 18 16. El. K.G. 19 Feb., inst. 2 Mar. 18 18. P.C, 1827. Gold Stick 1842. Field Marshal, 1846. He was also twice, 1827-28 and 1846-52, Master Gen. of the Ordnance ; and twice, 1828 to 1829, when the Tory Govt, not approving of his conduct recalled him, and 1830 to 1833, having then gone over to the Whigs, Lord Lieut, of Ireland. At the coronation of Geo. IV, 1821, he acted as Lord High Steward. Lord Lieut, of Anglesey 1812-54, Lord Lieut, of co. Stafford 1849-54. He m., istly, 25 July 1795, ^^ ^^^ ^^.rX of Jersey's house in Grosvenor Sq., Caroline Elizabeth, 3rd da. of George Bussey (Villiers), 4th Earl OF Jersey, by Frances, da. and h. of Philip Twysden, Bishop of Raphoe [I.]. She was b. 16 Dec. 1774. This marriage, after the birth of eight children, was dissolved at her own suit by the Scotch Courts in 1810. C") He w., 2ndly, in 18 10, Charlotte, (°) the divorced wife of the Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Wellesley, G.C.B. (afterwards cr. Lord Cowley), da. of Charles Sloane (Cadogan), ist Earl Cadogan, by his 2nd wife, Mary, da. of Charles Churchill. She was b. 11 July 1781, and d. 8 July 1853, at Uxbridge House, Old Burlington Str., Midx., aged 72. Admon. Dec. 1853. The Marquess, who (with the exception of the Royal family) was the only Field Marshal at that time in the army, d. at Uxbridge House, C) See an interesting account thereof and amusing epitaphs thereon in N. & Q., 3rd Series, vol. ii, pp. 249, 320 and 339. C") She m., 29 Nov. 1 8 10, George William (Campbell), 6th Duke of Argyll [S.] (who d. s.p., 22 Oct. 1839), and d. 16 June 1835. " Lord Paget will not admire meeting his quondam wife with the higher rank of Duchess, and an ob- sequious husband, for he has always treated her with the most shameful contempt. " (Lady Jerningham, Nov. 1 810.) V.G. (') He seduced this woman, then the mother of four children, and a verdict against him for ^{^24,000, the full amount claimed in an action for crim. con., a duel between him and her br., Capt. Cadogan, and two divorces, were the results of this misconduct.