Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/201

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ANGUS COMPLETE PEERAGE 151 After the death of Gilbert, Earl of Angus, 6 Jan. i38o/i,() none of the descendants of his grandfather, Earl Gilbert, who was the first to be sum. to Pari., were sum. under the title of Earl of Angus or that of Lord Umfreville. The right of succession to the Barony of Umfreville, and (if any) to the Earldom of Angus, devolved as follows. — I. 1381. I. Thomas de Umfreville, of Hessle, co. York, and Holmside, co. Durham, br. of the last Earl (of the half blood), being 3rd s. C') of Earl Robert, by his 2nd wife, Alienor. He inherited the castle of Harbottle and the manor of Otterburn, which fell to him under a fine of Easter 1378. He w. (") Joan, da. of Adam de RoDDAM. He d'. 21 May 1387. (") II. 1387. 2. Sir Thomas de Umfreville, of Harbottle, fcfc, elder s., aged 26 at his father's death. Sheriff of Northumberland 1388-89, and M.P. for that co. in the Parliaments which met 3 Feb. 1387/8 and 17 Jan. 1389/90. He m. Agnes. He d. 12 Feb. or 8 Mar. 13 90/1. (') His widow ^.25 Oct. 1420. (') III. 1 39 1 3. Sir Gilbert de Umfreville, of Harbottle, to Hessle, Kyme, fsfc, only s. and h., b. 18 Oct 1390, at 142 1. Harbottle Castle, and bap. in the church there. (^) He inherited the Kyme property, co. Lincoln, on the death, 18 Dec. 1398, of Maud, Countess of Angus and Northum- berland. He is said to have accompanied his uncle. Sir Robert de Umfreville, in an incursion into Scotland (1409-10) 11 Hen. IV. Some chroniclers (English and French) style him Earl of Kyme, (*") but no such title is ever given him in any formal document. (') He was at the (°) His heir at law was his niece Alienor, then aged 40 and more, and widow of Sir Henry Tailboys, she being da. and h. of Elizabeth (the Earl's only sister of the whole blood who left issue), by Sir Gilbert Borrowdon. Her grandson, Walter Tailboys, inherited Harbottle, Otterburn, Kyme, ^c, on the death of Sir Robert de Umfreville, K.G., 27 Jan. 1436/7. (*■) The and s., Robert, d.s.p. shortly before 10 Oct. 1379. C) Or, rather, she was the mother of his two sons, Thomas and Robert, as to whose legitimacy there is considerable doubt. See Genealogist^ N.S., vol. xxvi, pp. 129, sqq. f) Writs oi diem d. ext. 25 May 10 Ric. II. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Ric. II, file 48, no. 43: Exch. Inq. p. r?i., I, file 54, no. 2, and Enrolments, file 1 338, no. 4). Durham Inq., 10 June 1387. (Cursitor's Records, no. ii, f. 157). (') Writs of diem cl. ext. I Apr. 14 Ric. II. (Ch. Inq. p.m., Ric. II, file 64, no. 50: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 57, no. 7). (*) Durham Inq. 3 Mar. 1420/1. {Cursitor's Records, no. ii, f. 197 d). H Writ de etateprob. 28 Jan. 13 Hen. IV. (Ch. Inq.p. m., Hen. IV, file 88,no. 54). (*■) See further particulars under Kyme. C) According to John Hardyng, who was a follower of the Umfrevilles, this Gilbert and his uncle, Sir Robert, went with the Earl of Arundel in 1411 to support the Duke of Burgundy against the Armagnacs, and having distinguished him- self [9 Nov. 141 1 ] in an engagement at St. Cloud, near Paris, in which the English