Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/202

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152 COMPLETE PEERAGE angus battle of Agincourt in 141 5, was appointed Captain of Caen, 30 Sep. 1417, and during the siege of Rouen, 141 8-19, was commissioned, 3 Jan. 141 8/9, with the Earls of Warwick and Salisbury, &'c., to treat for the surrender of that city. He was appointed Captain of Pontoise 2 Feb., of Eu 12 Feb., and of Neufch^tel 21 Feb. 1418/9. (") He m., before 3 Feb. 141 2/3, (") Anne, 5th da. of Ralph (Nevill), ist Earl of Westmorland, by his ist wife, Margaret, da. of Hugh (Stafford), 2nd Earl of Stafford. He d. s.p., being slain at the battle of Baugi in Anjou, 22 Mar. i42o/i.(") Admon., as Gilbert Umfrevile kt. lord of Redesdale, 19 Feb. 142 1/2, at Lambeth. C) His coheirs in 142 1 were his 5 sisters, (i) Elizabeth, then aged 30, and wife of Sir William Elmeden, of Elmeden (now Embleton), co. Durham. She d. 23 Nov. 1424, leaving 4 daughters her coheirs. (2) Maud, then aged 28, and wife of Sir William Ryther, of Ryther, co. York. She d. 4 Jan. 1434/5, leaving William Ryther her s. and h. (3) Joan, then aged 26 (48 in 1437), and wife of Sir Thomas Lambert. She was living in 1446. (4) Margaret, then aged 24 (47 in 1437), and widow of William Lodington, of Gunby, co. Lincoln, Justice of the were victorious, was on that day " proclaymed erle of Kyme " [ChronicU, ed. Ellis, p. 367). Possibly (as suggested by Sir J.H. Ramsay, Lancaster bf Tork, vol. i, p. 131), the title of Count was then conferred on him by the French. He was certainly thereafter popularly known as an Earl — " To whiche Gilbert Umfrevile erle of Kyme Aunswered for all his felowes and there men They shuld all die together at a tyme. " And again, in the account of the battle of Baug<5, where the Duke or Clarence was slain — " With him were slayne then therle Umfrevyle And syr John Graye the erle of Tankervyle. " (Hardyng's Chronicle, pp. 368, 385). To these Lords who were slain on the part of the English, can be added John, Lord Roos. The Earls of Somerset and Huntingdon, and Walter, Lord Fitz Walter, were taken prisoners in the same defeat. (") Henry V gave him, i Feb. 1418/9, Amfriville-sur-Iton in the bailiwick of Rouen, late of Pierre and Jean d'Amfr6ville. (Norman Roll, 6 Hen. V, pars ii, m. 28). C*) Papal licence, 3 non. Feb. 3 John xxiii, to Gilbert Umfravyll, lord of Kyme, and Anne his wife. (Cal. Papal Registers, vol. vi, p. 385). Writ of diem cL ext. 18 Apr. 9 Hen. V (Ch. Inq. p. m., Hen. V, file 60, no. 56: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 125, no. 3, and Enrolments, file 728, no. 5 (i)). Durham Inq., 26 Apr. 1423. (Cursitor's Records, no. ii, f. 21 1 d). C) His uncle Sir Robert de Umfreville, K.G., succeeded to the greater portion of his estates, and was thenceforward styled Lord of Kyme and Redesdale. He d. s.p., 27 Jan. 1436/7 (Ch. Inq. p. m.. Hen. VI, file 83, no. 57 : Exch. Inq. p. m.. Enrolments, file 739, no. 3, and file 1363, no. 5), and not sexto kal. jan. 1436, as stated in the Obituary of Newminster, which has misled Dugdale, Beltz, and others.