Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/203

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ANGUS COMPLETE PEERAGE 153 Common Pleas, who d. 9 Jan. 1419/20. She m., 2ndly, before 26 Apr. 1423, John Constable, of Halsham in Holderness (afterwards let.). She d. 23 June 1444, leaving John Constable her s. and h. (5) Agnes, then aged 22 (46 in 1437), and wife of Thomas Haggerston, of Hag- gerston, co. Durham. She was living in 1446. (") Among their lineal representatives the Barony of Umfreville, cr. by writ of summons (1295) 23 Edw. I, and the Earldom of A'ngus, (if considered as an English Earldom in fee, cr. by the summons under that title) are in abeyance, while the Scotch Earldom (disregarding the confiscation thereof) is in the representative of Agnes, wife of Thomas Claxton, and ist da. and coh. of Elizabeth Eimeden, above mentioned. C') EARLDOM [S.] i. John Stewart, of Bonkyl, co. Berwick, s. and h. YTTT of Sir Alexander S., of the same, sue. his father 13 19, • 1329- and is styled^ in a charter dat. 15 June 1329, EARL OF ANGUS [S.]. He was knighted 24 Nov. 133 1, at the coronation of David IL He w., by Papal disp. dat. 24 Oct. 1328 (being within the fourth degree of consanguinity), Margaret, ist da. of Sir Alexander Abernethy. He d. 9 Dec. 1331. His widow was living 1370. XV. 1331. 2. Thomas (Stewart), Earl OF Angus [S.], only s. and h. He commanded at the taking of Berwick in Nov. 1355, and was one of the eight Lords, of whom three were to place themselves in the hands of the English as security for the release of David II. He was Great Chamberlain [S.] 1357 and 1358. On 18 Aug. 1359 he had a safe conduct for four ships of Flanders, with which he was to join Edward III at Calais, but he broke his engagement, and in Mar. 1359/60 was charged to return to England to fulfil his obligation as a hostage. He

  • »., by Papal disp. dat. 3 June 1353 (being within the fourth degree of

consanguinity), Margaret, generally considered to have been da. of Sir William St. Clair, of Roslin, by Isabel, da. and coh. of Malise, Earl of Strathern, Caithness, and Orkney [S.], which Margaret was, however, more probably sister of the said Sir William. Being imprisoned in Dun- barton Castle, he d. there, of the plague, 1361. His widow m. Sir John Sinclair, of Herdmanstoun. XVI. 1 36 1. 3. Thomas (Stewart), Earl of Angus [S.], only s. andh. An infant at his father's death. He d'. j./>., 1377. (^) Inq. on Gilbert and Robert de Umfreville, as above ; Durham Inq., 5 Apr. 1446. (Cursitors Records, no. clxiv, nos. 72, 73, 74). It will be observed that each of the coheirs is described in 1 42 1 as 10 years or so younger than she must actually have been. () This is on the unlikely supposition that Thomas de Umfreville {d. 1391) was legitimate. Otherwise the representation would be in the heirs of Walter Tailboys (see p. 151, note "a"), if not extinguished by the attainder in 1461 of his s., William.