Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/224

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174 COMPLETE PEERAGE antrim ation of Fox) BARON SOBERTON of Soberton, co. Southampton, and VISCOUNT ANSON of Shugborough and Orgrave, co. Stafford. He m., 15 Sep. 1794, at Holkham, Norfolk, Anne Margaret, 2nd da. of Thomas William (Coke), ist Earl of Leicester of Holkham, by his ist wife, Jane, sister of James, ist Lord Sherborne, and da. of James Lennox DuTTON. He d. in St. James's Sq., 31 July, and was bur. 10 Aug. 18 18, at Shugborough, co. Stafford, aged 51. M.I. Will pr. Sep. 1818. His widow, who was b. at Holkham, 23 Jan., and bap. there 23 Feb. 1779, d. in Harley Str., 23, and was bur. 31 May 1843, at Shugborough. Will dat. 5 Oct. 1839, pr. 15 July 1843. II. 18 18. 2. Thomas William (Anson), Viscount Anson, yc, s. and h., b. 20 Oct. 1795, and bap. at Colwich afsd. On 15 Sep. 1 83 1 he was cr. Earl of Lichfield. See "Lichfield," Earldom of, cr. 1831. ANTRIM EARLDOM [I.] I. Randal Mac Sorley Mac Donnell, of Dunluce, y ^ CO, Antrim, 2nd, but ist surv. s. and h. of Sorley Buoy Mac Donnell, Lord of the Route, co. Antrim, by Mary, da. of Con Baccach (O'Neill), ist Earl of Tyrone [I.], sue. his father in 1589, and greatly distinguished himself in the pacification of Ulster, having raised 500 foot and 40 horse at his own charge. He was knighted, 13 May 1602, by the Lord Deputy Mountjoy, and obtained a grant, from James I, of the Route and the Glyns, co. Antrim, lands which his father had conquered from the Mac Quillans. On 28 May 161 8 he was i:r. VISCOUNT DUNLUCE, CO. Antrim [I.], and on 12 Dec. 1620 he was cr. EARL OF ANTRIM [I.J, with the annual creation fee of ;^20 from that co., (") having been made Lord Lieut. (") of the same and P.C. the same year. On 14 July 1634 he first took his seat in the House, but, shortly afterwards, had leave to go into the country on account of his age and weakness. He w., 1604, Alice, da. of Hugh (O'Neill), Earl of Tyrone [I], by his 2nd wife, Joanna, da. of Hugh McManus O'Donnell. C) He d. 10 Dec. 1636, at Dunluce, and was bur. with his father at Bunnamairge (now Bonamargy). His widow, celebrated for her beauty, was restored to her house of Bally- castle, CO. Antrim, Nov. 1661, and was living 19 Aug. 1663, and then aged 80. II. 1636. 2 and I. Randal (Mac Donnell), Earl of MARQUESSATE [I.] ^^."^^l^' ^^- J^-^' ^"^ ^:'r.^l^'"t ..^ t "^"j L J knighted, 17 Mar. 1638/9, at Dubhn, by the Lord (*) The preambles of the three creations (i 6 1 8, 1620, and 1644/5), in which the merits of the grantee are set forth, are given in Lodge^ vol. i, pp. 205, 206, and 210. (*") There were Lieuts. of counties in Ireland down to the reign of James II, when they were styled Governors, until the present system came in temp. Will IV. {ex inform. G. D. Burtchaell.) V.G. (0 State Papers [I.], 1625-32, p. 66. V.G.