Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 1.djvu/225

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ANTRIM COMPLETE PEERAGE 175 I. 1645 Deputy Wentworth (afterwards Earl of Strafford). to Took his seat in the House 17 June 1640. He 1682. exerted himself greatly in the Royal cause, and, by Royal warrant dat. at Oxford 26 Jan. 1644/5, was cr. MARQUESS OF ANTRIM (") [I.], with the annual fee of ;^40 from the customs of the port of Coleraine. He undertook to raise an army in Ireland and to transport it to Scotland in the King's cause, believing that " all the clan of the Mac Donnells in the Highlands might be persuaded to follow him, " In Aug. 1651 he was " quartered by the rebels not far from Kilkenny in a very obscure and unregarded condition " and apparently then opposed to the Loyalists, but, writes Lord Clanricarde, " 1 apprehend little danger from him unless he find a contrivement to appear for his Majesty, having gained the reputation of pulling down the side he is on." In and about Dec. 1660, he was a prisoner in the Tower for some months on a charge of treasonable correspondence with the Confed. Rom. Cath. Irish, 1 640-45. (") He m., istly, (°) Apr. 1635, Catherine, Dowager Duchess of Buckingham, da. and h. of Francis (Manners), 6th Earl of Rutland, by his ist wife, Frances, da. of Sir Henry Knyvett. She, who, in 1632, had become suo jure Baroness de Ros, d. at Waterford, late in Oct. 1649. (*) Admon. 20 Nov. 1663, as "late of the Kingdom of Ireland," to her husband. He m., 2ndly, before 20 Mar. 1655/6, Rose, da. of Sir Henry O'Neill, of Edenduffe Carrick, otherwise Shane's Castle, co. Antrim (who brought these estates to her husband's family), by Martha, da. of Sir Francis Stafford, Governor of Ulster. He d. s.p., 3 Feb. 1682, and was bur. at Bonamargy, aged 73, when the Marquessate of Antrim [I.] became extinct. His widow was living 4 Jan. 1689/90. (^) EARLDOM [I.] 3. Alexander (Mac Donnell), Earl of Antrim, ,yj ^„ i^c, [I.], only br. and h., b. 1615. He commanded ^' a regiment of Irish in 1641, was attainted by Cromwell, but restored in 1660. P.C. 1685. Lord Lieut. (^) of co. Antrim. He sat in the Irish Pari, of James II, 7 May 1689. (*) Adhering to James II, for whom he commanded a Regiment of Infantry, he was again attainted, but was again (in 1697) restored. He ;«., istly, Elizabeth, 2nd (*) See p. 174, note "a. " (*") Clarendon describes him as a handsome man, very extravagant " of excessive pride and vanity, and of a marvellously weak and narrow understanding. " Of his first wife, he remarks that " besides her great extraction and fortune, she was of a very great wit and spirit. " V.G. (') He was affianced before 1627 to Lucy, 3rd da. of James (Hamilton), istEarl of Abercorn, but refusing to complete the marriage, was ordered to pay ^^3000 to the lady. (Stirling's Register MS.) C*) She had been deeply engaged with the Rom. Cath. Irish rebels in 1642-43. V.G. (') " Mons. Schomberg's marriage to the widow Lady Antrim is great town talk. " (Letter of Lady Chaworth, 4 Jan. 1689/90.) V.G. (') See p. 174, note " b. " (*) For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see vol. iii, App. D. V.G.